
121 Pins
Braun Ceramic BN0171 wristwatch - Iain Claridge
Braun Ceramic BN0171 wristwatch とても上品な配色。 イエローの秒針がチャーミング。 シンプルなのにチープさがない。
iF Design - Braun Classic Slim Watch
Braun Classic Slim Watch - Entry - iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE
NOTdesignstudio : Hoop watch concept by Simone Savini | Sumally
NOMOS - Tangente 33 watch - Doctors Without Borders - ORRO Jewellery
NOMOS – Tangente 33 Watch – Doctors Without Borders - ORRO Contemporary Jewellery Glasgow
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The Sentry Leather. While it's true that you never know what is going to happen, The Sentry covers most of the bases, providing protection from most everything that could happen within the seconds, hours, days, weeks, and months of the regular calendar. It's your won't-quit, always obedient, ever-watchful, and timely guard against mayhem. Unless otherwise ordered.
A watch that puts the solar system on your wrist - Gaming
Don't think I will ever have enough money for this... but it is beautiful