Review: You Blew It! – Grow Up, Dude

You Blew It! - Grow Up, Dude

“Ah, so you’re into that whole twinkle daddies thing.”


“You know, this style of music that’s overtaking local basements and garages over the nation.”

Uh, come again?

This is a conversation I had with someone on Facebook after gushing about You Blew It!’s Topshelf debut Grow Up, Dude. informs that it’s “Those emo-ish bands with the twinkly guitars and the hoarse vocals. Twinkle daddies.” Okay, I guess that makes sense. While I insist that the name for this genre of music is incredibly stupid, the music coming forth is definitely not. The genre has churned out some great under appreciated acts such as Grown Ups, Snowing, and The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die, but it’s the Orlando, Florida quartet who seem poised to break out in 2012.

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My mom found a picture of my first computer. The original as coded and created here. Yes, that is headgear. Fuck my life.

Interview: Greg Laswell

Greg Laswell

Greg Laswell discusses his latest album Landline, the desire to break away from writing sad songs, marriage with Ingrid Michelson, and not having a career backup plan.

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