Bad Books – “It Never Stops” (Song Premiere)

Bad Books

Kevin Devine and Andy Hull didn’t want Bad Books to be a one time thing, and with Bad Books II, they’re also showing it’s not a one trick pony. Today we’re bringing you the premiere of “It Never Stops,” which can be heard in the replies. The song carries like an angsty Wilco cut found on a Ryan Adams record. Let us know what you think in the replies. Pre-orders for the album can be found here.

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Review: Basement – colourmeinkindness

Basement - colourmeinkindness

There is a long running joke/discussion among my best friends about how close Mineral’s guitar licks and tone don’t stray far from that of Temple of the Dog. It’s a stretch, but it brings up the point that we often try to dice apart whole genres so much, and I often wonder why. Is it because there is a distinct sound to the music at hand? Or is it really to separate something you love from something you hate, but secretly love due to popular opinion? Is everything that’s played on the radio awful? No. Given better timing and marketing, some of underground’s most notable acts could have been bigger than they turned out to be.

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I know this defeats the purpose of street art – but I’ve always loved this piece, and I wanted to see it each day, so whatever. #thereisalwayshope #banksy