Just before the band’s soundcheck in Philadelphia, we were able to get on the phone with Sum 41’s Deryck Whibley and ask him a few questions about the record that officially turns 10 years old today.
Read More “Deryck Whibley of Sum 41”Just before the band’s soundcheck in Philadelphia, we were able to get on the phone with Sum 41’s Deryck Whibley and ask him a few questions about the record that officially turns 10 years old today.
Read More “Deryck Whibley of Sum 41”There are more “out of order” signs at this laundromat than I have ever seem anywhere … combined.
Hahaha. My girlfriend is the absolute best. Two nerds bonding over Dr. Who. @hannahleland
Put a new playlist on Rdio, check it out if you’re looking for something for this chilly weather: http://rd.io/x/QV1m-zNHOWQ
I was 14 when I bought White Pony, the third album from Sacramento metal legends Deftones. Little did I know that this purchase on a June day would eventually change my life. I didn’t realize music could be so intricate, emotional, and devastating all in one swoop. White Pony consumed me and turned my interest in music from casual encounters to a passionate love affair. Honestly, that album is the reason I have this very job.
So why is my story relevant? It’s because I feel the same emotions I did 12 years ago when listening to Koi No Yokan, the seventh full-length from Deftones.
Read More “Deftones – Koi No Yokan”