Review: Green Day – American Idiot

Green Day - American Idiot

I still remember the first time I heard American Idiot in full. It was my 14th birthday, and I’d been waiting for the better part of two months to finally give the album a spin. The record dropped on September 21, but as was the norm when I was young, broke, and trying to cut back on downloading, I often had to wait awhile to buy CDs or ask for them as gifts. Such was the case with Green Day’s first full-length album in four years, which I scrawled on my birthday list between other 2004 albums like Keane’s Hopes and Fears and Sister Hazel’s Lift.

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Another shot from yesterday’s amazing #xoxofest talks. This one is @gruber from — one of the more inspirational talks on writing for the web I’ve seen. I’ve been thinking a lot about what he said and hope to put his words to action in the future.

Great talk from the founder of Bandcamp. Really made me think about the future of music and what a “collection” means. #xoxofest

Weekend at #xoxofest learning things and experiencing stories and being reminded I’m not alone in this blogger/website operator job thing I got going on. People don’t think my job’s weird for once on my life!