As we begin preparing for Rosh Hashana, the time for reaccepting upon ourselves the kingship of Hashem, it is appropriate to speak about two very important and sensitive topics: Tznius and Beards • By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon • Full Article
The Beis Din of Crown Heights issued a public notice outlining their work and progress to address tznius in the Crown Heights Communities schools, over the past months • Full Story
A women named Mushky sent in a poem she prepared that describes her feelings towards the Tznius of women and girls • Read Poem
The mora d’asra of Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, has hired a public relations firm to assist him in spreading his tznius campaign among residents • Full Story
Summer is a time when we all talk about safety. Here’s what you can do to keep safe this summer! Now, in the Three Weeks, and in light of the recent tragedies r”l, project EDEN is one step we can take for the safety of Klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisrael and around the world • Full Story
In the summer weeks it can be difficult to dress in accordance with Halacha, many times it is due to the lack of knowledge in the Halacha. We present you a part of a Sicha from the Rebbe on this topic • Full Article
Baby girl to Meir and Chaya Schechter (nee Rubin)
Baby boy to Dovid and Mushkie Lokshin (nee Spielman)
Baby girl to Rabbi Dovid and Chana Leah Gold (nee Lesches), Plattsburgh, NY