CK3 age Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

age Command


This command adds a specified amount of age to the designated character. If no character is specified, then the age of your character is adjusted. Negative values can be used to decrease the age.




The amount you want to increase the age by. Negative values would decrease the age.

The ID of character whose age you want to increase or decrease. If none is specified, it will affect your character.


Here are examples of how to use age.

age 50

This command increase your character's age by 50.

age -20

This command will reduce your character's age by 20.

age 10 52

This command will increase the age of the character with the ID 52 by 10.

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The age command is used to increase or decrease a character's age by a specified amount.

When you use this command followed by a number, you add that amount of age to the character specified by their character ID. For example, typing age 5 [character ID] would add 5 years to the age of the character with the corresponding character ID.

If no character ID is specified and you simply type age [amount], then the command defaults to the player character, thus adding the specified number of years to your player character's age.

This command can be useful if you want to rapidly age or de-age a character for strategic reasons. For instance, you might want to speed up a young heir's age to meet certain requirements more quickly, or lower the age of a ruler to extend his/her reign.

It's important to note that this function allows you to use negative values as well to decrease age. For example, age -5 [character ID] will decrease the age of the character by 5 years.

Use this command with caution as it may have unintended consequences for the game, such as altering the character's states or triggering age-specific events.

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .