A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all CK3 event IDs
Name | ID |
"I Need to Know!" | pregnancy.5001 |
"Keep It Down!" | dungeon_ongoing.0003 |
"The Blade of [blacksmith_county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] | fp2_struggle.1011 |
"The Enemy of Rome" | historical_commander_trait.0001 |
$east_europe.0111.t.setup$: A Change of Heart | east_europe.0115 |
$east_europe.0111.t.setup$: The Case Falters | east_europe.0123 |
... A Ruler | bp1_yearly.2001 |
... Will Emerge | feast_default.1018 |
...And Sinker | bp1_yearly.5711 |
A #EMP Massive#! Problem | hold_court.6230 |
A Barely Used Trail | murder_outcome.1201 |
A Battle of Ideas | diplomacy_majesty.4030 |
A Battle of Ideas: Influence | diplomacy_majesty.4031 |
A Battle of Ideas: Unpredictable Engagements | diplomacy_majesty.4032 |
A Betrayal | friendship.0014 |
A Betrothal Left to Wither | marriage_interaction.0006 |
A Betrothal Left to Wither | marriage_interaction.0005 |
A Betrothal Left to Wither | marriage_interaction.0004 |
A Better Contract | vassal.2451 |
A Better Guardian | bp1_yearly.4010 |
A Blessed Day | childhood_education.1012 |
A Bloom In The Wilderness | intrigue_temptation.3010 |
A Brewing Troublemaker | child_personality.3004 |
A Brown Naming | bp1_yearly.9046 |
A Bruising [khutulun.Custom('GetBrideGroom')|U] | bp1_yearly.5726 |
A Brutal Zealot | south_asia.0039 |
A Careful Rejection | friendship.0005 |
A Caring Hand | bp1_yearly.9024 |
A Cask of Wine | murder_outcome.1006 |
A Castle Worthy of Iberia | fp2_struggle.2007 |
A Challenger | tribal.1001 |
A Changing Mind | child_personality.1112 |
A Child of the Court | hold_court.8100 |
A Claim on [county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip]! | court_chaplain_task.0313 |
A Claim on [county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip]! | court_chaplain_task.0311 |
A Clash of Culture and Faith | culture_tradition_events.0100 |
A Close Connection | secrets.0503 |
A Closeted Cadaver | court.0112 |
A Comfort | spouse.2001 |
A Constant Nuisance | parent.2004 |
A Contribution to the War Chest | yearly.8300 |
A Convenient Offer | hold_court.6060 |
A County Between Friends | bp1_yearly.3101 |
A County in Need | stewardship_domain.5031 |
A Courtier Between Friends | bp1_yearly.3100 |
A Courtier Scorned | court.5050 |
A Courtly Gift | court.9001 |
A Courtly Gift: Defeated | court.9005 |
A Courtly Gift: Victorious | court.9004 |
A Creeping Suspicion | yearly.1080 |
A Cumbersome Gift | hold_court.6140 |
A Curse Undone | death_management.1006 |
A Cynical Bent | fp1_yearly.0631 |
A Dangerous Game | seduce_outcome.4004 |
A Dark Secret | secret_bastard.2003 |
A Deep Friendship | childhood.1000 |
A Demonstration of Leadership | martial_authority_special.3000 |
A Deviant on the Loose | yearly.8400 |
A Dietary Dilemma | fp2_yearly.8002 |
A Difficult Time | char_interaction.0170 |
A Disappointment | marshal_task.3003 |
A Discovery | secrets.1001 |
A Disgrace to the Gods | fp1_jomsvikings.0041 |
A Disgrace to the Gods: Vindication | fp1_jomsvikings.0044 |
A Divine Purpose | holy_order.2001 |
A Donation in Good Faith | yearly.8200 |
A Face From Long Ago | bp1_yearly.9026 |
A Failed Elopement | elope.1012 |
A Faith Secured? | south_asia.0040 |
A Faithful Friend | bp1_yearly.5708 |
A Familial Reflection | bp1_yearly.4000 |
A Familiar Sensation | trait_specific_ongoing.2020 |
A Family Epic | commission_epic.9001 |
A Family Epic | commission_epic.0001 |
A Fashionable Debate | court_amenities_interactions.0002 |
A Feast Under Your Name | hold_court.3000 |
A Feline Hunter | court.3060 |
A Fine Balance | learn_commander_trait.0002 |
A Fireside Story | culture_tradition_events.2100 |
A Flaw of Character | diplomacy_family.0008 |
A Flaw of Character: Newfound Understandings | diplomacy_family.0010 |
A Flaw of Character: Set in [disagreeable_heir.GetHerHis|U] Ways | diplomacy_family.0011 |
A Flesh Wound | court.4001 |
A Fool's Feast | bp1_yearly.3202 |
A Foul Smell | court.3020 |
A Friend Indeed | bp1_yearly.3001 |
A Friend in Need | bp1_yearly.3002 |
A Friend of Your [acolyte_host.Custom2('RelationToMeShort', dead_owner)|U] | fp2_lyonese_monk.0011 |
A Friend of a Friend | spouse.0008 |
A Friend of a Friend | spouse.0007 |
A Friendly Intervention | bp1_yearly.9022 |
A Game of Riddles | fp1_yearly.0101 |
A Gesture of Appreciation | yearly.1044 |
A Ghostly Pen | court.4803 |
A Gift From Abroad | south_asia.0041 |
A Gift of Labor | seduce_ongoing.1102 |
A Good Listener | spouse.3008 |
A Good Listener | spouse.3005 |
A Good Word | befriend_ongoing.3010 |
A Good Word | spouse.2002 |
A Good [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip|U] | yearly.3040 |
A Grainy Matter | childhood.1017 |
A Grandchild's Lineage | secret_bastard.1001 |
A Gratitude | marshal_task.3102 |
A Great Debate | religious_interaction.2400 |
A Greater Armada | fp2_struggle.2004 |
A Growing Shadow | childhood.1007 |
A Guardian's Influence | child_personality.0061 |
A Guiding Hand | parent.1006 |
A Harsh Judgment | child_personality.1071 |
A Heavy Crown | learning_medicine.2030 |
A Helpful Warning | yearly.3001 |
A Helping Hand | intrigue_scheme_ongoing.5026 |
A Helping Hand from [leader.GetCapitalLocation.GetTitle.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] | fp1_jomsvikings.0001 |
A Hero Returns? | bp1_yearly.6006 |
A Hero of the Frontier | hold_court.7010 |
A Holy Tomb | hold_court.6050 |
A Keen Eye | child_personality.1081 |
A Killing Weapon of Fame | artifact.4010 |
A Kind Word | friendship.2007 |
A Kindling Fire | child_personality.3003 |
A King for Norway | fp1_major_decisions.1011 |
A Knight's Declaration | court.9000 |
A Land at War | hold_court.6100 |
A Land of Barbarians | hold_court.6210 |
A Language Barrier | bp1_yearly.9023 |
A Language in Common | language_events.0002 |
A Lesson in Charity | child_personality.7081 |
A Lesson in Charity | child_personality.7080 |
A Lesson in Lucre | child_personality.7051 |
A Lesson in Lucre | child_personality.7050 |
A Liar's Pay | child_personality.1031 |
A Life in My Hands | child_personality.0010 |
A Life to Remember: [ship_funeral_candidate.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] | fp1_yearly.1063 |
A Life to Remember: [ship_funeral_candidate.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] | fp1_yearly.1062 |
A Little Bird | court.8050 |
A Little Experimentation | intrigue_temptation.3110 |
A Little Language | court.9500 |
A Long Shot | bp1_yearly.5723 |
A Loss of Interest | child_personality.1062 |
A Lost Treasure | hold_court.6040 |
A Lover's Comfort | lover.1003 |
A Lover's Visitation | bp1_yearly.9040 |
A Loving Lock | bp1_yearly.9047 |
A Maltreated [ROOT.Char.Custom2('RelationToMeShort', SCOPE.sC('house_feud_victim'))|U] | bp1_house_feud.0011 |
A Mangled Corpse | murder_outcome.2201 |
A Master Dueler's Weapon | artifact.4080 |
A Matter of Life and Death | fp1_yearly.0021 |
A Matter of Taste | intrigue_temptation_special.1002 |
A Meal to Die For | murder_outcome.1003 |
A Meeting of Minds | seduce_ongoing.6021 |
A Memory | peasant_affair.3003 |
A Mercy | murder_outcome.1401 |
A Mess of a Feast | child_personality.0012 |
A Mighty Elephant | yearly.9020 |
A Mirror in the Mud | bp1_yearly.9007 |
A Missing Village | stewardship_domain_special.1401 |
A Missing Village: Continued Abandonment | stewardship_domain_special.1445 |
A Missing Village: Extensive Tax Dodging | stewardship_domain_special.1444 |
A Missing Village: Improved Taxation | stewardship_domain_special.1443 |
A Missing Village: Seared Into Memory | stewardship_domain_special.1451 |
A Moment Alone | seduce_ongoing.5301 |
A Most Miraculous Fish | learning_medicine_special.2100 |
A Murky Lineage | secret_bastard.0001 |
A Mystic's Bargain | culture_tradition_events.0141 |
A Mystic's Mind | culture_tradition_events.0101 |
A Mystic's Service | culture_tradition_events.0121 |
A Mystic's Speech | culture_tradition_events.0111 |
A Mystic's Wrath | culture_tradition_events.0131 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.9003 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.3002 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.3001 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.2005 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.2004 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.2002 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.2001 |
A Never-ending Feast | party_baron.1001 |
A New Caliphate | middle_east_decisions.0003 |
A New Claimant | chancellor_task.1001 |
A New Eagle Rises | middle_east_decisions.1001 |
A New Era | south_asia.0001 |
A New Era | major_decisions.0001 |
A New Fashion at Court | court_amenities_interactions.0010 |
A New Flame | intrigue_temptation.3020 |
A New Kingdom | great_holy_war.0070 |
A New Relation | parent.1009 |
A New Rome | middle_east_decisions.0014 |
A New Translation | learning_scholarship_special.2001 |
A New [actor.GetFaith.GHWName] | great_holy_war.0081 |
A Night to Forget | relation_upgrade.1001 |
A Night to Forget: Anywhere But Here | relation_upgrade.1002 |
A Night to Forget: Interminable Screeching | relation_upgrade.1004 |
A Night to Forget: Walking in the Moonlight | relation_upgrade.1003 |
A Noble Responsibility | hold_court.3050 |
A Nose for Profit | stewardship_general.2001 |
A Novel Challenge | fp1_yearly.0661 |
A Nuisance | sibling.2001 |
A Pious Promise Broken | vassal.5020 |
A Place at Court | hold_court.8090 |
A Plea for Peace | vassal.2501 |