A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all CK3 focus IDs
Each lifestyle contains 3 focuses, each one granting various bonuses to the character. All focuses grant +25 monthly experience towards the character's lifestyle, which can further be improved by the character's education and other factors.
A character's focus can be changed once every 5 years. A chosen lifestyle can also rarely offer a character a selection of 3 nicknames if it doesn't have one already.
Name | ID |
Diplomacy Family Focus | diplomacy_family_focus |
Diplomacy Foreign Affairs Focus | diplomacy_foreign_affairs_focus |
Diplomacy Majesty Focus | diplomacy_majesty_focus |
Education Diplomacy | education_diplomacy |
Education Intrigue | education_intrigue |
Education Martial | education_martial |
Education Stewardship | education_stewardship |
Intrigue Intimidation Focus | intrigue_intimidation_focus |
Intrigue Skulduggery Focus | intrigue_skulduggery_focus |
Intrigue Temptation Focus | intrigue_temptation_focus |
Learning Medicine Focus | learning_medicine_focus |
Learning Scholarship Focus | learning_scholarship_focus |
Learning Theology Focus | learning_theology_focus |
Martial Authority Focus | martial_authority_focus |
Martial Chivalry Focus | martial_chivalry_focus |
Martial Strategy Focus | martial_strategy_focus |
Stewardship Domain Focus | stewardship_domain_focus |
Stewardship Duty Focus | stewardship_duty_focus |
Stewardship Wealth Focus | stewardship_wealth_focus |