Category:Elephanta Island

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English: Elephanta Island (also called Gharapuri Island or place of caves) is one of a number of islands in Mumbai Harbour, east of Mumbai, India. This island is a popular tourist destination for a day trip because of the island's cave temples, the Elephanta Caves, that have been carved out of rock.
<nowiki>isola di Elephanta; île d'Éléphanta; എലിഫെന്റ ദ്വീപ്; Elephanta; Elefanta; Isla Elefanta; Гхарапури; Elephanta; घारापुरी द्वीप; Elephanta; Ilha de Elefanta; Востраў Элефанта; 엘레판타섬; 象岛; Ynys Elephanta; ایلیفینٹا جزیرہ; ایلیفینٹا جزیرہ; Elefanta; Elephanta Island; Elephanta; Elephanta; האי אלפנטה; Elephanta; Elephanta-øya; एलिफेंटा की गुफ़ाएँ; Гхарапури; Garapuri; Elephanta Island; جزيرة الفيلة; Elephanta Adası; எலிபெண்டா தீவு; île de la baie de Bombay; острів; eiland bij Mumbai, India; island in India; Insel im Bundesstaat Maharashtra in Indien; ilha ao largo de Bombaim, Índia; island of the Mumbai Harbour, India, containing historic caves; جزيرة ميناء مومباي ، التي تحتوي على الكهوف التاريخية; island in India; Isla; Elephanta; Elephanta; Gharapuri; Pory; Gharapuri Island; Pory Island; جزيرة غابوري; جزيرة بوري; എലിഫന്റ ദ്വീപ്</nowiki>
Insel im Bundesstaat Maharashtra in Indien
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
  • 1,4 km
  • 2,2 km
  • 1.200
  • 5 km²
Karte18° 57′ 45″ N, 72° 56′ 02″ O
Wikidata Q175304
VIAF-Kennung: 315526813
GND-Kennung: 4235503-5
LCAuth-Kennung: sh85042528
BnF-Kennung: 12265223f
J9U-Kennung der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek: 987007540851305171
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