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English: The Saeta is a revered Spanish religious song, whose form and style have evolved over many centuries. They evoke strong emotion and are sung most often during public processions.
Polski: Saeta - bardzo stary typ hiszpańskiej spontanicznej i żarliwej pieśni religijnej mającej dużo elementów pochodzących ze stylu flamenco wykonywanej podczas publicznych procesji w czasie katolickich świąt Wielkiego Tygodnia w Hiszpanii.
<nowiki>saeta; saeta; Saeta; Saeta; saeta; саэта; Saeta; saeta; saeta; saeta; saeta; Saeta; genre of anonymous spiritual song in vernacular, imitating the psalmody of the church (canonical) liturgy, which emerged in Catholic Spain in the 17th century; Cante jondo subgenre, which emerged at the end of the 19th century; genre of anonymous spiritual song in vernacular, imitating the psalmody of the church (canonical) liturgy, which emerged in Catholic Spain in the 17th century; Cante jondo subgenre, which emerged at the end of the 19th century; música tradicional religiosa andaluza; saeta antigua de cabra; saeta de cabra; flamenco saeta; saeta antiguas; saeta flamenco</nowiki>
genre of anonymous spiritual song in vernacular, imitating the psalmody of the church (canonical) liturgy, which emerged in Catholic Spain in the 17th century; Cante jondo subgenre, which emerged at the end of the 19th century
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Wikidata Q958982
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: sh97007400
identificativo BNF: 155012177
identificativo BNE: XX5650619
identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007546961205171
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File nella categoria "Saeta"

Questa categoria contiene 39 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 39.