Smart fill Should ignore "out of group" objects when in focus mode so we can easily fill inside of this group. the example in the picture has one blue frame with a small gold line on the middle to close this frame. so we can fill inside. but the c...
Step and repeat panel pick distance functionality. we have this on transform scale panel as "scale distance". can we add similar feature to here also. I mean this panel feels to old to use need upgrade
In programs such as photoshop and illustrator, I would like to have antialiasing features such as sharp crisp in corel draw, the antialiasing system of the corel draw program is quite bad, especially in texts.
I am often masking off product images to white out the background. The best results I have is unfortunately manually painting a mask around the areas of photos. I frequently use guide lines to draw straight lines and the constrain to keep things h...
I am writing to suggest the addition of a Symbol Sprayer tool to CorelDRAW, akin to the one currently available in Adobe Illustrator. This feature is a game-changer for many designers, allowing for the efficient and creative placement of symbols o...
Ability to add PDF or vector files into Print Merge
I would like to be able to add PDF or vector files into print merge. Currently, besides data (text) strings, only bitmap images and QR codes are supported.
CorelDRAW Technical Suite: [XVL Studio 3D CAD] Additional CAD file import support: Sketchup, FBX, Revit and Rhinoceros
I'm aware that Lattice Technology is responsible for XVL Studio 3D CAD Corel Edition. Through Corel/Alludo I would like to request future support for the following CAD file formats: Sketchup (.skp), FBX (.fbx), Revit (.rvt) and Rhinoceros (.3dm). ...
It would be very welcome to also have the dark theme in the intermediate versions of Coreldraw like Essentials. It is no small thing for those with vision problems. A level of level like Corel cannot fail to have the dark theme on graphics softwar...
Would it not be useful for Corel Designer to have some sort of table of contents system that is linked to chapters and can be updated automatically? This way, you can create a table of contents page in your document without typing it by hand.