What might be like what in this less than ideal game pdf hackery, here is an example:

These 2 examples, not too bad.
Remarkable, Incredible and Amazing nerdiness
What might be like what in this less than ideal game pdf hackery, here is an example:
These 2 examples, not too bad.
I made a gloVe embedding model based on my game book collection – 7000 odd, of which 6000 or so managed to make it through a first pass pdf extraction pipeline
This framework is quite good https://github.com/NRCan/geoscience_language_models/tree/main/project_tools
https://github.com/NRCan/geoscience_language_models/tree/main/project_tools and parallelises, which is important for big books
The C version of gloVe is superior:
With some work you can get a python version going, but I wouldn’t recommend for large numbers.
e.g. https://pypi.org/project/glove-py
and associated hacks..
The Notebook associated with this is here: https://github.com/bluetyson/RPG-gloVe-Model
These days microsoft probably won’t let you see something that big online, so will make a series of post excerpts.
Here’s a google doc with a list
On creating these sort of inspiration-for-genre heroes in D&D games.
In this case, the pair from 2000AD.
Campaign wiki style.
The old random generators – instructions on how to get this running again.
This is a classic move in this game recap
Cryptid megaladons make good game monsters. Bonus points for black and attacking at night.
This would be good to turn a fantasy adventure version of into a megaladon.
Or will soon, anyway, if tools to do so have been found. I have been reading the 50 Years of Text Games Kickstarter book.