Made by me

A few of my creations. Find details about how they were all made on my blog,
89 Pins
Vogue 9239 dress
Nightingale & Dolittle: Vogue 9239 dress
A double dose of New Look 6723
A slightly altered version of the New Look 6723 sewing pattern
Cocktail (Shirt) Dress - #sewtogetherforsummer
Nightingale & Dolittle: Sew Over It Vintage Shirt Dress - #sewtogetherforsummer
Pauline Alice Seda Dress
Nightingale & Dolittle: Pauline Alice Seda Dress
Anyone for tea? New Look 6723
Nightingale & Dolittle: New Look 6723 & Liberty Suzy Elizabeth tana lawn
Dusting off the cobwebs with a whole new outfit
Nightingale & Dolittle: James C Brett JB108 cardigan & Emery dress
Crochet: Amazing Technicolour Dream Shawl
Nightingale & Dolittle: Crochet: Amazing Technicolour Dream Shawl
New Look 6723
Nightingale & Dolittle: New Look 6723