Lisa @ The Silver Farmhouse

89 Pins
48K views · 9.8K comments | Dollar Tree Fall Makeovers | Doing a few makeovers on some Dollar Tree items they carry for Fall/Halloween 2021 | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
40K views · 3.9K comments | Rusty Jack O’ Lanterns | Grab those plastic kids trick or treat Jack o’lanterns you can create some awesome rusty pumpkins out of them | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
The Silver Farmhouse - Rusty Jack O’ Lanterns
36K views · 5K comments | Halloween Coffin | You will love how adorable this coffin comes out and I also give you measurements so maybe you can cut your own out of cardboard or foam board | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
26K views · 1.9K comments | Enamelware Tray With Riser | You can create a really cute inexpensive Enamelware tray with riser. Stick with me until the end and I will show you how I am going to decorate mine 🐄🥚 | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
224K views · 1.5K comments | Metal Strainer Wreath | A cute wreath you can make using a Dollar Tree metal strainer and some greenery. | By The Silver Farmhouse | Hey everybody. it's Lisa from the silver farmhouse. I'm coming to you with a quick prerecorded video on something really cute that you guys can create and make guys look how cute it is a strainer hanger wreath did that not come out Super cute. You can hang this on your wall. Um I had mine hanging on my iron grid that was hanging on my wall. if I'll post a picture um that so that you guys can see or you can check out my blog cuz there will be a blog for this but guys these are so cute and you can hang them on your wall. Very quick. very simple. Let me show you what you need to use so Dollar tree has. The mesh strainers the bigger strainer I use not the small one. there's two different sizes so what you're gonna wanna do is you get your strainer and this insert the handle uh will pop out of it Just pops right out of the strainer pops right out from the dollar tree. They pop right out so you pop it out. You're gonna take your spray paint and you're gonna spray paint both sides guys. I use the rustle satin espresso what I like to use for my brown um covered very well and I didn't need a sealer on it. It seems to have held very well on metal on plastic. They may give you a little bit issue but on metal the paint. It seems to stick very well and this will cover in one coat so spray one side. let it dry flip it over spray the other side, let it dry and then once it's dry, you will have your painted strainer. So then what you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna need some greens of some sort. whatever kind of greens you wanna use um I got mine from hobby Lobby Walmart uh everywhere. This one was from Walmart. This green that I use this was a Walmart green this one. I don't remember where I got this one's got like a little bit of sparkle on it like a little Christmas green, but I'm not I'm gonna leave it up all year. even though it's got a little glitter on it. I'm still gonna leave it up on my wreath all year and this one I got from hobby lobby, which are a little bit more pricey. but when you get them half off, they end up being 350 a bunch. but walmarts are only 99¢ guys. I think are 97¢, but they didn't have anymore my Walmart so I chose to use the hobby lobby one now um to show you guys how to create this so you can get your greens at Walmart Hobby Lobby anybody who just sells like a basic um what? A little bushel of greens is what you're gonna need and then you're going to want to uh of course, you know what hang on guys. I need glue sticks. I never have what I need up here never have what I need. let me grab some glue sticks cuz we're gonna need some glue sticks for this ??? and I'm almost out here. so you're gonna wanna cut off of your greens like the little stem part. I'm cutting. I'm only leaving like that much of the stem on there and then the rest will be all greens and then what you're gonna do. Is you're just gonna add some hot glue to the rim of your strainer and you're gonna hold it on there until it catches so you're gonna wanna hold it on until it catches and we're gonna do the entire strainer together. so you can see how I'm overlapping them so just hold it on until it catches and I'm gonna cut another one now. I'm gonna add some more glue on top of that little stem that we have and some more on my strainer and I'm gonna take another green and. Gonna overlap it now just gonna overlap it a little bit and pinch it down and we're forming our wreath around our strainer. It does take a few minutes to glue your greens on guys. This is super simple super quick. I'm adding glue on top of my other green now and a little bit more on my strainer and I'm gonna add another bunch of greens. I'm gonna hold them on with my finger. These greens are a little thicker. you will get glue on your fingers. just be careful not to burn your fingers, but as you could see, we're creating the wreath around our stray. Taking another sip, I'm just holding this as I'm snipping so it catches. I'm gonna add some more glue on top of the last one and then I'm gonna lay this one on top of that one and you're just going right around your strainer to form your wreath. And I'm gonna tell you I like hobby lobby's greens. um they're a little bit smaller leaves and the leaves are all the same colors. Walmart's leaves tend to have a little bit of a dark green and a light green in them and they're a little bit bigger of a green floral or green leaf on them. so I do like hobby lobby's greens better, but then again guys you're paying 350 for a green rather than 97¢ cuz if you could see the difference, this is walmart's Leaf. This is hobby lobby's. But the Walmart leaf is really cute, too. I use Walmart greens a lot, but they only had three bunches. uh the last time I went. I think because of Christmas being around the corner and coveted and all of that and the other thing about hobby lobby's leaves are that you can always pull them up and make a tighter bunch. If you wanted to do that where Walmart you have to kinda keep snipping and you're ending up with a couple little a couple little. I think I might have. I don't even know if I have it over here you end up with like one or two little single leaves or hobby lobbies. You can kinda clump them together and make one but if you could see we're forming our, we're forming our green beautiful wreath and on my wreaths I like to use home. it is a country looking fabric guys very country looking and I'll show you that in one second too. um let me just get this one on there you. Get a little glue on your fingers so finger protectors would work great. I can't use finger protectors home fun is I get this at hobby Lobby. It's the only place I know that sells. it's you can get them in various colors. They come in Navy. They come in red. check. They come in black. check. It's a very country looking fabric and that's what I'm gonna use to make the bow on our strainer here in the camera in the camera. I always do that I tend to veer off. They can't really have a certain amount of work space um. But I get my home at Hobby Lobby and it's 599 a yard is what I think it is and I'm sure you can use your 40% off coupon cuz they do have coupons online that you can use on it uh but I didn't cuz I use it on something else my forty off coupons, so I did not use it on my home, but I believe you can use it on your home. so here is our wreath. So far. We only have like two more pieces to go guys and we will have our wreath Forbes, you will need two bunches of the hobby lobby. Green and I think three bunches of the Walmart green. If you're gonna do this and it's walmart's greens are in their floral section. And we're gonna glue this. we're stuck. We're stuck. they're all they're all stuck together guys. They're all stuck together. so I'm just making sure that it's catching with the glue so that it stays on there guys. they're so pretty and we're gonna put some Spanish moss inside with a little candle and they come out really cute. So we're hot. I'm at my last spot to add a green. If you could see I'm gonna add a little bit more glue here. Don't worry if you get on you. Strainer You don't really see it so don't worry about that, but I'm taking my last bunch of greens here and I'm gonna kinda tuck them under the first bunch and then I'm tucking them under the first bunch and then they're laying over the second punch. Now you do want a green. that's a little bit longer and hanging to be able to get the hanging look, but you need to cut the bunches you need to cut them into little spriggs. You just can't put the whole bunch on there. you need to cut them into the stems that they come in to create your. You guys will you look how pretty look how pretty this comes out pretty super simple quick. So then I'm taking a little bit of Spanish moss. You can get your Spanish moss at the dollar Tree Hobby Lobby Michaels Whoever has Spanish moss and you just want a little a little honk cuz this one's got a leave in it, but you just want a little hunk of Spanish moss and it reminds me of like a little bird's nest in there and what I'm gonna do is in the inside bottom right here. I'm gonna add some hot glue, not a huge amount just a little bit. I'm adding it to the rim. I'm adding it to the inside of the bottom and then just place your Spanish moss in there like so you're just gonna put it in the back in the back part, not on the front and I'm kinda just pressing it down and now you have. that's your front where the bow the bow side is we start the Spanish moss in the back and then what I did is. I kinda just pulled apart the middle a little bit to make like a little bird's nest whole kind of and I took. Just a battery operated tea light candle, and this one probably doesn't wanna work. Oh no it's gonna pull it out. No. it's still oh there it is okay. I just took a battery operated candle tea light candle. You can get this anywhere guys. uh the dollar tree sells tea lights. The battery operated Walmart sells battery-operated. Everybody sells battery-operated tea lights and once you dig your little hole out there just place your candle in and guys will you look and for the bow? I'm gonna take my candle back out because it won't fall out. I'm taking a piece. Home spot that I have use any kind of ribbon fabric you get creative and come up with whatever you got. you wanna make you don't even have to put a bow on it. This is probably about two and a half inch thick piece of fabric that I have and it's just gonna be long enough for me to wrap it around my handle. I'm gonna pull my greens down a little bit here tie in that and I'm just gonna tie a bow. just like you're tying shoe lace bow guys. This is what I did. I tie a bow like I was tying a shoelace and I made a. Quick bow you are gonna have to fluff it for a minute when you make a bow. You need to fluff it. And the way I fluff mine is I pull one side of the bow and then I just keep pulling it to make sure it's tight like I'll pull it again and then I'll pull my tails to make my loops as big as I wanna make them on here and you can cut your tails as short or as long as you wanna cut them. That's gonna be totally up to you. How long or how short you wanna cut them. I'm gonna cut this one a little bit cuz. One is a little bit longer than the other, but you see I just tie just a regular basic bow guys regular basic bow and then I'm gonna cut this tail to the length of the other tail and voila look you have your bow. You have your bow and with your candle set your candle in there and you have your little mesh wreath well hanger guys. you know me. I always like to add a hang tag and I'm gonna show you a different color. I did after I make my hang tag. a lot of people ask me where I get my hang tags. How I make my hang tags guys I ordered shipping. They're called shipping tags. shipping tags off at Amazon. If you go on Amazon and in their search type in shipping tags, you will get I think it's a four and three quarter inch and I forget what the other sizes tag just a basic middle of shipping tag. I coffee stain them and then on this one, we're gonna write home sweet home. I take my big tags guys and I cut them into little tags. I don't want 50000000 different size tags. so I just get one tag and cut them and then I'm gonna write home sweet home on it home. Sweet home You could write whatever you would like to write on this personalize them yourself or you can get a stamper and use a stamper on your hand. tags. If you prefer a stamper and you don't like the way you hand right totally up to you. I got all my letters to kinda give them a little bit neater look after I'm done writing them. I'll hold my tag up in one second here and then we'll tie our tag on. so that's just my home sweet home. I just wrote on it and I got sorry. The glue is all over the place um and I got all my letters. And I'm just gonna take it and I'm gonna tie it around my strainer here my strainer handle and guys we have a really cute guys. This is an amazing gift for someone an amazing item. you can hang anywhere. you can put it in your kitchen your dining room. It's just because it's a strainer doesn't mean you can't hang it throughout your home and like I said. If you wanna look on my blog you go to www.the silver up. If you're on a mobile device in the left hand corner, there'll be three lines. Click on those three lines and select blog You will see my. Hello cuz it was tipped over um hang on and I have a string. I have a string. you will see my blog and I'll have pictures on my blog but guys when you look, I got everything on guys. I'm a hot mess here. let me get all this on the way. I'm gonna push it to the side, but you will have a very cute wreath strainer and let me show you. I did a cream version also guys because not everybody likes the same color. So this one is cream with the black and cream Check home sponge, but guys will you. How pretty they came out so guys I thank you all for watching this video. If you know anybody who would like to make it feel free to give it a give it a sprinkle guys. thanks for watching.
31K views · 2.3K comments | Primitive Metal Pouches | Here is a cute way to display some scented potpourri and oh the look of primitive farmhouse just makes it all that much cuter. | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
62K views · 6K comments | Primitive DG Witch Hat | You can create an amazing primitive witch hat using a kids witch hat from the Dollar General | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
Witch Hats | Amazing little Witch Hats you can make that will look great in a tree, dough bowl or even make a great garland | By The Silver Farmhouse | Hey, everybody. It's Lisa from the Silver Farmhouse. I'm coming to you with another prerecorded video. Guys, we are going to make an amazing cute little witch hat. We're gonna make a cute little witch hat and what you're gonna need is the Dollar Tree foam discs. It's you get two pieces in a pack. They are 4.8 inch by .75 inch and they're from the Dollar Tree and you get two in a pack. So, to create two witch hats, you're gonna need two um of the floral foam cones from the Dollar Tree. They're 6.9 inch by 2.9 inch. So, they're just the floral foam cone shaped thing and you're gonna want to if you're gonna get two discs in one pack. So, you can only make one if you only wanna make one. And we're gonna make this amazing cute witch hat but stick with me til the end because I'm gonna show you how I use them in something and they look really cute. You're also gonna need a pair of the knee-high socks in black. These are the knee-high socks from the Dollar Tree and I bought the color black. You probably need some jute, twine, a little bit of home span, whatever you wanna decorate them with but I'm gonna show you real quick how to make these. So, the best thing to use is low temp on your glue gun when working with foam. So, I have my glue gun set on low temp right now. I'm gonna take one of the foam disc and I'm gonna take my cone and these are all in the craft section. In the Dollar Tree, don't worry that I just ripped off a piece of foam. It doesn't matter. You're never gonna see it. So, you're gonna add some glue. I'm using low-temp glue on the bottom of my cone and then, I'm going to place it into the center of my foam. Now, this is going to take a few minutes guys to adhere. A few minutes to adhere. So, don't start with it right away. Give it a few minutes to adhere. Once it's adhered, it will be nice and sturdy. You're going to take one knee-high sock. So, I said, you'll need two cones cuz you get two socks. You get two discs um but you only get one cone for a dollar. So, if you buy two cones, you'll be able to make two hats and I got one of the plastic things in here. There we go. You're gonna wanna bunch your sock up. Bunch it all the way up to the end kinda like when you're putting your sock on and then, going to wanna slide this over your disc. Now, this is gonna get a little tricky. It's a little tight but guys, it works amazing. You just have to work with it and slide it over your disc. This is why I say bunch. You need to bunch your sock cuz if you don't, you will never get this over your disc. I need to find the end of my sock first though. You need the end. Make sure you have the end. Where is my end? No. I lost my end, guys. There it is. I found my end. What you're looking to do is to get the toe of the sock, the toe part underneath your hat in the center. So, you just pull and work with it. Once you get this on the disc, it's a piece of cake after this, guys. A piece of cake once you get it on the disc. So, you see, I just slit it up. Now, this is my toe part. I'm gonna work this into the center of my hat. You're gonna work it over into the center and you're just gonna keep pulling in and pulling and pulling. Until you get this in the center of your hat on the bottom because then that leaves your sock in the center of your hat. This part of your sock will be in the center of your hat. So, you just keep working with it and pulling it. And you're gonna get it as flat as you could possibly get it. You don't want a huge bump on the bottom. Don't want a huge bump. I'm gonna pull this over a little bit. It needs to be pulled over. We're gonna get my sock in the center. Voila. My sock piece is in the center of my hat here. Then, guys, all you do is you take your sock and you pull it up your hat. You don't wanna pull it all the way up cuz if we're gonna bunch, gotta find the end and then you bunch your sock down your hat. Bunch your sock down your hat. Like so. Do you see? Look, look how cute. Guys, look how cute and how simple. How cute and simple and then, you're gonna want your sock. We're gonna add glue right to the edge, inside rim of the sock. Don't go too close to the top because the glue will show on your black sock. So, go in a little bit but add glue all around the inside rim here. You see what I did? And then guys, I'm just going to take it and I'm gonna pinch the sock together. Don't glue it to the foam. Just pinch, pinch the top of the sock together and don't go right to the edge cuz your glue will sip out a little bit and you will see it on your hat cuz black sock and white glue uh they don't work too well together. And then you just bunch your sock, guys. However, you'd wanna bunch it up your hat. You could leave it hangover a little bit if you want on your little witch hat. You could pull it straight down on your witch hat. I like them straight down on my witch hat but do you see we just, guys, we created a witch hat. Look how cute and how adorable that little witch hat came out and then you could decorate them however you want, guys. I'm gonna use red and cream check homespun. My favorite fabric, I get it at Hobby Lobby. And guys, I'm gonna tie a piece of this around as the band on my hat and this one is very long piece. I'm gonna end up cutting it but it's just a strip that I had I'm gonna tie it around to the front and then I'm probably just gonna cut it off. I'm just gonna tie it and cut it. Guys, look how cute. We're making a farmhouse witch hat. It's a farmhouse witch hat and stick with me til the end because I have two different other versions I wanna show you and how I decorate it. How I decorate them. What I did with them to give you guys an idea of what you can do with these. Now, they will make great ornaments in a tree. A nice, big statement piece ornament. These would make, you can even just tuck them in the tree unless you wanna put a hanger on them. You can always stick a jute hanger in there before you glue it. Put a little piece of a jute hanger and then glue it closed and then, I am going to take a cute little hang tag that I wrote which spells on and I'm gonna tag it on top. Guys, look how cute. Look how cute. Farmhouse witch hack. How cute and how simple are these to make? I'm gonna tie my little hang tag around it here. I'm not gonna tie it very tight. I'm gonna leave it somewhat loose but will you look? Which spells? How cute did this come out? It says witch spells and guys, they're so simple to make. Let me show you what you could do with these besides just in a tree or just sitting on a shelf. Will you look? I put them in an amazing cute little dough bowl standing up with a candle. Now, this one has the black and tan check homes bun. This one has some jute, thin jute wrapped around it and then guys, these are just the little filler pumpkins from the Dollar Tree. The little filler pumpkins from the Dollar Tree and I think I have about three bags in here, three or four bags of them in there but will you look how cute you could display these hats. You could sit sit them on a shelf. You can shove them in a tree. Um you can make a garland out of them for your fireplace mantle. You could put a garland if you just attach them all to some jute. If you're gonna do the garland, I would glue this part down onto the foam of your cone because it's going to pull up on you because you know, we didn't glue it. We just kinda pulled it down and tucked it but guys, there are so many ideas that you could do with these cute, adorable, little witch hats. Guys, I hope you enjoyed this really quick, short video on how you can make amazing witch hats. Guys, thank you so much for following the Silver Farmhouse and if you know anybody who might like to make this craft, feel free to spread the love of the Silver Farmhouse. Thanks for watching guys.
22K views · 1.7K comments | Primitive Rooster | Grab your large wood rooster cutouts from Micheal’s and come see how you can create a Primitive Rooster. | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
42K views · 4.7K comments | Rusty Star Tree Topper | A really cute rusty star punched tin tree topper that will look amazing on your trees all year round | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
28K views · 2.8K comments | Egg and Bunny Shadowboxes | I got some really cute egg and bunny shadowboxes in Michael’s. Let me show you all how to turn them in to beautiful Easter Farmhouse Decor for your home.... | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
Egg and Bunny Shadowboxes | I got some really cute egg and bunny shadowboxes in Michael’s. Let me show you all how to turn them in to beautiful Easter Farmhouse Decor for your home.... | By The Silver Farmhouse
35K views · 3.7K comments | Primitive Chimney | I try to be creative when I create a craft and this one is really unique! I am using a 8x8 cardboard box and the outcome is just so darn cute! Come on... | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook
The Silver Farmhouse is live now. | By The Silver Farmhouse | Facebook