Dream Roles

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BroadwayWorld Exclusive: Stage Santa 2018! The Perfect Holiday Gifts for Your Favorite Broadway Characters
What's Her Damage? Barrett Wilbert Weed Abruptly Departs Heathers Off-Broadway
What's Her Damage? Barrett Wilbert Weed Abruptly Departs Heathers Off-Broadway
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“#HappyBirthdayAnnabethChase Ammazingly portayed by the one and only @K_Stoked Thanks ❤❤”
Katherine Plumber, the ambitious, sassy, and independent reporter in Newsies, is just as bold and self-assured when she dresses. Even while using feminine colors, Katharine, played by Kara Lindsay, can still roll…
Here's What The "Anastasia" Characters Look Like In Real Life
Here's How The Broadway 'Anastasia' Characters Compare To The Movie
Sutton Foster's Transformation into Shrek's Princess Fiona
Photo 29 of 29 | …and it’s time to head to the stage to meet Shrek.Thanks for the backstage pass, Sutton! | Sutton Foster's Transformation into Shrek's Princess Fiona | Broadway.com
Review: A Night of Love & Whimsy at @AmelieBroadway #AmelieBroadway #NYC #theaterviews