Welcome to the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Conduct Referral Form. Please provide our office with as much detail about the incident as possible. If this matter involves Non-Academic Conduct, please use the following link to access the correct reporting form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GeorgiaTech&layout_id=14
If you have any questions about this form, please contact the Office of Student Integrity at osi@mail.gatech.edu or (404) 894-2566. For your convenience, a copy of the Student Code of Conduct is available on the Office of Student Integrity Web site: http://osi.gatech.edu.
If this report relates to an incident documented by the Department of Housing, please contact them at (404) 385-3322. Additionally, if this involves a matter regarding Sexual Misconduct, including Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking, Dating or Domestic Violence, please contact the Interim Title IX Coordinator, Alexis Martinez, at alexis.martinez@gatech.edu or (404) 385-5151.
If you are experiencing an emergency or have any immediate safety concerns, please contact the Georgia Tech Police Department at (404) 894-2500.