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Federal Surplus Property

About the GSA Federal Surplus Property Program

The GSA Federal Surplus Property Program is administered by the Illinois State Agency for Surplus Property, a division of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS), and governed by regulations of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act authorizes the donation of federal surplus property. If you have questions regarding the GSA Federal Surplus Property Program, need interpretation and translation services, or require assistance for people with disabilities, please call 217-785-6903.

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Types of Items Available

A wide variety of items are available through the Federal Surplus Property Program at no cost to eligible organizations, aside from their cost for property to be picked up or shipped. Federal Surplus property available is listed on the GSAXcess website. Access to GSAXcess is given once the application approved.

  • Automobiles
  • Agricultural Equipment
  • Marine Equipment
  • Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies
  • Lighting
  • Materials Handling Equipment
  • Communication Equipment
  • Computer Equipment
  • Office Equipment and Supplies
  • Construction Equipment
  • Photographic Equipment
  • Recreational Equipment
  • Food Preparation and Serving Equipment
  • Recycling Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
  • Tools
  • Industrial Machinery
  • Travel Trailers
  • Trucks, Trailers and Tractors
  • MORE!

Eligible Organizations

Please review the information below to determine if your organization is eligible to obtain Federal Surplus property.

Non-Profit and Public Programs for the Elderly (Senior Centers, Adult Centers)

State or local government agencies and non-profit organizations or institutions which receive funds appropriated for programs for older individuals under the Older Americans Act of 1965, under Title IV or Title XX of the Social Security Act or under the Economic Opportunity Act may be eligible to receive donations of surplus property for programs for the elderly. Types of organizations include: adult day care, senior transport services, nutrition services, legal services, and multi-purpose senior centers. Please download this application to begin.

Public Agencies (Police, Fire, Public Works, Schools, etc., of any County, City, Village)

Eligibility may be granted to any tax supported government or public agency established by or pursuant to state law. Public agencies generally include: departments and divisions of state government and other instrumentalities; political subdivisions of states, including cities, counties, and other local government units and economic development districts. Download an application to begin.

Rural Volunteer Fire and Protection Districts should download this application to begin.

Illinois Public School Districts should download this application to begin.

Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt Health or Educational Organizations (Libraries, Schools, Museums, etc.)

Surplus personal property may be donated to nonprofit educational and public health activities exempt from taxation under section 501 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. The property must be used to aid education or public health, either directly or through research. Types of organizations eligible include, but are not limited to, medical institutions, hospitals, health centers, clinics, drug abuse treatment centers, schools, colleges and universities, schools for the mentally and physically challenged, child care centers, educational radio and television stations, museums, and libraries. 

Non-Profit organizations should download this application to begin.

Non-Profit Private Schools should download this application to begin.

Illinois Museums may also be eligible for Federal Surplus Property and should download this application to begin.

Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses

Veteran-Owned Small Businesses that have first been certified through the Vets First Verification Program may receive Federal surplus property and equipment. The Vets First Verification Program affords verified firms owned and controlled by Veterans and Service-disabled Veterans the opportunity to receive federal surplus property from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). During Verification, the Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) verifies SDVOSBs/VOSBs according to the tenets found in Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 74 and 13 CFR Part 125 that address Veteran eligibility, ownership, and control. In order to qualify for participation in the GSA program, eligible SDVOSBs/VOSBs must first be verified. For instructions on how to get verified, please call the VA at (866) 584-2344. Once you are verified, please download this application.

Programs for the Homeless (Homeless Shelters, Foodbanks, etc.)

Non-profit tax exempt organizations which provide food, shelter, or support services to homeless people may also be eligible to receive surplus properly through donation. Such organizations may include soup kitchens, food banks, homeless shelters, and half-way houses. Please download this application to begin.

Veteran Organizations (VFWs, American Legions, among others)

Thanks to the Vets Act of 2013, veteran service organizations are eligible to receive Federal surplus property. Office equipment, electronics, vehicles, food service equipment, outdoor equipment, tools, etc., may be acquired. The U.S. General Services Administration has developed interim guidelines. Please refer to this list of eligible veteran organizations to determine if your organization qualifies under Federal law. Please download this application to begin.

SEAs - Service Educational Activities (Boy/Girl Scouts, American Red Cross, etc.)

Section 549(d) of Title 40, United States Code authorizes Federal surplus property under the control of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to be donated, through the Illinois State Agency for Surplus Property, to educational activities which are of special interest to the armed services. To learn if your organization is qualified under Federal law, please check this list of SEA authorized organizations. If you believe your organization meets the criteria of this program, please download this application to begin.

Small Businesses (Construction, Services, Retail, Agricultural)

Certain small, disadvantaged businesses that have first enrolled in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program may receive Federal surplus property and equipment. Find out more information about becoming an SBA 8(a) contractor. SBA certification is a requirement before enrollment to receive Federal surplus property. If you are already an SBA 8(a) certified vendor, please download this application to begin.


A very limited amount of property is available at our warehouse in Springfield, IL. You can view the current inventory of property at the warehouse.


Illinois Federal Surplus Warehouse
1924 S. 10 ½ Street
Springfield, IL 62704

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Other Surplus Property resources:

Under Federal law, Section 549 of title 40, United States Code, the General Services Administration (GSA) has discretionary authority to prescribe the necessary regulations for, and to execute the surplus personal property donation program. All 50 states and U.S. territories may participate in this donation program. In Illinois, the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) administers the Federal Surplus Property Program, also known under Federal law as the Illinois State Agency for Surplus Property (ILSASP). A list of organizations established by Federal law can be found here.

Federal and State laws and regulations require the State of Illinois to comply with all nondiscrimination laws, including but not limited to the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Illinois Human Rights Act. This includes ensuring that all individuals can meaningfully access State of Illinois services, benefits, and programs.