
The feudal era
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The two most popular types of trials were dunking and plunging a body part. Dunking is just as it sounds, a person would be sent to drown until they confessed or died. If they died and floated to the top, then they were really telling the truth. If the body did not float they were guilty and deserved to die.
Pesants had a hard life due to there poor conditions. They maintain the land and works on farms. When it came to being tortured peasants got hit hard.. literally. Torture was brutal for the peasants and there was no room for error especially when it comes to work.
This is a chart to show the system in the feudalism era. The king is always the first because he is the one to mange and deal with most cases in deciding. Next would be the nobles who are loyal to the king always. then comes the knights who protect the kingdom. Last comes the peasants who do farm work and are typically poor.
In this time they also had torments which were put on my the king. It was used for enjoyment and in full armor. As if for actual warfare, but armed with blunted weapons, the combatants rode at each other. The whole goal is for each man trying not to kill but to unhorse his opponent.
It's a Feudal, Feudal World: A different Medieval History
Math, Science, Social Studies......Oh, my!: It's a Feudal, Feudal World: A different Medieval History
This is a noblemen. A noble would be basically be in this modern time a "servant". They would help the king in anyway possible. If anything the king doesn't see as fit or if went against the king would receive server punishment or any punishment the king sees fit for what he has done.
Chivalry was huge in this time. Knights uphold to this code and must obey the rules. These rules that fallow are you must be brave in battle and never cower in fear. You must be skillful with your weapon and must always remain loyal. They must respect the king and never strike a knight who isn't armed.
Medieval Europe: Knights - YouTube - This video describes the role of knights in the feudal system. It uses reenactors, images of surviving castles, and art from the period.
Creative Writing Lesson Plan for Teaching Feudalism
Most individuals were serfs living on self-sufficient agricultural estates. In return for protection, they gave lords part of their crops and provided labor services. Serfs bore many burdens, but they were not slaves. They had heritable ownership of houses and land as long as they met obligations. Peasant villages provided community life and limited self-government.
Feudal System (C2, Wk 2) History Sentence info...~Amanda
The king is the one who manages everything and should respectfully treat everything in a fair manner. This was not the case for some in this time period. Some kings were ruthless and only wanted what would benefit them.
Knights tended to protect not only the king, but everyone in its kingdom. They survey the king and helped defend against anything threat that might harm the king or anyone in the kingdom. Knight serve till they die.