Logging & Saw milling

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Victoria's History Australia Beech Forest - Log transport across valley. c1910. Real photo post card. Very clear!! Zoom in and enjoy the view.!! Magnificent photo showing a rail crossing a valley with a big log on board. This is near Beech Forrest, but there is no description. Was taken by a local, as this was part of a collection from a local. 3 blokes on board the log handling the brakes and a cable which would work in either direction - pulling or braking. Amazing constructions like this were quite common in these days, and entirely necessary to get timber to the mills, scattered throughout the Otway’s.
Environment watchdog made 'backroom deal' with state-run logging group putting endangered marsupial at risk, advocates claim
Environment watchdog made 'backroom deal' with state-run logging group putting endangered marsupial at risk, advocates claim
Logging company responds after 'botching' simple endangered species rule 188 times
Logging company responds after 'botching' simple endangered species rule 188 times
Beech Forest - LAST CARD, Timber tramlines in Otways c1911. Real photo post card on generic back. Another fabulous photo showing the saw mill and tramlines with lots of action. Love it that the women have posed at centre with workers (possibly their husbands or family likely) and the whole place looks like a hive of activity overall. Take the time and make the effort to zoom in on this view - it really is wonderful. What a time to live and work in the mountain ash forests, before they were so decimated. One of my favourite Otways/Beech Forest post cards for sure and great one to end these with. Unused back - again. On with Geelong and environs.
Horse-drawn timber tramway, Erica, possibly circa 1930s. The SLNSW's notes had described the location as Powelltown, but Charmaine Martin has confirmed that the photo was taken in Erica, about 17 km south-west of Walhalla. Many thanks Charmaine. Photographer unknown, from "Walkabout" magazine, part of the Mitchell Library Collection, State Library of New South Wales. https://collection.sl.nsw.gov.au/record/9qoQBVO1/lXyBqRPpdpkjK
Old red gum timber jinker, with wheels of solid red gum, outside Municipal Offices, Echuca, June 1959. Photo by K. Phillips of "Walkabout" magazine, part of the Mitchell Library Collection, State Library of NSW. https://collection.sl.nsw.gov.au/record/YzOg8D89/Wgy2NpRlLZKOO
Lessons from Tasmania’s native timber industry | Gippsland Times
Lessons from Tasmania’s native timber industry | Gippsland Times
North East Forest Alliance laments Land and Environment Court loss, says koalas will suffer
North East Forest Alliance laments Land and Environment Court loss, says koalas will suffer
Fred Boyle photo 1955
Communities track a path of destruction through a Cambodian wildlife sanctuary
Communities track a path of destruction through a Cambodian wildlife sanctuary
Logging at Gembrook
Supreme Court orders VicForests to halt salvage logging in Wombat State Forest coupe
Supreme Court orders VicForests to halt salvage logging in Wombat State Forest coupe
Study shows replanting logged forests with diverse mixtures of seedlings accelerates restoration
Study shows replanting logged forests with diverse mixtures of seedlings accelerates restoration
Woodlands saw milling Co Yarragon Victoria 1887
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