Ce tableau regroupe des épingles offrant une multitude d'astuces pour améliorer vos techniques de travail de l'argile. Découvrez des conseils pour la préparation de l'argile, des astuces de façonnage, des techniques pour éviter les fissures, et des idées pour décorer vos créations. Ce tableau est une ressource précieuse pour perfectionner votre art. #AstucesPoterie #ConseilsCéramique #TechniquesPoterie #ArtisanatArgile #DIYPoterie #CréationsEnCéramique
479 Pins
Jared Lobash on Instagram: "This was much harder to make than I was expecting. I'll definitely need some practice if I'm going to make more. Fingers crossed this one actually turns out after the glaze firing as I think these jewelry boxes would be a nice addition to my regularly made pieces. #pottery #ceramics #clay #ceramic #wheelthrowing #wheelthrown #handmadepottery #handmadeceramics #porcelain #ceramicart #madeinminnesota #art #handmade #functionalart #handmadeart"
Esta fórmula me sirve para tener una pasta oscura con poca temperatura. 1140 Es importante calcinar antes el óxido de Manganeso. . . . . . . . #wildclay #uniquedesing #handmadeceramicart #handmade-decor #interiorproject #wabisabi #poetryofsimplethings
Troubleshooting issues you may be having when pulling walls. . . . #pullingtutorial #pullingwalls #troubleshooting #beginnerpotter… | Instagram
Nice video by @duongducmui that shows us how to center clay on the girelle.! 🌀 #repost #lebol #lebolpoterie #leblogdubol #lebolformation #astuceceramique #ceramictips #ceramic #ceramique #poterie #pottery
Josephine Mae Design on Instagram: "It was the most satisfying to see the line up at the end. Definitely the smoothest transition I’ve ever filmed. Also did you catch that I wanted this mug to retain heat? I may have mentioned it a couple times 😂 I’ve been posting about of a lot of commission based projects lately, and I’ve been so excited to show you all of the different works that have been happening in the studio. There has been such a variety of pieces flowing through the studio and a new glaze is going tin tomorrow! I always so excited to see how everything turns out and I have to distract myself during the cooling time because I can be so impatient waiting for everything to finish firing! (Especially with a glaze) It takes about 24 hours for my kiln to come to temperature at con
Twisted Clay on Instagram: "A little tutorial about using ribs! #pottery #ceramics #handmade #clay #art #ceramic #ceramicart #stoneware #potterylove #instapottery #wheelthrown #handmadepottery #pottersofinstagram #handmadeceramics #tableware #contemporaryceramics #potterystudio #artist #glaze #potter #potterylife #potteryteacher #potterylife #potteryteacher #potterylesson #potteryhowto #potterytutorial"
111 likes, 1 comments - valeriefayepottery August 28, 2024: "Behind the Scenes : Making a Noodle Bowl! 🍜 Ever wondered how we hand build a ceramic noodle bowl? Follow along as Valerie Faye Pottery takes raw clay and spins it into a durable bowl, ready for your next nourishing meal! #pottery #clay #artist #artistsoninstagram #potterystudio #potterylove #potterylife #sask #saskmade #saskatchewan #clayart".