Tuff tray

19 Pins
11 Story Themed Tuff Tray Ideas
If you're ever stuck for play ideas, then stories are a great starting point. Your toddler's favourite story can be brought to life through play and might even spark a further interest in reading!This compilation
11 Story Themed Tuff Tray Ideas
11 Story Themed Tuff Tray Ideas
@belen_educadoragarimo on Instagram: "La Playa Esperamos con gran entusiasmo, estos momentos que nos aportan tanto....disfrute, juego, observación, experiencias, y mucho..mucho descanso.,,la playa. #minimundos #minimundossensoriales #minimundoscreativos #verano #playa #coloresdeverano☀️ #provocacionescuriosas #provocacionesreggio #provocacioneseducativas"
This may contain: a child is playing in a sandbox with the words make a moonscape on it
Make a Moonscape