Words of Wisdom

154 Pins
Being Taken For Granted? 71 BIG Signs, Why It Happens & Ways to Stop Them
Do you feel like you’re being taken for granted? Learn the reasons why and make some key changes in your life. Nobody deserves to feel this way.
Emotional Abuse: What It Is & 39 Signs This Relationship is Breaking You
Emotional abuse is extremely easy to overlook. Just take a look at these 21 signs of emotional abuse to see if you're being abused instead of loved!
Never Make Someone a Priority When You’re Only An Option: The Truth
You have probably heard that saying, “you should never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” Here is all you need to know.
I am getting married in 1 week… Here are 9 reasons why you shouldn’t get married
(And one BIG reason for why you should!)
Ladies, Don’t Settle. Wait. Pray. Trust. There Is a Man Who Will Seek Your Heart Like God Intends.
There is a man that will pursue you daily with his words and actions. There is a man who will listen to your brokenness. Don't settle. #settlerelationships #settlequotes #dontsettle #neversettle #settleforless #notsettle
Allrecipes | Recipes, How-Tos, Videos and More
9 things great leaders say everyday leadership inspiration success #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #words
Bible Verses For Guiding Kids Through Life Situations - Growing Curious Minds
Bible Verses for guiding kids through life situations www.growingcuriousminds.com
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Looking for ways to go deeper with God this year? Check out these Bible study hacks that will forever change the way you explore scripture. 1. Scripture Color Coding This is a great way to organize your reading visually! With color coding you can break down the scriptures according to promises, warnings, key terms or however you'd like. Just grab your favorite set of highlighters and go to town! Source: Pinterest 2. Printable Bible Tabs Anyone who's picked up a Bible is familia...
Studying your Bible doesn't have to be an internal battle of willpower. Check out these 7 practical Bible study tips to help you focus on God's Word and shut-out all other distractions.