Elephant pictures

18 Pins
Metal Poster Displate "Elephant Sunset Animal"
Displate is a one-of-a-kind metal poster designed to capture your unique passions. Sturdy, magnet mounted, and durable – not to mention easy on the eyes!
African Elephant | 2013 Gallery of the Year: Runner Up - Sam…
An African Elephant. (Photo By: Nature-Trek Wildlife Holidays on Flickr.)
Lovely Cool Photo of the Day
Lovely Cool Photo of the Day is dedicated for the awesome photo from all around the world. We would love to thank you for this awesome photo we appreciate it very much and love it always. Thank you for taking care of our world. The mother nature always full of love and joy. Let's make it live together.
Feeding the elephant - Funny pictures of animals
This picture makes me happy. The elephant looks so ecstatic :) Precious
Is this for real? Albino elephant