Singing exercises

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18 reactions | Want the hot vocal bod?? Get in the vocal gym and put in the werk 💃🏻 Nobody may see your actual cords but you and your ENT, but all the rest of us can HEAR them! Go hit that workout. That’s the real flex. 💪🏼 | Shelby Rollins | Vocal Coach | shelbyrollinsmv · Original audio
2.8K views · 330 reactions | Breath Support For Singing One of the best ways for singers to experience breath support is by practicing “hiss” exercises. Most professional singers can hiss for anywhere between 30 - 75 seconds. In this video, vocal coach Kurt Wolf teaches a “hiss to tone” exercise that will improve your vocal stamina, control, and range.   Give it a try…   For the full exercise, watch our full length video out now on YouTube! (Link in bio) For more voice training or to schedule a private voice lesson, send a request to  We look forward to singing with you! #wolfstudios #voice #singer #singing #vocalcoach #vocaltechnique #breathing #belting #mixing #onlinelearning #voiceteacher #vocaltraining #newyorksingers #nyc #wolflikeme | Kurt Wolf | · Original audio
15K views · 2K reactions | I’m looking for 100 Singers👇🏼 💬 Comment, “WARM UP” and I’ll send you my personal Singer’s Warmup. - 30 Second Warm Up: 1️⃣ Lip Rolls 2️⃣ Zig-Zag Head Voice 3️⃣ Vacuum Cleaner 4️⃣ Zah’s 👆🏼 Want more warmups like this? Comment, “WARM UP” and I’ll reach out! #sing #singer #vocalcoach #singingtips #vocals | 1108 Vocal Studio | 1108vocalstudio · Comment, “WARM UP”
39K views · 2.6K reactions | 🍟The Fry exercise in vocal training helps to strengthen the vocal cords and develop a clearer and more stable sound on high and low notes. It focuses on using proper breathing techniques and support, which is important for safe and effective singing. Additionally, this exercise helps to develop the musculature of the larynx, improving voice control. 1. **Safe Use of Rough Vocal Textures**: The exercise helps vocalists learn to safely utilize rougher, richer tones without risking vocal cord damage. 2. **Expansion of Vocal Range**: Regular practice of this exercise can assist in expanding the vocal range, particularly in the lower registers. 3. **Strengthening Vocal Cords**: The exercise helps to strengthen the vocal cords, making them more resilient to strain during singing. 4. **Breath Control**: Fry requires good breath control, which is crucial for any type of vocal performance. 5. **Tight Vocal Fold Closure on High Notes**: Fry helps achieve tight vocal closure, which is particularly important for high notes, improving their clarity and stability. 6. **Emotional Expression, Soulful Sound**: The fry technique can also be used to add a sexy, soulful quality to the voice, or to express a wide range of emotions, making the performance more expressive and engaging. And on top of that, this warm-up will help you relax your voice before and after performances. These enhancements underscore the versatility of the fry exercise in vocal training, catering to both technical and emotional aspects of singing. | Anastasia Stozhuk | · Original audio
53K views · 6.8K reactions | Duet this | Pattern is 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1. Starting on G. Comment the word “COURSE” 👇✍️to learn more 🎤 Join us and discover the ultimate singing techniques! 🎶 📌 Follow us for more TIPS #SingingSkills #VocalTraining #VoiceLessons #SingBetter #VocalCoach #SingingTips #VoiceTraining #SingerLife #LearnToSing #SingingTechniques #VocalWarmUps #PitchPerfect #SingWithPassion #VoiceMastery #HarmonyPractice #MelodyTraining #VocalRange #SingOutLoud #SingingWorkshops #SongbirdJourney | Learn to sing | singlearnpro · Original audio
54K views · 5.6K reactions | #Rifftutorial 🎤 Join us and discover the ultimate singing techniques! 🎶 📌 Follow us for more TIPS #SingingSkills #VocalTraining #VoiceLessons #SingBetter #VocalCoach #SingingTips #VoiceTraining #SingerLife #LearnToSing #SingingTechniques #VocalWarmUps #PitchPerfect #SingWithPassion #VoiceMastery #HarmonyPractice #MelodyTraining #VocalRange #SingOutLoud #SingingWorkshops #SongbirdJourney | Learn to sing | singlearnpro · Original audio
29K views · 3.3K reactions | no 🥃🚬 needed 💅💁🏼‍♀️ 🎤 Join us and discover the ultimate singing techniques! 🎶 📌 Follow us for more TIPS #SingingSkills #VocalTraining #VoiceLessons #SingBetter #VocalCoach #SingingTips #VoiceTraining #SingerLife #LearnToSing #SingingTechniques #VocalWarmUps #PitchPerfect #SingWithPassion #VoiceMastery #HarmonyPractice #MelodyTraining #VocalRange #SingOutLoud #SingingWorkshops #SongbirdJourney🔥🌈 Video credit: annasmith_official | Learn to sing | singlearnpro · Original audio
27K views · 3K reactions | I remember when I was first learning how to MIX, I was so confused! 😫 I remember thinking… “ok so it’s not just chest voice, but it’s not just head voice either… how in the heck do I blend the two together?” One of the first exercises that really helped me experience my MIX voice was the “WAH” as if you’re crying like a little baby. And I know what you’re thinking, “if that’s MIX voice, I don’t want to sound that way!” and I totally get why you would feel like that! Here’s the thing, when you’re first learning how to blend your chest voice and head voice together, it’s really helpful to have exercises that are purposefully combining elements of strength and flexibility. Whenever I give this exercise to my students who are first learning how to MIX, I always remind them that the WAH is a temporary sound. I assure them that this is not the finished product, that they won’t sound like a whiny baby forever, and that this is only a helpful tool to help strengthen the muscle of using your MIX voice! If you’re new to mixing or are looking for more helpful ways to hone your MIX voice, I got you babe! 🙌🏼 Comment the word “MIX” and I’ll tell you exactly why it’s SO important to learn to use your mix voice and how you can start today! | MARY MARGARET | Voice Teacher + Mindset Coach | marymargaretvoice · Original audio
3.9K views · 311 reactions | Sometimes ya gotta target specific areas, ya feel me?? 🎯 And sometimes it’s cause you try to sing something stone cold and your voice is like, “I’m sorry what?” 😂 These exercises are hitting chest voice from all angles…. Even head and mixed voice! And who doesn’t love a good before and after?? 🥰 Thanks for the bop, @dashamusic 💃🏻 | Shelby Rollins | Vocal Coach | shelbyrollinsmv · Original audio
18K views · 1.3K reactions | Time to SLIDE!🛝 Try this slide exercise to find your natural vibrato! More exercises in vocal series! #vocalseries #broadway #broadwaysinger #vocalcoach #voicelesson #vocalwarmup #voicewarmups #audition #musicaltheatre #singing #bocaratonsinginglessons #broadwaywarmup #mixvoice #headvoice #beltvoice #voicestudio #jodielangel #broadwayjodie #broadwaybound #jodielangelvoice #jodielangeltiktok #voicetips #voicestudent #mixbelt | Jodie Langel | jodielangel · Original audio
39K views · 4.7K reactions | Best singing hack Comment the word “COURSE” 👇✍️to learn more 🎤 Join us and discover the ultimate singing techniques! 🎶 📌 Follow us for more TIPS #SingingSkills #VocalTraining #VoiceLessons #SingBetter #VocalCoach #SingingTips #VoiceTraining #SingerLife #LearnToSing #SingingTechniques #VocalWarmUps #PitchPerfect #SingWithPassion #VoiceMastery #HarmonyPractice #MelodyTraining #VocalRange #SingOutLoud #SingingWorkshops #SongbirdJourney | Learn to sing | singlearnpro · Original audio
34K views · 7.6K reactions | Comente SIM Para receber dicas maravilhosas todos os dias. . . . . ❤ ❤ SE GOSTOU CURTA E COMENTE "GOSTEI" E SEGUE A GENTE 👉@costura.moldes - #costura #costurafacil #costuraemcasa #costuracriativa #costurabr | MOLDES DE CORTE E COSTURA | costura.moldes · Original audio