Lego table

14 Pins
Lego Tables: Ikea hacks & storage | Keep Calm Get Organised
Another Trofast LEGO table - drawers all one color; put flat LEGO brick on top for building station
Our new LEGO table!
Lego table made using Ikea's Trofast system. Great idea for when the boys are older and lego-obsessed.
Feature Friday: Carley Kay Photography
The home of photographer Carley Kay, as featured on 6th Street Design School. Love the ledges above the train table.
Lego Storage Ideas: The Ultimate Lego Organisation Guide
Lego Storage Ideas: The Ultimate Lego Organisation Guide. This has EVERYTHING! Pin it for later.
Simple (and Decorative) Lego Storage
Simple and Decorative Lego Storage | One Mile Home Style
DIY Lego Minifigure Storage Shelves Tutorial
such a cute idea for a kids playroom with characters to display when not playing with them.
IKEA Hack Lego Table - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
IKEA Hack Lego Table - this is pretty awesome!
Our new LEGO table!
That Crafty Juls: Our new LEGO table!
More Lego OCD!
Ok why have I not thought of this? Lego books organised
A Lego Birthday Creation
LOVE, LOVE this idea...I believe I may have to do this for my kids! Very cool organization! The little pieces and lego stuff drives me crazy and we can't seem to keep up with it.