Learning Grammar

This board contains pins to materials and inspirational ideas for learning grammar (target grades 5 - 12), with a focus on utilizing lapbooking and notebooking for presentation.
13 Pins
Interactive Grammar Organizers
Interactive Grammar Organizers make a great lap book! Organizers may also be used in an interactive notebook. $
Free download: Grammar-land M. L. Nesbitt - Google Books. Free printables: Link to worksheets based on original text: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B97VumpziE6VZDdhZGQ0YmYtNzhiMi00NTU2LTk3YzItOTNlOGYwNWIyOGRj/edit?pli=1=en Link to worksheets based on Grammer-land: http://www.hslaunch.com/mypage/profile/525 Free audio book: http://librivox.org/grammar-land-by-m-l-nesbitt/
Grammar-Land (Yesterday's Classics)
Grammar-Land (Yesterdays Classics) M. L. Nesbitt, F. Waddy Published in the late-1800s an excellent story to introduce the parts of speech to all ages.
Grammar for Homeschool
Homeschool mom's blog on teaching grammar. Links to lapbook resources. Links to School House Rock video.
Inspirational idea: make colored dots from card stock, have student place dots on sentences to pick out the parts of speech. Original source: Ingles360: M challenge
run of the mill family
Inspiration for creating a lapbook and foldables (minibooks). Includes a how to video.
School Websites, Communications & Enrollment Platform | Finalsite
Inspiration for writing: mini lessons, genre units, writer's notebook setup, etc. Designed for 2nd grade however could be adapted for higher grades.