Product Management

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Poonath Sekar on LinkedIn: KEY MANUFACTURING (PRODUCTION) METRICS: 1. Overall Equipment… | 366 comments
Poonath Sekar on LinkedIn: KEY MANUFACTURING (PRODUCTION) METRICS: 1. Overall Equipment… | 145 comments
One page pitch sheet for product development presentation report ppt pdf document
This document titled One Page Pitch Sheet For Product Development Presentation Report PPT PDF Document is an A4 size template designed in Powerpoint and is 100 percent editable. It displays the details in a crisp clear and digestible format while also being visually appealing. With this document you will be able to provide a comprehensive view to your audience with minimal effort.
Quality Function Deployment
QFD is a systematic tool for aligning customer needs with product or service design. It is a planning activity that reduces design cycle time, minimizing changes downstream and leading to lower costs and quicker time-to-market. It extends beyond product development to process improvement and provides a structured approach for prioritizing CTQs based on their impact on customer satisfaction. #QualityFunctionDeployment
Product Roadmap
A product roadmap is a high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of your product offering over time. A product roadmap communicates the why and what behind what you're building. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. #ProductRoadmap #ProductRoadmapTemplate #ProductRoadmapExample