15 Pins
Collective Teacher Efficacy
Collective Teacher Efficacy is the number one factor influencing student achievement according to John Hattie’s work. This blog takes a deeper look at this concept and the use of cohesion, effective intervention systems, responsive leadership and collective goal setting to deepen the impact of Collective Teacher efficacy.
Short A Activities and Resources (including freebies!)
Literacy centers ideas for galore!!! MUST READ! So many great literacy station ideas for kindergarten and first grade!
ELS PRIMER DIES A L'AULA! Mil i una idees.
S'apropa el gran moment! Aviat comença el curs! Els primers dies són molt importants tant pels nens i nenes com pels mestres. Si els ...
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits®
All about me unit. A step-by-step with self-portrait directions. Beginning of the year writing and drawing activity for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Bulletin board idea for back to school, meet the teacher, curriculum night, back to school night, open house, parent teacher conferences, and more! To learn more about "My Year in Bulletin Boards!", visit www.tunstallsteachingtidbits.com
Ho to Teach Beginners ESL in 7 Easy Ways
ESL strategies, teaching strategies, English learners; teaching ESL high school, teaching adult ESL; teaching tips; ESL activities
Blog - Jill Richardson
Useful ELL Activities to Immediately Increase School Vocabulary Read to find ways to help your ELL Beginners quickly!
Teaching English in China: Your Complete Guide - Two Tall Travellers
Many countries across the world value speaking English as an important skill. It’s a window of opportunity into higher paid jobs for lots of people, and in China this is no exception. This means that there are private companies, public schools and even individuals willing to employ native English speakers to teach their mother tongue. We’ve been teaching English for a year now, and we’ve got all of the basics covered to help you.
Making Language Learning Goals – House And Home Review
Perfecting a language can be awesome and exciting. Take a look at an assortment of my most reliable ideas for #cantonesephrases
Improve Emotional Regulation In Just 7 Minutes Per Day
Improve your kid’s emotional regulation in just 7 minutes a day with these animal-themed exercises