Spirituality - A Lightworker

I am a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience !!
772 Pins
Forgive them and set ur self free
This has helped me focus and progress with my abilities, I hope helps you🏵️🌻🌼🌠
This has helped me focus and progress with my abilities, I hope helps you🏵️🌻🌼🌠 : Psychic
Did you know that the subconscious mind does not know anyone else but you? (I'll bet you didn't.) It has no conception of consciousness other than your own. I explain to students that when we criticize others or find fault, our mind thinks we are speaking about ourselves. That's why it's so important to become aware of the power of our words, because often our words and feelings that are directed outwardly can rebound and cause havoc in our own lives. Of course, we do these things unconsciously. The majority of people do not realize that our thoughts and words are influencing and imprinting our own minds. - Afarihemn lenatrre - iFunny