Yangqiu Song

I am now an associate professor at Department of CSE at HKUST with a joint appointment at Department of Math and Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas, and an associate director of HKUST-WeBank Joint Lab. I was an assistant professor at Lane Department of CSEE at WVU (2015-2016); a post-doc researcher at UIUC (2013-2015), a post-doc researcher at HKUST and visiting researcher at Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Hong Kong (2012-2013); an associate researcher at Microsoft Research Asia (2010-2012); a staff researcher at IBM Research-China (2009-2010). I received my B.E. and PhD degree from Tsinghua University, China, in July 2003 and January 2009. I also worked as interns at Google in 2007-2008 and at IBM Research-China in 2006-2007.

I am currently the PG coordinator of CSE and associate director of BSc in Data Science and Technology (DSCT)

I am now also a visiting academic scholar at Amazon Rufus Team (Jan. 2022 - present).

Office: Room 3518

HKUST, Clearwater Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Email: yqsong # cse dot ust dot hk

Research Interests: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graph and Information Networks.

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Recent Research Topics (Full Publications (DBLP) and KnowComp Group Code):

My research goal is to use machines to understand human languages and eventually facilitate natural human language interaction and communication. Our current approach is to extract useful knowledge from existing resources to construct knowledge graphs and use knowledge graphs to do reasoning and inference for understanding. When meeting downstream applications, we also need to care about privacy, security, and fairness issues to build trustworthy real-world systems.








Past students, interns, visitors, collaborators with first employment:

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