Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

Leading others to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, ” (2 Peter 3:18).

What is Reformed Theology?

What is Apologetics?


Christian Worldview Part 8 by Fred Di Lella

The Standards and Reformers Part 8by Fred T. Di Lella   The Westminster Standards After the nations of England, Ireland, and Scotland had covenanted (National and Solemn League) with the Lord to love His truth and abhor all evil, the Westminster Assembly convened...

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Christian Worldview Part 7 by Fred. T. Di Lella

Apostasy, Creeds and Confessions, Part 7by Fred T. Di Lella   The Church Apostatizes As ardent as the early New Testament church had been for the truth and against error, though, tragically she began to become tolerant of various "new (and old) devices against...

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Christian Worldview Part 6 – Fred T. Di Lella

Testimony to the Word of God, Part 6by Fred T. Di Lella   We have heard with our ears, O God.ย  Our fathers have told us.ย  What work thou didst in their days, in the times of old...Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to my mouth.ย  I will open my...

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About CRTA

The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics is dedicated to providing biblically sound online resources for the edification of God’s people. Foundational to our mission is our identity as a confessionally Reformed group of sites who hold unswervingly to Scripture, and the historic Christian faith. We are committed to the system of doctrine known as Calvinism, which is the most biblically faithful systematization of the Bible’s teachings concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Owners are comprised of ministers and laymen who are dedicated servants of Jesus Christ, committed to the bible and hold to a strict subscriptionist view of the 1647 Westminster Standards. They worship at Grace Chapel in Crossville TN and are part of the Biblical Reformed Synod of Christ the King.

We also desire to direct people to some of the best places to find biblical and exegetical resources (like Logos) for Scriptural study.

CRTA Sites

One of the original, biblical and best Reformed websites ever to appear on the internet, this site houses thousands of links and articles to Reformed Theology and Apologetics.

Reformed Theology
Christian Education
Christianity and Science
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A Puritan’s Mind

Here you will find that theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit.

Puritan Biographies
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1647 WCF Standards

Covenant Theology

Historic Confessions

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Our Reformed and Puritan republished works are Christ-glorifying and faithful renderings of classic works gently modernized for today’s Christian reader (ebooks and Print Books).

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Grace Chapel

Grace Chapel is a biblical, Reformed, Christ-centered church holding to the historic doctrines of grace and worship practices of the early church.

Visit Us in Crossville, TN
Recent Sermons
Five Solas
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Reformed Synod

The Biblical Reformed Synod of Christ the King is Christian, Confessional, Subscriptionist, and holds Complete adherence without exceptions to the Westminster Standards.

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Solemn League 2024
Officer Vows
The Gospel

True Worship

God alone determines the manner in which sinners are to approach Him. This is only accomplished through Jesus Christ, by his blood, in the power of the Spirit and according to His word. This is called the Regulative Principle of Worship.

Reformed Theology

The Reformation of theology and propagation of Reformed Theology was a revival of Augustinianism to the merits of Jesus Christ, focusing on the slogans of grace: sola gratia, sola Christus, sola fide, soli Deo gloria, sola scriptura, as well as the doctrines of grace (well defined by the Synod of Dordt), the regulative principle of worship, and the centrality of the preached word.


Apologetics is the rational biblical defense of Jesus Christ and His Word against Satanic philosophies (cults (like Mormonism and Jehovahโ€™s Witnesses), atheism, agnosticism, Socinianism, Roman Catholicism, false religions like Islam, etcโ€ฆ) which contest His veracity and revealed will contained in the Holy Bible.

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