
555 Pins
I’ve written literally one chapter of the book I’m starting, and I can answer almost all of these questions for my protagonist. This is actually quite validating; I guess I’ve fleshed out my character pretty well.
A Thought For Your Sunday
"Write 50 words," and beyond. Thank you, @M. Would Gwyneth Do, for posting on this. I needed to hear it.
Develop Your Freeelance Writing Career | How To Write For Money
Writing Fiction: Think in Scenes For Easy Planning, Writing, and Revision - The faster you write, the more quickly you can publish: http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/2014/04/24/writing-fiction-think-scenes-easy-planning-writing-revision/ #fiction
5 Must-Read Writing Books of 2016 | Kayla Dean
5 Must-Read Writing Books of 2016: Up your writing game this year with newly-released craft books like DIY MFA and A Writer's Guide to Active Setting!
Random Funny Memes, Funny Memes of the Day - I Waste So Much Time
I Waste So Much Time - Random
Create Your Writer Platform
Create Your Writer Platform | WritersDigestShop
How To Sell Your Self Published Book - Write On Track
How To Sell Your Self Published Book
A couple of weekends ago, I was lucky enough to attend a full-day plot workshop by editor Cheryl Klein. It was super informative--Ms. Klein passed on a ton of helpful information. Before the class, we had been given two homework assignments. One was to read a novel that she'd use as an plotting example during the workshop. The other was to create a book map. This--and the subsequent exercises Ms. Klein had us do with our maps--was by far the most helpful aspect of the day...