All things Resin

Free Resin Comparison Chart: Find the Right Product for Resin Jewelry Making
How To Drill Resin Holes | Learn Basics at Resin Obsession
Learn how to use a drill to make holes in resin. . . . . . . #resin #resinobsession #resincrafts #resincasting #resinsart
Why Resin Yellows and What You Can Do to Avoid It
Waaaah! My resin is starting to yellow. If only I had learned what causes it before now, my resin project wouldn't be ruined. At least now I know why epoxy yellows and I can avoid it in the future. Make sure you read this info so you don't end up with yellowing resin too!
50 Times People Hilariously Failed At Creating Pinterest Crafts At Home
50 Tips for Working with Resin - Happily Ever After, Etc.