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Firework Nails, Handmade Nails, Press On nails, Fake Nails, Handpainted Nails, Stiletto Nails, Flash Nails OS109
E A C H O R D E R I N C L U D E S 10 Custom-Made Press-On Nails Sticky Tabs Cuticle Pusher Nail File/Buffer Alcohol Pad S I Z I N G Measure the widest part of your nail using a tape measure. Refer to the size chart to find the matching size for each nail. If you're between sizes, it's best to choose the larger size. Custom sizes are available; just select the custom option. A P P L I C A T I O N Start by cleaning and drying your nails thoroughly. Use jelly stickers or nail glue to ap
Cheetah Print Nails Coffin
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