Seeds For Hydroponics

What grows in hydroponic gardening? Almost anything. David's Garden Seeds® has been selling Non-GMO seeds since September of 2009. We took the Safe Seed Pledge so you don't have to worry about the health of your family.
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Alexandria Strawberries are alpine strawberries from seed. Day-neutral. These decorative little plants produce delicious, aromatic red strawberries, about twice the size of wild berries but much smaller than the standard type. Perennials, Alpine strawberries stay compact and produce few runners, making them suitable for rock gardens, path edgings, pots, and window boxes. They begin producing the second spring, sometimes the first fall. Grows best in zones 5-8. Blooms in 110-120 days.
Crimson Sweet Watermelon has open pollinated seeds. Standard shipper. Dark and light green-striped, 10" x 12", blocky, oval fruits weigh in at 15-25 lb. Sweet red flesh. Avg. 1-2 fruits/plant. Ready to harvest in about 100 days.
Developed in 1941, Catskill Brussels Sprouts produce yields of extra-large, deep green 2" round sprouts covering capable stalks. Richly flavored, Catskills are excellent for fresh eating or freezing. Ready to harvest in 90 days.
New Orchid Watermelon has sweet, bright orange flesh. Beautiful appearance inside and out. New Orchid's outstanding, sherbet-like taste makes it a real people pleaser. The fruits are a medium large "icebox" size, avg. 7-9 lb., and oval-round. The skin has dark green with high-contrast stripes. Avg. 1-2 fruits/plant. Harvest in about 80 days.
Small-fruited, earliest of all. Blacktail Watermelon is an excellent small, fast maturing, highly productive watermelon that can be successfully grown in cool short season areas or southern hot, humid, areas. Round 9 in. fruits have a dark green rind with small brown seeds. Orange-red flesh has sweet, rich flavor. When harvested just under-ripe, melons will ripen in storage and keep up to 2 months. Ready to harvest in about 80-90 days.
Sugar Baby watermelon is the standard of small watermelons. Round fruits, 6-8" in diameter, averaging 8-10 lb. Ripe melons are almost black. Good flavor. Tough rinds resist cracking. The standard of "icebox" melons for many years. Blooms in 76 days.
Red Creole Onions produce flat, hard bulbs are filled with spicy, red flesh. They are great additions to salsas, Cajun foods, and other zesty dishes. Short-day Red Creole Onions grow great in the southern states and tropical areas and are good keepers. Ready to eat in 110 days.
Black Diamond Watermelon is one of the truly great watermelon varieties for both home gardeners and market growers. The rind of the fruit is a striated green, and the flesh is a delicious red. Black diamond routinely produces watermelons in the 50 pound range, but some can grow as large as 75 pounds! Ready to harvest in 85 days.
Allsweet Watermelon is a long striped melon, with tough rind, firm red flesh. Small seed, 25 to 30 pounds. Keeps well. Ready to harvest in about 90 days. Ready to harvest in about 90 days
Cress Watercress has unique curled leaves that provide texture, loft, and a peppery flavor to salads. Holds well in both the field and post harvest. Recommended variety for field production due to bolt resistance, ease of harvest, and multiple cuts from a single planting. Ready to harvest in 30 days.
Red Bull Onion produces large, deep red bulbs. Uniform bulb size with nice red color throughout the interior rings. Stores as well as Redwing. Adaptation: 43-65° latitude. Ready to harvest in 110 days.
Cortland Long Day Onion is an organic, yellow storage onion. Large, blocky-round, uniform onions with thin necks that will dry well. Very hard with a thick, rich brown skin for good storability. High resistance to fusarium basal rot. Adaptation: 38-55° latitude. Ready to harvest in 104 days
Candy Onion is widely adapted, mid-day. Slightly flattened yellow onion has potential for large size, especially when sown for overwintering in its optimum 33-40° latitude range. A Walla Walla-type for growing farther south. Ready to harvest in 110-115 days
Cabernet Intermediate Onions give early yields of red onions. Cabernet produces medium-large globe-shaped onions with deep red color. Late-intermediate adaptation gives an earlier harvest than long-day reds without sacrificing size. Good internal color, mostly single centers. 4-6 month storage. Adaptation: 35-45° latitude. Ready to harvest in 104 days.
Ailsa Craig Exhibition Onion is a classic mild onion with excellent size potential. Jumbo to colossal, round to teardrop-shaped bulbs with light brown skins. Use fresh or for short-term storage. Ready to harvest in 110 days.