Cloth diapers

23 Pins
How To Sew Extended Tabs On Your Prefolds
How to sew extended tabs on prefolds, totally doing this since Vans too tubby for his larges, at the moment ;)
Turning a Prefold into a Fitted Diaper
EtsyClothDiapers~Your source for quality, WAHM made cloth diapers: Turning a Prefold into a Fitted Diaper
Homemade Bum Balm Recipe
My cloth-diaper-safe homemade bum balm recipe is easy to follow and easy to use. It has a nice, smooth texture and can me used as a lipbalm, too!
How to Prep Wool Diaper Covers in 10 Minutes | Haus of Boys
Cloth diapers: How to prep wool diaper covers in 10 minutes #clothdiapers
Homemade Bum Balm Recipe
My cloth-diaper-safe homemade bum balm recipe is easy to follow and easy to use. It has a nice, smooth texture and can me used as a lipbalm, too!
Ikea Cloth Diapering Hacks
Ikea Cloth Diapering Hacks: Use items found at Ikea to save even more money cloth diapering! My favourite item? Ikea flats! (Himmelsk Burp Cloths)
Non-Serged Insert or Absorbent Soaker
I'm sure that you've all noticed that I usually serge my inserts and AI2/AIO soakers. However, I know most people aren't blessed with the h...
You Can Sew this Fitted Cloth Diaper
You Can Sew this Fitted Cloth Diaper
Diaper Tutorial: How to make a fitted from a prefold.
Today I'm going to teach you to make this..... ...from this! The easy way! Some of you may want to know why I would wa...