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grace upon grace tattoo "For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." -John 1:16
ordinary magic
Das constâncias que permanecem há uma que é fio condutor: saber muito bem o que não quero (ser). Ter a certeza absoluta que com tempo, paciência e uma dose generosa de resiliência, tudo cai no sítio certo. E que a vida, a mesma que não pede autorização para mudar o rumo dos dias, a que nos obriga a manter muito claro o conceito de adaptabilidade, ensina, a quem quer aprender, que todos os dias temos à nossa frente duas escolhas: - ficar no «conforto» da lamentação de tudo o que não somos ou não
My newest tattoo. Done in memory of my great grandmother who just passed. Since I was little she always told me she loves me a bushel and a peck. And since I've lived overseas she would write me and sign her letters that way. I got "a bushel & a peck" in her handwriting from one of the letters and I absolutely love it.
The sun still rises even through the rain - #theheadandtheheart #flashbynoel #illustration
Another tattoo sketch of something I'll be getting on my inner elbow on Monday /// There is hope, should oceans rise and mountains fall, He never fails. #illustration #flashbynoel
46 Tiny Tattoo Ideas Even the Most Needle-Shy Can’t Resist
Tiny Wrist Tattoo Ideas: A tiny initial can have a big impact with as little time under the needle as possible.