
Hygge is a Danish lifestyle of happy living, that includes candles, fireplaces, cozy blankets, reading nooks, nature, comforting hot drinks, culinary indulgences, & congenial small gatherings. Hygge originally meant "well-being" so hygge includes good health and healthy eating. Can you be happy if you are not healthy? Look for healthy lifestyle tips here. Sharing food is very hygge. Gluten intolerant people often cannot enjoy the delicious hygge recipes so look for GF hygge recipes here too.
16 Pins
Pumpkin spice latte ANY day!
The trickiest ingredient to have on hand for pumpkin spice latte is the pumpkin puree. How would you like to know how to make pumpkin spice latte any day of the year? Follow the link for a super easy tip to always have pumpkin puree around when you are desperate for a steaming, sweet cup of pumpkin spice latte. How hygge!
Rejoice! Hot chocolate is hygge! - Linda Grim McCormick | Well-Being Essentials
Hot cocoa, hot chocolate, authentic and easy recipes. Hygge isn't about flashy or expensive. It's about comfort, simplicity, cozy. What better than hot chocolate (or hot cocoa--read the blog post to learn the difference).
Coffee is hygge
Hot drinks are definitely hygge. It's all about coziness, comfort, good friends. How perfect that coffee is actually good for you. Do you know where your coffee comes from, how it's grown, processed, how the people who grow it benefit from your pleasure? #coffee, #environmentprotection, #healthbenefitsocoffee
Coffee good for you and good for the birds
As an avid birder I am relieved to find out that the coffee I drink has earned this certification. Bird Friendly Coffee | Smithsonian's National Zoo. It's hygge to drink coffee. It's even more hygge to drink coffee that is produced so that it doesn't harm migratory birds.
Do good with your coffee
Drinking coffee is definitely hygge. Didi you know there are certifications coffee producers can earn to indicate their concern for the environment and the coffee workers. #coffee, #sustainability, #environment
80 Creative and Attention-grabbing Coffee Shop Name Ideas
80 Creative and Attention-grabbing Coffee Shop Name Ideas
More things hygge
I totally agree with this list, except for one: glitter. Must be because I'm not a girly girl.
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You don't have to live like Gwenyth Paltrow in order to have a holistic home. In fact, these 9 simple tricks will give you the tools to revamp your home and make it cozy and nourishing.
31 Fall Hygge Activities * Hygge Ideas
31 Fall Hygge Activities to Rejuvenate Your Soul - falling leaves, warm drinks, and a cozy home are just some ways to celebrate the season. / Hygge Lifestyle / Hygge Life / Hygge Ideas / Fall Hygge / Hgge Inspiration / Hygge home / Hygge Autumn / Fall Ideas / Fall activities - #hygge #hyggelifestyle #hyggefall #hyggeautumn #hyggeideas #hyggehome #hyggedinner #hyggedinnerparties #hyggeinspiration #fallideas #simplefallideas #fallactivities
How To Create A Nighttime Routine — 7 Tips for Better Sleep | All The Nourishing Things
You're aware of the unethical practices of child labor and forced labor in various food industries. You want to make a change and buy Fair Trade foods for your family... but, it's so dang expensive! How do you afford Fair Trade?! Here are my 7 tips for affording ethically produced foods, like cocoa, coffee, tea, bananas, and sugar. #allthenourishingthings #fairtrade #ethicalfood #fairtradecertified #chocolate #coffee #childlabor
31 Hygge Quotes to Change Your Life | Montana Happy
11 Hygge Quotes to Change Your Life | Montana Happy