Student Gender

20 Pins
It's OK to Be Neither: Teaching That Supports Gender-Variant Children
It became evident that I would have to address gender directly in order to make the classroom environment more comfortable for Allie and to squash the gender stereotypes that my first graders had absorbed in their short lives.
Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy with Our Male Students A Conversation with Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz is an Assistant Professor of English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. At the core of her teaching and research agenda is an exploration of how diversity (gender, class, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation) inform instructional goals, curriculum, pedagogy, and literacy learning in high school and community college settings. Her three cu...
Gender stereotypes, the right way to segment...?
My professor actually showed us this list in my "Women in the Media" class yesterday, when we were studying children and how gender stereotypes are a learned behavior. It's a perfect demonstration of gender stereotype. The media certainly is a factor to these stereotypes. In some case, the media over represents the power women have in society today. We still have many struggles to overcome according to the 3rd and 4th wave of feminism.
Gender Stereotyping in the Classroom (Multimedia Project 4292)
Gender Stereotyping in the Classroom (Multimedia Project 4292)
Desegregating Our Bookshelves Is A Good Start. Now What? - Role Reboot
Excellent article which starts with children's books and then delves deeply into the roots and consequences of a highly gendered culture for children.
Girls With Toys: A Powerful, Funny, Inspiring Response to Sexism in Science
On Saturday morning, I turned on NPR while I made breakfast for my daughter and me. We had a big day ahead: first the farmers market, then a nearby forest preserve’s migratory bird festival featuring a mist-netting demonstration and the chance to take home and dissect your own owl pellet....
Let Toys Be Toys launches resources for schools
resources for teachers who want to challenge gender stereotypes in the classroom. Let toys be toys
“Girls Don’t Like Toys?” President Takes Annual Toys For Tots Sort Event From Stereotypical To Awesome
“Girls Don’t Like Toys?” President at Annual Toys For Tots Sort Event and silences stereotyping interviewers
Ten ways to challenge gender stereotypes in the classroom - Let Toys Be Toys
Here are ten things teachers can do to help create an environment that discourages gender stereotyping
Men And Women Do Not Have Different Brains, Claims Neuroscientist: “The bottom line is that saying there are differences in male and female brains is just not true. There is pretty compelling evidence that any differences are tiny and are the result of environment not biology,” said Prof Rippon... “The world is full of stereotypical attitudes and unconscious bias. It is full of the drip, drip, drip of the gendered environment.”
These simple words and images have me totally rethinking how I talk around boys.
If we only look at gender-role stereotypes in the context of little girls, we're just seeing half the picture. Here's a powerful compilation of the unfair labels we project onto boys that inevitably end up hurting us all.