There Are 4 Cats In This Photo But Most People Only See 3

A photo of cats became a puzzle after one cat blended into the background.

  • Published in Animals
There Are 4 Cats In This Photo But Most People Only See 3

If there's one thing cats are a genius at, it's their stealth skills. You're probably nodding in agreement right now.

They're able to sneak about quietly and efficiently like a ninja. They're also able to get into difficult spots in a blink of an eye.

You'd scratch your head wondering how in the world were they able to squeeze into this nook or reach that cranny. And all without even being noticed.

Then there's their ability to blend in with their surroundings, using their distinctive coloring to their advantage. Such an ability is typical of the likes of chameleons and other non-mammals, but cats do use that still even though it's no longer very necessary since their existence is not in serious threat in this day and age of feline-loving fur mamas and papas.

This particular characteristic was put on the spotlight by an amusing photo shared by Redditor KittyInALabCoat. It actually was her father who took the snap but she got so excited about its potential for entertainment - both online and off - she took it upon herself to share it to as many people she could, family included.

Well, thanks to her, a lot of people on the web has had fun with the said puzzling photo.

Here's the photo in question. Clearly, there are 3 kitties in it, no doubt about it as their black coats of fur contrast sharply against the grayish background.

Thing is, there's one more cat captured in that snap. Nope, not kidding - there IS one more kitty in there.

Take a closer look at the photo - can you spot that hidden cat?


There's a fourth cat in there... But where?

There's a fourth cat in there... But where?KittyInALabCoat

Reddit user KittyInALabCoat recently shared this head-scratcher of a picture that her father snapped the other day. Even he thought he'd taken a photo of just three black kitties — that is, until his daughter took a closer look.

KittyInALabCoat shared this puzzling photo on Reddit one day and got numerous amusing reactions. Like many of the folks online who saw the picture, she said that her own father didn't notice a fourth cat was also in the frame; all he saw were those three little black felines.

She went on to say that when she took a good look at the picture, she found the unnoticed member of the pussy posse in the said snap. She got excited about it and turned the thing into a "find the missing cat" type of challenge with her family.

Were you able to find the fourth kitty? Here it is:


How long did it take you to find this kitty?

How long did it take you to find this kitty?KittyInALabCoat

These black cats can easily blend in the dark shadows - they're the ultimate in feline stealth. As it happens, there's a kitty in their midst who's good at blending in, too (and in broad daylight at that).


KittyInALabCoat's dad probably didn't expect that such a simple and uneventful snap would cause a such a stir. She said she loves that people are enjoying the photo.

That sneaky kitty is not the only one who's clever at blending into its surroundings.

Here are other pictures of "catmeowflage."


Wonder if the owners got that cat to match the floors (or vice versa)

Wonder if the owners got that cat to match the floors (or vice versa)badnewsmarvinbarnes

Everyone in this house should watch their step right there

Everyone in this house should watch their step right thereYukiBear479

Isn't this a rich one

Isn't this a rich oneDailyMailOnline

Yes, there is a cat in this picture

Yes, there is a cat in this pictureDailyMailOnline

This is one spotty view

This is one spotty viewDailyMailOnline

That lovely sinking feline, errr, feeling

That lovely sinking feline, errr, feelingDailyMailOnline

Ain't this one a total furball

Ain't this one a total furballDailyMailOnline

With all their feline antics - background blending skills included - cats amuse humanity in many and various ways. Can't get enough of them, that's for sure!

Which "catmeowflage" photo did you enjoy the most? Do you have your own such snap, too? Don't keep this smile-inducing story to yourself - hit the share button and keep the amusement going!
