25th AINA Workshops 2011: Biopolis, Singapore

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The Seventh International Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems and Network Applications (FINA 2011)

Distributed and Parallel Computing

Semantic Web and Systems

Distributed and Parallel Systems

Mobile Networks and Systems

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Computing

Mobile Networks and Applications

Scalable Computing

Internet Computing and Web Applications

Opportunistic and Delay Tolerant Networks

Agent and Dependable Systems

Intelligent Computing and Applications

Communication Networks

Service Oriented Architecture and Applications


Communication Networks and Applications

Sensor Networks

Security and Privacy

Distributed Systems and Network Applications

Wireless Sensor Networks

Security and Intelligent Systems

The Fourth International Symposium on Applications of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (AASNET 2011)

The Third IEEE International Workshop on Bio and Intelligent Computing (BICom 2011)

The 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Life Science Modeling and Computing (BLSMC 11)

Life Science Modeling and Computing

Bioinformatics and Biocumputing

The First International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Services (CCS 2011)

The Fourth International Workshop on Data Management for Wireless and Pervasive Communications (DMWPC 2011)

The Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWISE 2011)

The First International Workshop on Interworking and Interoperable Networks and Services (I2NS 2011)

Information Security and Risk Management (iSeRiM 2011)

Security Tools and Solutions

Security Governance and Management Issues

The 2011 International Symposium on Mining and Web (MAW 2011)

Mining Techniques

Web Applications

The Sixth International Workshop on Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless Networks (PAEWN 2011)

The First International Workshop on Protocols and Applications with Multi-homing Support (PAMS 2011)


Transport and Mobility

The 2011 International Workshop on Quantitative Evaluation of Large-Scale Systems and Technologies (QuEST 2011)

The Fifth International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments (SMPE 2011)

Pervasive Network and Communication

Pervasive Security and Privacy

The Fifth International Workshop on Telecommunication Networking, Applications and Systems (TeNAS 2011)

Network Technologies

Sensor Networking

Mobile Computing

The Seventh International Symposium on Web and Mobile Information Services (WAMIS 2011)

Service Provisioning

Data Models and Query Processing 1

Data Models and Query Processing 2

Web and Mobile Applications

The Third International Conference on Underwater Networks (WUnderNet 2011)