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7. ICANN 1997: Lausanne, Switzerland
- Wulfram Gerstner, Alain Germond, Martin Hasler, Jean-Daniel Nicoud:
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN '97, 7th International Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1327, Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63631-5
Part 1: Coding and Learning in Biology
- Wolfram Schultz:
Reward Responses of Dopamine Neurons: A Biological Reinforcement Signal. 3-12 - Henry Markram, Misha Tsodyks:
The Information Content of Action Potential Trains - A Synaptic Basis. 13-23 - Robert Miller:
Cortical Cell Assemblies, Laminar Interaction, and Thalamocortical Interplay. 25-30 - Nicolas Brunel:
Cross-Correlations in Sparsely Connected Recurrent Networks of Spiking Neurons. 31-36 - Igor V. Tetko, Alessandro E. P. Villa:
A Comparative Study of Pattern Detection Algorithm and Dynamical System Approach Using Simulated Spike Trains. 37-42 - Jean Rouat:
Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks: Application to Speech. 43-48 - Petr Lánský, Vera Lánská:
Noise in Integrate-and-Fire Models of Neuronal Dynamics. 49-54 - Christian W. Eurich, Hubert R. Dinse, Ulrike Dicke, Ben Godde, Helmut Schwegler:
Coarse Coding Accouts for Improvement of Spatial Discrimination after Plastic Reorganization in Rats and Humans. 55-60 - Simon R. Schultz, Stefano Panzeri, Alessandro Treves, Edmund T. Rolls:
Analogue Resolution in a Model of the Schaffer Collaterals. 61-66 - Maurizio Mattia, Stefano Fusi:
Modeling Networks with Linear (VLSI) Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. 67-72 - Gustavo Deco, Bernd Schürmann:
An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Temporal Coding Strategies by Spiking Central Neurons. 73-78 - Raphael Ritz, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Correlation Coding in Stochastic Neural Networks. 79-84 - Akira Hirose:
Two-Dimensional Hodgkin-Huxley Equations for Investigating a Basis of Pulse-Processing Neural Networks. 85-90 - Edgar Körner, Ursula Körner:
Concurrent Parallel-Sequential Processing in Gamma Controlled Cortical-Type Networks of Spiking Neurones. 91-96 - Leslie S. Smith:
A Noise-Robust Auditory Modelin Front End for Voiced Speech. 97-102 - Tuong Vinh Ho, Jean Rouat:
A Novelty Detector Using a Network of Integrate and Fire Neurons. 103-108 - Julian Eggert, J. Leo van Hemmen:
Derivation of Pool Dynamics from Microscopic Neuronal Models. 109-114 - Volker Steuber, David J. Willshaw:
How a Single Purkinje Cell Could Learn the Adaptive Timing of the Classically Conditioned Eye-Blink Response. 115-120 - Walter Senn, Misha Tsodyks, Henry Markram:
An Algorithm for Synaptic Modification Based on Exact Timing of Pre- and Post-Synaptic Action Potentials. 121-126 - Lubica Benusková:
Modeling Plasticity in Rat Barrel Cortex Induced by One Spared Whisker. 127-132 - Raymond Kohli, Peter G. H. Clarke:
Mathematical Analysis of Competition Between Sensory Ganglion Cells for Nerve Growth Factor in the Skin. 133-138 - Arjen van Ooyen, David J. Willshaw:
Competition Amongst Neurons for Neurotrophins. 139-144 - Manuel Samuelides, Simon J. Thorpe, Emmanuel Veneau:
Implementing Hebbian Learning in a Rank-Based Neural Network. 145-150 - Bruce Graham, David J. Willshaw:
A Model of Clipped Hebbian Learning in a Neocortical Pyramidal Cell. 151-156 - Christian W. Eurich, Jack D. Cowan, John G. Milton:
Hebbian Delay Adaptation in a Network of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. 157-162 - András Lörincz:
Hippocampal Formation Trains Independent Components via Forcing Input Reconstruction. 163-168
Part 2: Cortical Maps and Receptive Fields
- Siegrid Löwel, Kerstin Erika Schmidt, Wolf Singer:
Nature vs. Nurture in the Development of Tangential Connections and Functional Maps in the Visual Cortex. 171-176 - Mark Hübener, Doron Shoham, S. Schulze, G. Brändle, Amiram Grinvald, Tobias Bonhoeffer:
Geometric Relationships Between Feature Maps in Cat Visual Cortex. 177-182 - Stefan Wimbauer, Oliver G. Wenisch, J. Leo van Hemmen:
A Linear Hebbian Model for the Development of Spatiotemporal Receptive Fields of Simple Cells. 183-188 - Martin Stetter, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Klaus Obermayer:
Synapse Clustering Can Drive Simultaneous ON-OFF and Ocular-Dominance Segregation in a Model of Area 17. 189-194 - Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel:
Must Pinwheels Move During Visual Development? 195-200 - Francesco Frisone, Luca Perico, Pietro Morasso:
Extending the TRN Model in a Biologically Plausible Way. 201-206 - Dirk Brockmann, Hans-Ulrich Bauer, Maximilian Riesenhuber, Theo Geisel:
SOM-Model for the Development of Oriented Receptive Fields and Orientation Maps from Non-oriented ON-center OFF-center Inputs. 207-212 - Ute Bauer, Péter Adorján, Michael Scholz, Jonathan B. Levitt, Jennifer S. Lund, Klaus Obermayer:
On the Anatomical Basis of Field Size, Contrast Sensitivity, and Orientation Selectivity in Macaque Striate Cortex: A Model Study. 213-218 - Christian Ziegaus, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
Statistics of Natural and Urban Images. 219-224 - Thomas Burger, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
A CBL Network Model with Intracortical Plasticity and Natural Image Stimuli. 225-230 - Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel:
Geometry of Orientation Preference Map Determines Nonclassical Receptive Field Properties. 231-236 - Hauke Bartsch, Martin Stetter, Klaus Obermayer:
A Model for Orientation Tuning and Contextual Effects of Orientation Selective Receptive Fields. 237-242 - Laurenz Wiskott, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Objective Functions for Neural Map Formation. 243-248 - Klaus Kopecz, Karim Mohraz:
Relative Time Scales in the Self-Organization of Pattern Classification: From One-Shot to Statistical Learning. 249-254 - Jinhui Chao, Yasuhiko Miyata, Shinichi Yoshida:
Realization of Geometric Illusions and Geometry of Visual Space with Neural Networks. 255-260
Part 3: Learning: Theory and Algorithms
- Vladimir Vapnik:
The Support Vector Method. 263-271 - Richard S. Sutton:
On the Significance of Markov Decision Processes. 273-282 - Nathalie Chatenet, Hugues Bersini:
Economical Reinforcement Learning for Non Stationary Problems. 283-288 - Thomas Czernichow:
A Double Gradient Algorithm to Optimize Regularization. 289-294 - N. P. Bradshaw, Antoine Duchâteau, Hugues Bersini:
Global Least-Squares vs. EM Training for the Gaussian Mixture of Experts. 295-300 - Hilbert J. Kappen, Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz:
Accelerated Learning in Boltzmann Machines Using Mean Field Theory. 301-306 - Siegfried Bös:
Adaptive Online Learning for Nonstationary Problems. 307-312 - Maissa Aboukassem, Steffen Schwember, Steffen Noehte, Reinhard Männer:
Weight Discretization due to Optical Constraints and Its Influence on the Generalization Abilities of a Simple Perceptron. 313-318 - Skander Soltani, Stéphane Canu, Daniel Boichu, Yves Grandvalet:
Wavelet Frames Based Estimator. 319-324 - Nasser Mozayyani, Gilles Vaucher:
A Spatio-temporal Perceptron for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition. 325-330 - Martin Georg Weiß:
Learning Oscillations Using Adaptive Control. 331-336 - Peter Eggenberger:
Creation of Neural Networks Based on Developmental and Evolutionary Principles. 337-342 - Alberto Bertoni, Paola Campadelli, M. Parodi:
A Boosting Algorithm for Regression. 343-348 - Michiaki Taniguchi, Volker Tresp:
Combining Regularized Neural Networks. 349-354 - Stefan M. Rüger:
Making Stochastic Networks Deterministic. 355-360 - Berthold Ruf, Michael Schmitt:
Unsupervised Learning in Networks of Spiking Neurons Using Temporal Coding. 361-366 - Arto Selonen, Jouko Lampinen:
Experiments on Regularizing MLP Models with Background Knowledge. 367-372 - Steffen Gutjahr, Joachim Feist:
Elliptical Basis Function Networks for Classification Tasks. 373-378 - Ingo Galleske, Juan Castellanos:
Probabilistic Neural Networks with Rotated Kernel Functions. 379-384 - Norbert Jankowski, Visakan Kadirkamanathan:
Statistical Control of RBF-like Networks for Classification. 385-390 - Matthias Scherf, Wilfried Brauer:
Improving RBF Networks by the Feature Selection Approach EUBAFES. 391-396 - Ingo Graf, Ulrich Kressel, Jürgen Franke:
Polynominal Classifiers and Support Vector Machines. 397-402 - Masahiro Kimura, Ryohei Nakano:
Unique Representations of Dynamical Systems Produced by Recurrent Neural Networks. 403-408 - Barbara Hammer:
Generalization of Elman Networks. 409-414 - Masumi Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Nishino:
Designing Neural Networks by a Combination of Structural Learning and Genetic Algorithms. 415-420 - Markus Varsta, José del R. Millán, Jukka Heikkonen:
A Recurrent Self-Organizing Map for Temporal Sequence Processing. 421-426 - Peter Stagge, Bernhard Sendhoff:
An Extended Elman Net for Modeling Time Series. 427-432 - Margarita Kuzmina, Eduard A. Manykin, Irina Surina:
Recurrent Associative Memory Network of Nonlinear Coupled Oscillators. 433-438 - Heiko Wersing, Jochen J. Steil, Helge J. Ritter:
A Layered Recurrent Neural Network for Feature Grouping. 439-444 - Kürt Meert, Jacques Ludik:
A Multilayer Real-Time Recurrent Learning Algorithm for Improved Convergence. 445-450 - Amos J. Storkey:
Increasing the Capacity of a Hopfield Network without Sacrificing Functionality. 451-456 - Hui Wang, David A. Bell:
A Novel Associative Network Accomodating Pattern Deformation. 457-462 - Yves Grandvalet, Stéphane Canu:
Adaptive Noise Injection for Input Variables Relevance Determination. 463-468 - Piërre van de Laar, Stan C. A. M. Gielen, Tom Heskes:
Input Selection with Partial Retraining. 469-474 - Eddy Mayoraz:
On the Complexity of Recognizing Iterated Differences of Polyhedra. 475-480 - Yann Guermeur, Florence d'Alché-Buc, Patrick Gallinari:
Optimal Linear Regression on Classifier Outputs. 481-486 - Régis Quélavoine, Pascal Nocera:
Learning Verification in Multilayer Neural Networks. 487-492 - Oh Jun Kwon, Sung Yang Bang:
Design of a Fault Tolerant Multilayer Perceptron with a Desired Level of Robustness. 493-498 - Perry Moerland:
Mixtures of Experts Estimate A Posteriori Probabilities. 499-504 - Axel Doering, Miroslaw Galicki, Herbert Witte:
Admissibility and Optimality of the Cascade-Correlation Algorithm. 505-510 - N. P. Bradshaw:
The Effective VC Dimension of the n-tuple Classifier. 511-516
Part 4: Signal Processing: Blind Source Separation, Vector Quantization, and Self-Organization
- Erkki Oja, Juha Karhunen, Aapo Hyvärinen:
From Neural Principal Components to Neural Independent Components. 519-528 - Anisse Taleb, Christian Jutten:
Entropy Optimization - Application to Blind Source Separation. 529-534 - Bert-Uwe Koehler, Te-Won Lee, Reinhold Orglmeister:
Improving the Performance of Infomax Using Statistical Signal Processing Techniques. 535-540 - Petteri Pajunen, Juha Karhunen:
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Nonlinear Blind Source Separation. 541-546 - Marco Mattavelli, Edoardo Amaldi, Jean-Marc Vesin:
A Perceptron-Based Approach to Piecewise Linear Modeling with an Application to Time Series. 547-552 - Erkki Oja, Kimmo Valkealahti:
Local Independent Component Analysis by the Self-Organizing Map. 553-558 - Georges Linarès, Pascal Nocera, Henri Meloni:
Model Breaking Detection Using Independent Component Classifier. 559-564 - Anisoara Paraschiv-Ionescu, Christian Jutten, Gérard Bouvier:
Neural Network Based Processing for Smart Sensors Arrays. 565-570 - Simone G. O. Fiori, Aurelio Uncini, Francesco Piazza:
Application of the MEC Network to Principal Component Analysis and Source Separation. 571-576 - Jyrki Joutsensalo:
Semi-Blind Source Parameter Separation. 577-582 - Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander J. Smola, Klaus-Robert Müller:
Kernel Principal Component Analysis. 583-588 - Thiagarajan Balachander, Ravi Kothari, Hernani Cualing:
An Empirical Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Pattern Classification. 589-594 - Jörg Bruske, Gerald Sommer:
Topology Representing Networks for Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation. 595-600 - Erkki Häkkinen, Pasi Koikkalainen:
SOM Based Visualization in Data Analysis. 601-606 - Gail A. Carpenter, Frank D. M. Wilson:
ARTMAP-DS: Pattern Discrimination by Discounting Similarities. 607-612 - Bernd Fritzke:
A Self-Organizing Network that Can Follow Non-stationary Distributions. 613-618 - Matthias Burger, Thore Graepel, Klaus Obermayer:
Phase Transitions in Soft Topographic Vector Quantization. 619-624 - J. Michael Herrmann, Thomas Villmann:
Vector Quantization by Optimal Neural Gas. 625-630 - Jean-Claude Fort, Gilles Pagès:
Convergences of the Kohonen Maps: A Dynamical System Approach. 631-636 - Jorma Laaksonen:
Local Subspace Classifier. 637-642 - Jean Pierre Delmas:
Asymptotic Distributions Associated to Unsupervised Oja's Learning Equation. 643-648 - Nikos A. Vlassis, Apostolos Dimopoulos, George K. Papakonstantinou:
The Probabilistic Growing Cell Structures Algorithm. 649-654 - Sepp Hochreiter, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Unsupervised Coding with LOCOCODE. 655-660 - Björn Dobrzewski, D. Ruwish, Mathias Bode:
Wave Propagation in Self-Organizing Feature Maps as a Means for the Representation of Temporal Sequences. 661-666 - Nicolas Pican:
Contextual Kohonen SOM with Orthogonal Weight Estimator Principle. 667-672
Part 5: Robotics, Adaptive Autonomous Agents, and Control
- Helge J. Ritter:
Self-Organizing Maps for Robot Control. 675-684 - Inman Harvey:
Cognition is Not Computation; Evolution is Not Optimisation. 685-690 - Christian Scheier, Rolf Pfeifer:
Information Theoretic Implications of Embodiment for Neural Network Learning. 691-696 - Jun Tani:
Visual Attention and Learning of a Cognitive Robot. 697-702 - Steffen Egner, Christian Scheier:
Feature Binding Through Temporally Correlated Neural Activity in a Robot Model of Visual Perception. 703-708 - Susanne A. Huber, Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Modeling Obstacle Avoidance Behavior of Files Using an Adaptive Autonomous Agent. 709-714 - Titus R. Neumann, Susanne A. Huber, Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Minimalistic Approach to 3D Obstacle Avoidance Behavior from Simulated Evolution. 715-720 - Jari Vaario, Katsunori Shimohara:
Synthesis of Developmental and Evolutionary Modeling of Adaptive Autonomous Agents. 721-726 - Andreas Bühlmeier, P. Steiner, Markus L. Rossmann, Karl Goser, Gerhard Manteuffel:
Hebbian Multilayer Network in a Wheelchair Robot. 727-732 - Stefano Nolfi, Domenico Parisi:
Neural Networks in an Artificial Life Perspective. 733-737 - José del R. Millán:
Incremental Acquisition of Local Networks for the Control of Autonomous Robots. 739-744 - Henrik Hautop Lund:
Robot-Animal Interaction. 745-750 - Hanspeter A. Mallot, Matthias O. Franz, Bernhard Schölkopf, Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
The View-Graph Approach to Visual Navigation and Spatial Memory. 751-756 - Olivier Trullier, Jean-Arcady Meyer:
Place Sequence Learning for Navigation. 757-762 - Aude Billard, Gillian Hayes:
Learning to Communicate Through Imitation in Autonomous Robots. 763-768 - Rafal Salustowicz, Marco A. Wiering, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
On Learning Soccer Strategies. 769-774 - Kentaro Mizutani, Takashi Omori:
A Model of Logic Like Inference by Memory Model PATON. 775-780 - Nadia Saadia, Yassine Amirat, Jean Pontnau, Amar Ramdane-Cherif:
Force Feedback Control of an Assembly Robot by Neural Networks. 781-786 - M. Dapper, R. Maass, Volker Zahn, Rolf Eckmiller:
Neural Force Control (NFC) for Complex Manipulator Tasks. 787-792 - Thomas Frontzek, Nils Goerke, Rolf Eckmiller:
A Hybrid Path Planning System Combining the A*-Method and RBF-Networks*. 793-798 - Antonio Chella, Salvatore Gaglio, V. Mulia, Giuseppe Sajeva:
An ASSOM Neural Network to Represent Actions Performed by an Autonomous Agent. 799-804 - Ralf Salomon:
The Application of Radial Basis Function Networks with Implicit Continuity Constraints. 805-810 - Giacomo Indiveri, Paul F. M. J. Verschure:
Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Using Analog VLSI Neuromorphic Sensors. 811-816 - Valerij Ortmann, Rolf Eckmiller:
Neural Network Visual Tracking System. 817-822 - Frank Pasemann:
Pole-Balancing with Different Evolved Neurocontrollers. 823-829 - Igor Kokcharov:
Calibration of Parallel Robots by Evolutionary Algorithm. 831-836 - Ignacy Duleba, Robert Muszynski:
On Use of ANNs to Model and to Control Robot Manipulators. 837-842 - Corinne Ledoux, François Bonnard:
Identification of the Electric Arc of a Furnace. 843-848 - Christina Breining, Gerrit Alt:
On Using MLPs for Step Size Control in Echo Cancellation for Hands-Free Telephone Sets. 849-854 - Habtom W. Ressom, Lothar Litz:
Neurocontrol of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Subject to Unmeasured Disturbance Inputs. 855-860 - Hugo Zaragoza, Patrick Gallinari:
Multiple Multivariate Regression and Global Optimization in a Large Scale Thermodynamical Application. 861-866 - Xavier Desforges, Abdallah Habbadi:
A Neural Network for Parameter Estimation of a DC Motor for Feed-Drives. 867-872
Part 6: Speech, Vision, and Pattern Recognition
- Hervé Bourlard:
State-of-the-Art and Recent Progress in Hybrid HMM/ANN Speech Recognition. 875-884 - Stephen Grossberg:
Perceptual Grouping and Attention During Cortical Form and Motion Processing. 885-894 - Ladan Shams, Christoph von der Malsburg:
Development of Shape Primitives from Images of Composite Objects Represented by Complex Cells. 895-900 - Rolf P. Würtz, Tino Lourens:
Corner Detection in Color Images by Multiscale Combination of End-Stopped Cortical Cells. 901-906 - Rolf D. Henkel:
Constructing the Cyclopean View. 907-912 - Dietmar Heinke, Glyn W. Humphreys:
SAIM: A Model of Visual Attention and Neglect. 913-918 - Fred Henrik Hamker, Horst-Michael Gross:
Object Selection with Dynamic Neural Maps. 919-924 - Fan Yang, Michel Paindavoine, Hervé Abdi:
A Pre-Processing Technique Based on the Wavelet Transform for Linear Autoassociators with Applications to Face Recognition. 925-930 - Kunihiko Fukushima, Hideki Hashimoto:
Recognition and Segmentation of Components of a Face by a Multi-Resolution Neural Network. 931-936 - Erol Gelenbe, Taskin Koçak, Leslie M. Collins:
Sensor Fusion for Mine Detection with the RNN. 937-942 - Toshifumi Fujita, Hiroshi Ando:
Image Segmentation for 3D Object Recognition Using Bidirectional Networks. 943-948 - Stefan Winkler, Patrick Wunsch, Gerd Hirzinger:
A Feature Map Approach to Pose Estimation Based on Quaternions. 949-954 - Axel Christian Varchmin, Robert Rae, Helge J. Ritter:
Facial Feature Detection Using Neural Networks. 955-960 - Hakan Bakircioglu, Erol Gelenbe, Lawrence Carin:
Random Neural Network Recognition of Shaped Objects in Strong Clutter. 961-966 - Holger Schwenk, Yoshua Bengio:
AdaBoosting Neural Networks: Application to on-line Character Recognition. 967-972 - Urs-Viktor Marti, Guido Kaufmann, Horst Bunke:
Cursive Script Recognition with Time Delay Neural Networks Using Learning Hints. 973-978
Part 7: Prediction, Forecasting, and Monitoring
- Eric de Bodt, Philippe Grégoire, Marie Cottrell:
A Powerful Tool for Fitting and Forecasting Deterministic and Stochastic Processes: The Kohonen Classification. 981-986 - Morgan Mangeas:
Neural Model Selection: How to Determine the Fittest Criterion? 987-992 - Marie Cottrell, Bernard Girard, Patrick Rousset:
Long Term Forecasting by Combining Kohonen Algorithm and Standard Prevision. 993-998 - Klaus-Robert Müller, Alexander J. Smola, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, Jens Kohlmorgen, Vladimir Vapnik:
Predicting Time Series with Support Vector Machines. 999-1004 - Thomas Burg, Nadine N. Tschichold-Gürman:
An Extended Neuron Model for Efficient Time-Series Generation and Prediction. 1005-1010 - Myriam Monteyne, Tristan Salomé, Françoise de Viron, Jean-Michel Renders, Pierre Doulliez, François Dongier, Jean Claus:
Different Model Types for Short-Term Forecasting of Characteristic Load Points. 1011-1016 - José Nuno Fidalgo, Manuel A. Matos, Maria Teresa de Ponce Leão:
Assessing Error Bars in Distribution Load Curve Estimation. 1017-1022 - Thomas Ragg, Steffen Gutjahr:
Building High Performant Classifiers by Integrating Bayesian Learning, Mutual Information and Committee Techniques - A Case Study in Time Series Prediction. 1023-1028 - Thomas Czernichow, Antonio Muñoz San Roque:
A Probability Estimation Based Criteria for Model Evaluation. 1029-1034 - Francesco Camastra, Anna Maria Colla:
Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Correlation Dimension Estimation and Neural Nets. 1035-1040 - Thierry Lenez, Bernadette Dorizzi:
Predictive Neural Models in Noisy Environment. 1041-1046 - Ashraf A. M. Khalaf, Kenji Nakayama, Kazuyuki Hara:
A Neural-FIR Predictor: Minimum Size Estimation Based on Nonlinearity Analysis of Input Sequence. 1047-1052 - Dirk Husmeier, John G. Taylor:
Modeling Conditional Probabilities with Committees of RVFL Networks. 1053-1058 - Bernhard Sick:
Classifying the Wear of Turning Tools with Neural Networks. 1059-1064 - Yves Moreau, Herman Verrelst, Joos Vandewalle:
Detection of Mobile Phone Fraud Using Supervised Neural Networks: A First Prototype. 1065-1070 - Arto Visala, Hannu Pitkänen, Aarne Halme:
Wiener Type SOM- and MLP-classifiers for Recognition of Dynamic Modes. 1071-1076 - Jens Kohlmorgen, Klaus-Robert Müller, Jörn Rittweger, Klaus Pawelzik:
Analysis of Wake/Sleep EEG with Competing Experts. 1077-1082 - Rosaria Silipo, Gustavo Deco, Rossano Vergassola, Christian Schittenkopf, Celio Gremigni:
Nonlinear Modelling of the Daily Heart Rhythm. 1083-1088 - Younès Bennani, Fabrice Bossaert, Elisabeth Didelet:
Linear and Nonlinear Combinations of Connectionist Models for Local Diagnosis in Real-Time Telephone Network Traffic Management. 1089-1094 - Olivier Gérard, Jean-Noël Patillon, Florence d'Alché-Buc:
Neural Network Adaptive Modeling of Battery Discharge Behavior. 1095-1100 - Rainer Müller:
Neural Combustion Control. 1101-1106 - Yasmine Assef, Patrick Bastard, Michel Meunier:
A Neural Network Based Fault Detector for Power Distribution Systems. 1107-1112 - Edmund Handschin, Dietmar Kuhlmann, Christian Rehtanz:
Visualization and Analysis of Voltage Stability Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks. 1113-1118 - J. Ambühl, D. Cattani, P. Eckert:
Classification of Meteorological Patterns. 1119-1124 - Mikhail F. Kanevski, Vasiliy V. Demyanov, Michel Maignan:
Mapping of Soil Contamination by Using Artificial Neural Networks and Multivariate Geostatistics. 1125-1130
Part 8: Implementations
- Eric A. Vittoz:
Pseudo-Resistive Networks and their Applications to Analog Collective Computation. 1133-1150 - Tamás Roska:
Implementation of CNN Computing Technology. 1151-1155 - Tzi-Dar Chiueh, Linkai Bu:
Implementation of a Masking Network for Speech Perception. 1157-1162 - Rainer A. Deutschmann, Charles M. Higgins, Christof Koch:
Real-Time Analog VLSI Sensors for 2-D Direction of Motion. 1163-1168 - Chang-Han Yi, Robert Schlabbach, Holger Kroth, Heinrich Klar:
An Improved Multiplexed Resistive Network for Analog Image Preprocessing. 1169-1174 - Giacomo M. Bisio, Gian Marco Bo, M. Confalone, Luigi Raffo, Silvio P. Sabatini, M. P. Zizola:
An Analog VLSI Computational Engine for Early Vision Tasks. 1175-1180 - Michael Becker, Rolf Eckmiller:
Spatio-temporal Filter Adjustment from Evaluative Feedback for a Retina Implant. 1181-1186 - Axel Jahnke, Tim Schönauer, Ulrich Roth, K. Mohraz, Heinrich Klar:
Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks on Different Hardware Platforms. 1187-1192 - Tadeusz Lobos, Andrzej Cichocki, Pawel Kostyla, Zbigniew Waclawek:
Adaptive On-line Learing Algorithm for Robust Estimation of Parameters of Noisy Sinusoidal Signals. 1193-1198 - Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Eduard Alarcón, Joan Cabestany:
Analog Sequential Architecture for Neuro-Fuzzy Models VLSI Implementation. 1199-1204 - M. Oláh, P. Masa, András Lörincz:
A Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuit for Skeletonization by Grassfire Transformation. 1205-1210 - Jean-Denis Muller, Ph. Cheynet, Raoul Velazco:
Analysis and Improvement of Neural Network Robustness for On-Board Satellite Image Processing. 1211-1216 - Ulrich Roth, Axel Jahnke, Heinrich Klar:
On-Line Hebbian Learning for Spiking Neurons: Architecture of the Weight-Unit of NESPINN. 1217-1222 - Eduard Säckinger:
Measurement of Finite-Precision Effects in Handwriting- and Speech-Recognition Algorithms. 1223-1228 - Daniela Baratta, Gian Marco Bo, Daniele D. Caviglia, Maurizio Valle, Giovanni Canepa, Riccardo Parenti, Carla Penno:
A Hardware Implementation of Hierarchical Neural Networks for Real-Time Quality Contol Systems in Industrial Applications. 1229-1234 - Thomas Fischer, Wolfgang Eppler, Hartmut Gemmeke, Gerd Kock, Thomas Becher:
The SAND Neurochip and Its Embedding in the MiND System. 1235-1240 - Markus L. Rossmann, Andreas Bühlmeier, Gerhard Manteuffel, Karl Goser:
Short- and Long-Term Dynamics in a Stochastic Pulse Stream Neuron Implemented in FPGA. 1241-1246 - Andrés Pérez-Uribe, Eduardo Sanchez:
FPGA Implementation of a Network of Neuronlike Adaptive Elements. 1247-1252 - I. Saxena, Perry Moerland, Emile Fiesler, A. Pourzand:
Handwritten Digit Recognition with Binary Optical Perceptron. 1253-1258 - Pasi Kolinummi, Timo Hämäläinen, Jukka Saarinen:
Mapping of Radial Basis Function Networks to Partial Tree Shape Parallel Neurocomputer. 1259-1264 - Paolo Del Giudice, Stefano Fusi:
Attractor Dynamics in an Electronic Neural Network. 1265-1270
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