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ICLIQE 2020: Surakarta, Indonesia
- ICLIQE 2020: The 4th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education, Surakarta, Indonesia, September, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-7572-6
- Adi Sifa Muhammad, Rukayah
, Roemintoyo:
Social Media Based E-Learning in Elementary School (Case Study at the Ampel 2 Boyolali Elementary School). 1:1-1:4 - Afifah Shafa Shelviana, Widha Sunarno, Suharno:
A Needs Analysis of Problem-Based Physic Modules of Senior High School. 2:1-2:5 - Agung Ilham Prastowo, Arham Junaidi Firman
, Tri Mulyanto, Rz. Ricky Satria Wiranata:
The Independent Learning Curriculum Concept of Imam Zarkasyi's Perspective In Pesantren For Facing The Era of Society 5.0. 3:1-3:6 - Agus Badrudin, Suharno, Winarno:
Teacher Readiness towards the Latest Lesson Plan Policy in 2020. 4:1-4:7 - Agus Tri Susilo:
Bibliocounseling: The Therapeutic Techniques of Guidance and Counseling Services for Higher Education. 5:1-5:7 - Agustin Kumala Dewi, Sentot Budi Rahardjo
, Suryadi Budi Utomo:
Item Analysis of an Instrument to Measure Chemistry Students' Critical Thinking Skills Based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) on Solubility and Solubility Product (KSP) material using the Rasch model. 6:1-6:5 - Agustinus Tanggu Daga:
Philosophical Foundation of Curriculum Development of Primary Teacher Education Study Program at STKIP Weetebula Southwest Sumba East Nusa Tenggara. 7:1-7:7 - Ahmad Novianto, Suharsimi Arikunto, Atik Nidaul Husna:
Public Relations Management at Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali University Cilacap Indonesia. 8:1-8:4 - Alben Ambarita, Frida Destini
, Dodo Septiawan:
The Development of Lesson Plan Based on Backward Design to Improve Students' Critical Thinking at Elementary School. 9:1-9:5 - Alfania Putri Fortuna, Amri Muhammad Rida, Ladiva Shyafa Putri Maharani, Roy Ardiansyah, Awanda Anindita Sari:
A Needs Analysis of Digital Connecting Book in Education In the Pandemic Era. 10:1-10:5 - Alfiani Indah Pratiwi, Widha Sunarno, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto:
Science Learning Tools Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model With STEM Approach To Improve Mastery of Junior High School Student's Concepts on Environmental Pollution Materials. 11:1-11:6 - Algiyan Eko Prasetya, St. Y. Slamet, Budi Usodo:
Analysis of The Need For The Development of Geometry Interactive Learning Multimedia Based On Guided-Inquiry In Elementary Schools. 12:1-12:5 - Amy Mukaromatun Luthfiana, Sarwanto, Ahmad Marzuki:
ICT Literacy among High School Students Based on E-Learning Effectivity in Surakarta. 13:1-13:7 - Andri Pitoyo:
Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence Paragraph and its Effect on Student Writing Ability. 14:1-14:8 - Anggraeni Mashinta Sulistyani, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, Rizki Noor Prasetyono
, Farida Hanum:
The Effect of Student Worksheets Oriented to The Myth of "Telaga Ranjeng" to Foster an Attitude of Caring For The Environment. 15:1-15:8 - Angla Florensy Sauhenda
, Marnina, Lay Riwu, Nova Lina Sari Habeahan, Zem Santo:
Development of Language Capability Assessment Instrument In Writing Descriptive Text Based on Local Wisdom. 16:1-16:5 - Apip Pirmansyah, Uman Suherman, Juntika Nurihsan, Mubiar Agustin:
Competency Profile School Counselor in Managing Guidance and Counseling Services in Madrasah in Garut Regency, Indonesia. 17:1-17:4 - Archie Rizkyanti Santoso, Munawir Yusuf, Arif Tri Setyanto:
The Correlation of Goal Orientation and Impostor Phenomenon Towards Academic Anxiety on Sebelas Maret University Students. 18:1-18:5 - Arif Widodo
, F. X. Wartoyo:
Lockdown and Gadget Addicted Phenomenon: Changes in Social Behavior of School Age Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Mataram City. 19:1-19:8 - Arindra Trisna Widiansyah, Purwo Adi Nugroho
Development of I-Arthropoda as a Media to Identify Species of Arthropoda. 20:1-20:5 - Aris Naeni Dwiyanti
, Sri Lestari Handayani
Development of Attitude Assessment Instrument for Pre-service Primary School Teachers Based on Science Literacy. 21:1-21:5 - Ariskha Lianasari Fajarwati, Sudiyanto, Rukayah
The Cursive Writing Learning Methods in Curriculum 2013 in The Primary School of Sragen. 22:1-22:6 - Asep Supena, Chrisnaji Banindra Yudha, Vina Iasha, Muhammad Khoirul Huda:
Preparation for Prospective Teachers of Elementary Schools in Providing Services to Authorized Children: Descriptive. 23:1-23:6 - Atik Nidaul Husna, Husaini Usman, Ahmad Novianto:
Management of Elementary School Supervisors Strategy in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. 24:1-24:4 - Aulia Ul Badriyah, Febby Ristyadewi, Nila Fitria:
Gross Motor Ability in Early Childhood Through Motion and Song Activities. 25:1-25:4 - Catur Retno Lestari, Harsono Salimo, Adi Magna Patriadi Nuhriawangsa
The Relationship Between Exclusive Breastfeeding and Birth Weight with Fine Motor Development to Infants. 26:1-26:4 - Chrisnaji Banindra Yudha, Asep Supena, Yufiarti, Nurfatanah, Vina Iasha:
Use Brain Based Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Qualitative. 27:1-27:11 - Chyta Anindhyta
, Widha Sunarno, Sri Budiawanti:
Is the Android Digital Web Module based on Flipped Classroom Needed by Teachers and High School Students in Pati Distric during the Covid-19 Pandemic? 28:1-28:6 - Devy Mitha Nurjanah, Diana
The Parents Involvement in Implementation of Early Childhood Inclusive Education. 29:1-29:5 - Dewi Ayu, Murni Ramli, Joko Ariyanto:
Item Analysis of Learning Progression Test of Carbon Transformation Process. 30:1-30:5 - Dewi Suprihatin, Retno Winarni, Nugraheni Eko Wardani, Kundharu Saddhono:
Internalization of Local Wisdom in Scientific Writing with Scientific Approach. 31:1-31:4 - Dian Mayasari, Markus Palobo
, Irmawaty Natsir, Anis Munfarikhatin:
The Effect of Problem Solving Ability Based Blended Learning Towards The Pupils' Math Learning Outcomes. 32:1-32:6 - Diyan Alfiyana Rahma, Retno Winarni, Winarno:
The challenges and readiness of elementary school teachers in facing society 5.0 through online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. 33:1-33:6 - Djuria Suprato:
Maximizing Social Media Application for Students in Learning English. 34:1-34:4 - Dwi Anggraini
, Hasnawati:
Internet Based learning To Improve Student Nusantara Dance Literacy. 35:1-35:4 - Dwi Yuniasih Saputri, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Roy Ardiansyah:
An Analysis of Innovative Online Learning Facing The 21st Century in The Covid-19 Pandemic in Elementary Schools in Surakarta. 36:1-36:3 - Edy Cahya Saputra, Suwarjo:
Effectiveness of the Sociodrama Techniques in Group Guidance on the Prosocial Students: Prevent Moral Degradation in Society 5.0. 37:1-37:5 - Engelbertus Nggalu Bali, Serly Bani, Angelikus Nama Koten, Kristin Margiani:
The Role of Single-Mothers in Raising Children in Families at Lasiana Village The city of Kupang. 38:1-38:5 - Ervan Jaya:
Implications of Student Management in SMART Ekselensia Indonesia. 39:1-39:7 - Feri Faila Sufa, Gunarhadi, Muhammad Akhyar, Munawir Yusuf:
Exploring the Collaborative Strategies of Learning Mathematic Concept for the Early Aged-Children. 40:1-40:4 - Fiola Indah Putri Pratama, Agus Kristiyanto
, Herry Widyastono:
Analysis of Self-Confident Character on Slow Learner Students in Learning at The Inclusive Elementary School in Surakarta. 41:1-41:5 - Retno Winarni, Tri Murwaningsih, Fitria Hayu Susanti:
The Creative Process of Teaching Poetry Class V Elementary School. 42:1-42:3 - Flora, Siti Farhana, Khairun Nisa, Retanisa Mentari:
The Proportion of Peer Corrective Feedback (PCF) on Writing Aspects: Are they really effective? 43:1-43:6 - Florentina Widihastrini, Trimurtini, Sri Susilaningsih, Kurniana Bektiningsih:
Measuring Undergraduate Elementary School Teacher Candidates' Research Skills. 44:1-44:5 - Gutomo Saputro, Suharno, Rukayah
Value Clarification Technique (VCT) models answered the challenge of demoralization in the face of globalization era 5.0. 45:1-45:5 - H. M. Zainuddin:
Implementation of Grebeg Pancasila values Against the Character of Children in Primary Schools. 46:1-46:6 - Hamda Hamda, Fajar Arwadi, Sukarna Sukarna
, Rahmat Syam:
Instructional Design of Multivariable Calculus Course using Toulmin Argument Model to Increase the Understanding of Students. 47:1-47:6 - Haza Kurnia Dinantika, Viyanti, Agus Suyatna:
Design of Student Worksheet to Accommodate Learning Style and Initial Knowledge and Reduce The Differences of Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation Performance. 48:1-48:7 - Heny Kusdiyanti, Indra Febrianto
, M. Nurruddin Zanky, Robby Wijaya
Web Enhanced Course-Based Virtual Reality as an Interactive Molta Model Implementation for Entrepreneurship Learning. 49:1-49:5 - Heri Kuswoyo
, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Akhyar Rido, Lia Maulia Indrayani:
Theme Choice and Thematic Progression of Discussion Section in Engineering English Lectures. 50:1-50:10 - Hidayatun:
Developing Teaching Materials for 5- to 6-Year-Old Students' Gross Motor Skill Development through a Mountain Climbing Outbond Activity. 51:1-51:6 - Hilman Hilmawan, Bachrudin Musthafa
, Mubiar Agustin:
Literacy Environment: What Must Teachers Do? 52:1-52:6 - Hilmawan Wibawanto
, Roemintoyo:
The Learning Method of Society 5.0 During New Normal in Indonesia: Case Study: Vocational Highschool in Surakarta, Indonesia. 53:1-53:6 - Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Sajidan, Dwi Yuniasih Saputri, Suranto
, Roy Ardiansyah:
The Role of Biotechnology to Produce New Fermentation Products Based on Flipped Learning. 54:1-54:5 - Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Roy Ardiansyah, Dwi Yuniasih Saputri:
The Enhancement of Pedagogical Competence And Teachers' Profesiaonlism of Elementary School Teachers to Accelerate The Digilization Era in The Education Field Through Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Approach. 55:1-55:4 - Ifat Fatimah Zahro, Ayu Rissa Atikah:
Parents' Perceptions of Early Childhood Education Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period. 56:1-56:6 - Ikhsan Hilmi, Agung Nugraha, Aam Imaddudin, Sunaryo Kartadinata, Syamsu Yusuf LN, Idat Muqodas
Spiritual Well-Being Among Student in Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya. 57:1-57:5 - Imaniar Purbasari, Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum, Hutomo Rusdianto:
Visualization Instructions Through Game Therapy in Regressive Autistic. 58:1-58:5 - Inoe Saputro, Retno Winarni, Mintasih Indriayu:
The Role of Character Education in Internalizing Nationalism Value. 59:1-59:6 - Irmawaty Natsir, Anis Munfarikhatin, Dian Mayasari, Abdul Rachman Taufik
Implementation Online Lectures in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Student Perception. 60:1-60:5 - Islahuzzaman Nuryadin, Rumi Iqbal Doewes:
The Effect of Playing Approach Learning Models on Football Dribbling Skills. 61:1-61:5 - Jenny Indrastoeti Siti Poerwanti, St Y. Slamet, Ahmad Syawaludin
, Retno Winarni, Muhammad Ismail Sriyanto:
Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Indonesian Learning in Primary Schools: A Case Study. 62:1-62:4 - Joko Daryanto, Rustopo, Bambang Sunarto:
Contribution and Innovation of Paku Buwana X in Education. 63:1-63:3 - Joko Subando
, Badrun Kartowagiran, Sudji Munadi:
The Development of Instrument for Evaluating The Process of Strengthening Religion Ideology. 64:1-64:8 - Anayanti Rahmawati, Fajrianthi, Krisztian Józsa, George A. Morgan:
Mastery Motivation in Early Childhood. 65:1-65:6 - Karsono, Wadiyo, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi
Character education of children in the Banyuwangi Angklung Caruk festival, East Java, Indonesia. 66:1-66:9 - Kartika Chrysti Suryandari, Rokhmaniyah, Muhamad Chamdani:
Enhancement of Artifact Based Activities Learning in Natural Science Through Scientific Reading Based Project (SRBP) Model for Preservice Teacher Using Design Based Research (DBR). 67:1-67:5 - Khiara Santitami Mujtahid, Arif Rohman:
Quality Management at SDN Percobaan 3 Pakem Sleman, Yogyakarta. 68:1-68:8 - Laras Ambar Wati, Gunarhadi, Asrowi:
The Exploration of Career Maturity Level on the Children with Special Needs at Inclusive Vocational High School in Surakarta. 69:1-69:4 - Larassakti Kusuma, Sukarmin, Agus Supriyanto:
The Perceptions of Teacher and Student in Senior High School to the Needs of STEM-based E-learning in Physics Learning Process. 70:1-70:7 - Listyanto Aji Nugroho
, Sariyatun, Suryo Ediyono:
Enhancing humanism values through higher education: A case study on implementation of INQF oriented curriculum. 71:1-71:6 - Lutfiah Endah Damayanti, Susilaningsih, Mintasih Indriayu:
Financial Literacy in Student Financial Management Behavior in the Digital Age. 72:1-72:4 - Luthfa Nugraheni, Suyitno, Nugraheni Eko Wardani, Herman J. Waluyo:
Pictures Series As Learning Media Of Folklore At Elementary School. 73:1-73:4 - Lutma Ranta Allolinggi, Sapriya Sapriya, Kama Abdul Hakam:
Local Wisdom Values In Rambu Solo' Ceremony as a Source of Student Character Development (Ethnographic Studies on Traditional Ceremonies of the Tana Toraja Community). 74:1-74:6 - Ma'rifatin Indah Kholili
, Edy Legowo:
Junior High School Students' Need and Problem Assessment Instrument: Development of Android-Based Assessment Instrument. 75:1-75:6 - Markus Palobo
, Anis Munfarikhatin, Sadrack Luden Pagiling, Dian Mayasari, Maria Fransiana V. Ruslau:
Calculus Learning with Problem-solving Learning Based on Blended Learning Approach. 76:1-76:7 - Matsuri, Hari Setijono, Gatot Jariono
, Oce Wiriawan
The Effect of Static Training Method on Increasing the Power of Sports Science Students In UNS. 77:1-77:3 - Mawan Akhir Riwanto
, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti
Development of Digital Science Comics for Elementary School as a Support for Digital Literacy in Online Learning. 78:1-78:4 - Medira Ferayanti, Sunardi, Siswandari:
Mentoring Prospective School Principals in Indonesia: Which Mentoring Skills Need Improvement? 79:1-79:9 - Mitayuanisya, Gunarhadi, Riyadi
Analysis of Student Thinking Processes in Mathematical Problem Solving Reviewed From Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School Students. 80:1-80:4 - Mohammad Anwar
, Donni Prakosha, Intan Aulia Nastiti, Tias Martika:
The Development of Anwar's Hole Braille System (AHOBS) for Students with Visual Impairment. 81:1-81:3 - Monica Roito Ambarita, Wardani Rahayu, Asep Supena:
Number Sense Ability: The Application of Game with Rules and Emotional Intelligence. 82:1-82:7 - Muh Ridwan Febrian
, Slamet Subiyantoro, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo:
Students' Perceptions and Interest Towards Learning Through "Learn from Home on TVRI" Programs. 83:1-83:7 - Muslim
, Warto
, Djono:
Historical Learning of National Movement Material in Secondary Schools To Foster The Values of Tolerance and Patriotism. 84:1-84:7 - Muslimah
, Amir Syamsudin:
Digital Learning for Early Years in Urban Family: A Qualitative Exploratory Study Across Four Urban Family. 85:1-85:9 - Nadhifah Rahmadini Hidayat, Razahra Asdi, Nila Fitria:
Role of Parents in Improving Children's Fine Motor Skills at Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 86:1-86:4 - Nani Triani, Uman Suherman A. S., Juntika Nurihsan:
Development Of Class Teacher's Pedagogic Competency In The Implementation Of Learning Guidelines In Extraordinary Elementary School (EES). 87:1-87:4 - Novi Indriastuti, Sugini, Mohammad Anwar
Visually Impaireds Critical Thinking Skills (A Comparative Study between Inclusive School and Special School). 88:1-88:5 - Novita Eka Nurjanah
, Widya Dwi Hardiyanti:
Playing Through Painting Activities to Stimulate Early-Childhood Creativity. 89:1-89:4 - Nur Azizah Fahmi, Roemintoyo, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo:
Freedom to Learn on Science Learning in Elementary School. 90:1-90:4 - Nuraini Usman, Makmum Raharjo
, Laihat, Faizal Chan:
The Effectiveness of Multicultural Education Teaching Materials on The Nationalism of Elementary School Teacher Education Students. 91:1-91:7 - Nursaptini, Arif Widodo
, Muhammad Sobri
School and Community Synergy in Building the Character of Children. 92:1-92:3 - Nurul Aryanti, Aria Septi Anggaira:
Language Learner Autonomy: Students' and Teachers' Reflection. 93:1-93:6 - Okta Lesagia, Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum:
Investigating EFL University Students' Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectation in Technology Integration. 94:1-94:6 - Priskila Dwinando, Sri Marmoah
, Sri Yamtinah:
The Feasibility of Media, Material, and Language Aspects in the Development of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom. 95:1-95:7 - Puji Rahmawati, Lilian Slow:
The Effectiveness of Mathematics-English (Mating) Learning Model to Increase the Mathematics Problem Solving Competence and Mathematics-English. 96:1-96:4 - Rahayu Mulyaning Sari, Suyanto:
Use of Circle Time in Supporting Learning 4.0. 97:1-97:5 - Ratna Dyah Suryaratri, Santi Yudhistira
, Daariin Ulayya:
The Influence of Social Support towards High School Teachers' Resilience in Jakarta, Indonesia. 98:1-98:6 - Rayendra, Ishak Abdulhak, Rusman:
Assessment of Digital Literacy Competence for Non-Formal Education Study Program Students. 99:1-99:4 - Reza Dimas Pravangasta Perdana, Arindra Trisna Widiansyah:
Student Module Development Based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) as an Effort to Increase Mathematic Reasoning Students in Algebra. 100:1-100:8 - Ria Almareta, Paidi:
The Suitability of Planning and Implementing ICT-based Learning by Biology Teachers in Senior High School. 101:1-101:5 - Rizki Husadani, Nunuk Suryani, Munawir Yusuf:
Social Skills Analysis of Children With Learning Disabilities at an Inclusive Elementary Schools in Surakarta. 102:1-102:4 - Rizky Asih Wulandari, Ruli Hafidah, Adriani Rahma Pudyaningtyas:
The Effect of Augmented Reality (AR) Flashcard on Early Literacy of Early Childhood. 103:1-103:5 - Robby Wijaya
, Indra Febrianto
, Heny Kusdiyanti:
Blended Learning Between Team Games Tournament (TGT) And Web-Based Module as an Effort To Improve The Achievement Of Student Competency In Automotive Departement. 104:1-104:5 - Rosiana Nur Fazri, Ali Mustadi
Learning Cycle 5E: an Attempt to Improve Creative Thinking Skills' Pre-service Primary School Teachers An Classroom Action Research. 105:1-105:9 - Rusdi Rusli
, Nur Ainy Fardana, Wiwin Hendriani:
How Does Grit Affect For Medical Internship Students? 106:1-106:6 - Sadrack Luden Pagiling, Yonarlianto Tembang, Markus Palobo
, Anis Munfarikhatin:
Analysis of Pre-service Primary Teachers' Difficulties In Solving Word Problem. 107:1-107:5 - Septri Wahyuningrum, Retno Winarni, Tri Murwaningsih:
The Role of Full-Day School in Student Character Building in Primary School. 108:1-108:7 - Shavia Radhadangu, Subagya, Sugini:
Correlation of Regular Students' Perception Towards The Special Needs Children With Social Acceptance In Inclusive Elementary School. 109:1-109:5 - Siti Hadiyati Nur Hafida, Harun Joko Prayitno, Sutama, Muhammad Musiyam:
The Role of Adaptation Patterns to Improve Information Literacy Skills of Students from Affirmation Program. 110:1-110:6 - Siti Sarah
, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, Insih Wilujeng, Arif Maftukhin
, Ade Tegar Saputra, Dian Aswita
Implementation Of Contextual Physics Learning Models Based On The Local Potential To Improve Creative Thinking Skills And Living Values. 111:1-111:5 - Siti Wahyuningsih, Ruli Hafidah, Muhammad Munif Syamsuddin, Adriani Rahma Pudyaningtyas, Nurul Kusuma Dewi, Novita Eka Nurjanah
, Vera Sholeha:
Identification of the Application of Science Literacy in Early Childhood Education Learning in Surakarta, Indonesia. 112:1-112:4 - Sri Marmoah
, Siti Istiyati, Hasan Mahfud, Hadiyah, Matsuri:
Understanding, Participation, and Obstacles of Elementary School Teachers in Improving Scientific Writing Skills. 113:1-113:7 - Subar Junanto, Tri Utami:
Development of Academic Supervision Models in Early Childhood Education Institutions. 114:1-114:8 - Sudarti, Ishak Abdulhak, Rusman, Cepi Riyana
Digital Literacy for Early Childhood Education Teachers in Society 5.0. 115:1-115:4 - Suhartono, Sri Fatmawati
, Suranto
Non-Natural Disaster Mitigation Covid-19 Pandemic and its Urgency in the Education Curriculum. 116:1-116:5 - Sumarwati, Sukarno, Atikah Anindyarini
The Effect of Educative Comics on Traditional Ecological Knowledge Literacy about Corn Food Security in Elementary School. 117:1-117:9 - Sunardi, Sugini, Donni Prakosha, Tias Martika:
The Development of an Inclusion Metric for Indonesia Higher Education Institutions. 118:1-118:8 - Suroto
, Yusuf Perdana, Sumargono:
Character and Design of Education Learning Competence Business Presentation of Vocational School Students. 119:1-119:3 - Suroto
, I. Komang Winatha
, Fanni Rahmawati, Albet Maydiantoro
Problem Learning Repatriation Students In The Lampung Province. 120:1-120:3 - Sutarman, Sutarno J. A., Nunuk Suryani, Asrowi:
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on The Innovations of Elementary School Prospective Principals in Karanganyar District. 121:1-121:10 - Tri Hesti Shinta Dewi, Gunarhadi, Riyadi
The Effects of Learning Media Based on Illustrated Story Books on Understanding Mathematical Concepts of Primary Schools. 122:1-122:4 - Tri Saptuti Susiani, Moh Salimi, Ngatman, Ratna Hidayah
, Suhartono:
STEAM in Art Education Course: Students Perception. 123:1-123:4 - Uman Budi Arja, Sarwanto, Peduk Rintayati:
The Effect of Adiwiyata-Based Textbooks on Fifth Grade Elementary School Students In Implementing Environmental Care Behaviors. 124:1-124:4 - Vania Martha Yunita, Sunardi, Agus Kristiyanto
The New Family's Level of Understanding In ADHD Children At Early Age In Surakarta. 125:1-125:5 - Vina Iasha, M. Iqbal Al Ghozali, Asep Supena, Endang Wahyudiana, Bramianto Setiawan
, Yetty Auliaty:
The Traditional Games Effect on Improving Students Working Memory Capacity in Primary Schools. 126:1-126:5 - Vina Septiani, Paidi:
Biology Conceptual Knowledge: Do The Teachers' Qualifications Make a Difference? 127:1-127:5 - Wahyu Ari Wibowo, Wuri Wuryandani:
The Impovement of Students 'Self-Confidence Though Problem Based Learning Implementation. 128:1-128:6 - Wahyu Nuning Budiarti
, Mawan Akhir Riwanto
Development of Indonesian Language Learning Videos for Elementary Schools Storytelling Activities for Distance Learning. 129:1-129:6 - Wahyu Wulandari, Tri Murwaningsih, Sri Marmoah
Implementation of Merdeka Belajar in Online Learning Methods at The School for Children of Indonesia. 130:1-130:5 - Wahyudi, Kartika Chrysti Suryandari, Rokhmaniyah:
Spada-Based Learning in The Covid-19 Priode Primary Teacher Traning Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University. 131:1-131:6 - Wilis Putri Hapsari, Heni Septia Saputri, Haryanto
Engaging Self-Awareness to Heutagogy Approach of Distance Learning in Primary Education. 132:1-132:5 - Winda Greatta Zakiah, Ravik Karsidi, Munawir Yusuf:
The Readiness of Principal and Educators in Implementing Inclusive Education Policies. 133:1-133:4 - Wulandari, Rini Triastuti, Dewi Gunawati:
Digital Literacy Through Citizenship Education Learning An Effort To Address The Spread Of False News (HOAX). 134:1-134:5 - Wulansari, Camalia Fatih Nida:
A Systematic Literature Review: First Language Acquisition for Children in Linguistics Perspective. 135:1-135:6 - Yantoro, Issaura Sherly Pamela, Erni Ismaini, Eka Purwanti:
Analysis of Teachers Ability of Classroom Management Applications in Primary School. 136:1-136:6 - Yeni Widiyawati, Indri Nurwahidah
, Dwi Septiana Sari, Mohammad Masykuri, Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto
STEM-Project Based Learning Integration On Bioacoustics Worksheet To Enhance Critical Thinking Skills. 137:1-137:7 - Yenni Harsari, Mintasih Indriayu, Triyanto:
Building Students' Environmental Care Attitudes In Digital Era Through The Implementation School Culture In Elementary Schools. 138:1-138:7 - Yonarlianto Tembang, Ratna Purwanty, Markus Palobo
, Rudolf Irwanto Kabrahanubun:
Development of Interactive Based Powerpoint Learning Media In The Class Iv Students Of Merauke Basic School. 139:1-139:6 - Yudi Hartono
, Khoirul Huda:
Development Concept of Controversial History Material in Senior High School in Indonesia. 140:1-140:5 - Yulia Dewi Puspitasari
, Erdyna Dwi Etika, Purwo Adi Nugroho
, Imega Syahlita Dewi, Triana Wuri Cahyanti, Reza Dimas Pravangasta:
The Development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Based on ADDIE Model for Basic Natural Sciences Course in College. 141:1-141:6 - Yuni Ratnasari, Dadan Rosana, Irwanto, Anti Kolonial Prodjosantoso, I. G. P. Suryadarma, Yuni Ratnasari:
Learning Science Through Mashed Herbs. 142:1-142:7 - Yunita Sari, Asep Supena, Yufiarti, Rani Puspita Sari, Vina Iasha:
The Role of Executive Function in Facing Attention Interference in Elementary School Students: Descriptive Qualitative. 143:1-143:6 - Yusuf Perdana, Suroto
, Sumargono:
Existence of Covid-19 Pandemic Learning Institution In Bandar Lampung City. 144:1-144:6 - Zidni Nuzula, Yoyon Suryono:
Management of Nonformal Education Programs in The Community Learning Center (CLC) of Bantul Regency Management of Equality Education Program. 145:1-145:3 - Fadhlia Nur Aini, Rika Rahmawati, Nila Fitria:
Description of Parents Knowledge About Smooth Fine Motor Ability in Pos Paud Mawar Merah, Kedaung, Sawangan, Depok. 146:1-146:5 - Riyadi
, Anesa Surya, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan:
Teacher Competency Profile in Developing Mathematical Literation of Students in Basic Schools Assessed from Class Level. 147:1-147:3 - Sukarno, Anesa Surya, Sularmi:
Effect of Lesson Study Method on The Competence of Writing and Publication of Scientific Articles for Laweyan Elementary School Teacher in Surakarta. 148:1-148:3 - Fadhilah Khairani
, Anwar Senen, Nurdin Kamil
The Effectiveness of Convertible Book Media based on Scientific Approach Viewed from Students' Critical Thinking Skill. 149:1-149:10 - Mahbub Alwathoni
, Sulistyo Saputro, Ashadi, Mohammad Masykuri:
Distance Learning of Advance Organizer To Empower Chemical Literacy during the COVID-19 Outbreak. 150:1-150:6 - Santri Prabowo Utomo, Gunarhadi, Sukarno:
Implementation of Online Learning at MI Muhammadiyah Special Program Wirogunan Kartasura During The Covid-19 Pandemic. 151:1-151:7 - Oktavia Ratnasari, Lantip Diat Prasojo:
Management of Educators in Selopamioro State Police School of Yogyakarta Regional Police. 152:1-152:4 - Suci Nur Cahyani, Bowo Sugiharto, Slamet Santosa:
Analysis of Student Response Using Rasch Modeling to The Android-Based Educational Game Learning Media "SiGN" (Synchronization Game for Metabolism Education). 153:1-153:8
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