Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE)

International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      PRO-VE 2024: Albi, France

      PRO-VE 2023: Valencia, Spain

      PRO-VE 2022: Lisbon, Portugal

      PRO-VE 2021: Saint-Étienne, France

      PRO-VE 2020: Valencia, Spain

      PRO-VE 2019: Turin, Italy

      IPAS 2018: Chamonix, France

      PRO-VE 2018: Cardiff, UK

      PRO-VE 2017: Vicenza, Italy

      PRO-VE 2016: Porto, Portugal

      PRO-VE 2015: Albi, France

      IPAS 2014: Chamonix, France

      PRO-VE 2014: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      PRO-VE 2013: Dresden, Germany

      eNTERFACE 2013: Lisbon, Portugal

      PRO-VE 2012: Bournemouth, UK

      IPAS 2012: Chamonix, France

      PRO-VE 2011: São Paulo, Brazil

      PRO-VE 2010: St. Etienne, France

      IPAS 2010: Chamonix, France

      PRO-VE 2009: Thessaloniki, Greece

      IPAS 2008: Chamonix, France

      Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2008: Poznan, Poland

      Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: Guimarães, Portugal

      PRO-VE 2006: Helsinki, Finland

      IPAS 2006: Bad Hofgastein, Austria

      PRO-VE 2005: Valencia, Spain

      Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: Toulouse, France

      part of IFIP World Congress 2004

      PRO-VE 2003: Lugano, Switzerland

      PRO-VE 2002: Sesimbra, Portugal

      PRO-VE 1999: Porto, Portugal