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IEEE Computer, Volume 48
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2015
- Tom Conte:
A Time of Change. 4-6 - Sumi Helal:
Sustaining Computer's Impact and Adapting to Change. 7-9 - Ying Xu:
Carrying out Phylogenetic Analyses through Computational Model Checking. 12 - Charles R. Severance:
Khan Academy and Computer Science. 14-15 - Brian M. Gaff:
IP Issues for Start-ups. 16-18 - Roy Want, Bill N. Schilit, Scott Jenson:
Enabling the Internet of Things. 28-35 - Fadi H. Gebara, H. Peter Hofstee, Kevin J. Nowka:
Second-Generation Big Data Systems. 36-41 - Peter Fonash, Phyllis A. Schneck:
Cybersecurity: From Months to Milliseconds. 42-50 - Constantinos Patsakis, Paul Laird, Michael Clear, Mélanie Bouroche, Agusti Solanas:
Interoperable Privacy-Aware E-Participation within Smart Cities. 52-58 - Stephen P. Crago, John Paul Walters:
Heterogeneous Cloud Computing: The Way Forward. 59-61 - Luca Caviglione, Wojciech Mazurczyk:
Understanding Information Hiding in iOS. 62-65 - Mitchell E. Daniels:
Measuring Great Jobs and Great Lives: The Gallup-Purdue Index. 66-69 - Ari Popper:
Transforming Business through Science Fiction Prototyping. 70-72 - Jennifer Costley:
Leveraging the Standards Life Cycle for Green IT. 73-75 - Hal Berghel:
A Paperless Gamble. 76-78 - David Alan Grier:
State Transitions. 92
Volume 48, Number 2, February 2015
- Elisa Bertino:
Denial-of-Service Attacks to UMTS. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of Python. 7-9 - Brian M. Gaff:
BYOD? OMG! 10-11 - Alf Weaver, Renée C. Bryce:
Technological Advances in Medicine: It's Personal [Guest editors' introduction]. 21-23 - Jingquan Li:
Ensuring Privacy in a Personal Health Record System. 24-31 - Marina Velikova, Peter J. F. Lucas, Maarten van der Heijden:
Intelligent Disease Self-Management with Mobile Technology. 32-39 - Kyungtae Kang, Qixin Wang, Junbeom Hur, Kyung-Joon Park, Lui Sha:
Medical-Grade Quality of Service for Real-Time Mobile Healthcare. 41-49 - Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Krishna Madisetti:
Healthcare Data Integration and Informatics in the Cloud. 50-57 - Erman Ayday, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Gene Tsudik:
Whole Genome Sequencing: Revolutionary Medicine or Privacy Nightmare? 58-66 - Adam P. Spring:
Creating Substance from a Cloud: Low-Cost Product Generation. 67-74 - Greg Byrd:
Spotlighting Student Innovation. 75-76 - Hal Berghel:
Cyber Chutzpah: The Sony Hack and the Celebration of Hyperbole. 77-80 - Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey:
KnowLang: Knowledge Representation for Self-Adaptive Systems. 81-84 - Vincent C. Hu, D. Richard Kuhn, David F. Ferraiolo:
Attribute-Based Access Control. 85-88 - David Alan Grier:
The Tyranny of Geography. 100
Volume 48, Number 3, March 2015
- Björn W. Schuller:
Do Computers Have Personality? 6-7 - Charles R. Severance:
Guido van Rossum: The Modern Era of Python. 8-10 - Lee Garber:
News. 13-19 - Venkat N. Gudivada, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Big Data: Promises and Problems. 20-23 - Vito Giovanni Castellana, Alessandro Morari, Jesse Weaver, Antonino Tumeo, David Haglin, Oreste Villa, John Feo:
In-Memory Graph Databases for Web-Scale Data. 24-35 - Zhenyun Zhuang, Haricharan Ramachandra, Chaoyue Xiong:
Taming Replication Latency of Big Data Events with Capacity Planning. 36-41 - Srividya K. Bansal, Sebastian Kagemann:
Integrating Big Data: A Semantic Extract-Transform-Load Framework. 42-50 - Karamjit Kaur, Rinkle Rani:
Managing Data in Healthcare Information Systems: Many Models, One Solution. 52-59 - Martin Giese, Ahmet Soylu, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo, Arild Waaler, Peter Haase, Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, Davide Lanti, Martín Rezk, Guohui Xiao, Özgür L. Özçep, Riccardo Rosati:
Optique: Zooming in on Big Data. 60-67 - Hasan Alkhatib, Paolo Faraboschi, Eitan Frachtenberg, Hironori Kasahara, Danny B. Lange, Phillip A. Laplante, Arif Merchant, Dejan S. Milojicic, Karsten Schwan:
What Will 2022 Look Like? The IEEE CS 2022 Report. 68-76 - Ninad S. Thakoor, Le An, Bir Bhanu, Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan, B. S. Manjunath:
People Tracking in Camera Networks: Three Open Questions. 78-86 - Hong Linh Truong, Schahram Dustdar:
Programming Elasticity in the Cloud. 87-90 - Kasper Hornbæk:
Flexible Displays, Rigid Designs? 92-96 - Tawny Schlieski:
Virtual Dystopia. 97-98 - James Bret Michael:
Trusted Computing: An Elusive Goal. 99-101 - Hal Berghel:
Noirware. 102-107 - Christian Timmerer, Touradj Ebrahimi, Fernando Pereira:
Toward a New Assessment of Quality. 108-110 - Bob Aiello:
Managing the High-Performance Computer Society Standards Working Group. 111-113 - Steve Roach, Mehran Sahami:
CS2013: Computer Science Curricula 2013. 114-116 - David Alan Grier:
Building Trust. 136
Volume 48, Number 4, April 2015
- David A. Forsyth:
Representation Learning. 6 - Brian M. Gaff:
Important IP Cases in 2015, Part One. 7-9 - D. Frank Hsu, Dorothy Marinucci, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Cybersecurity: Toward a Secure and Sustainable Cyber Ecosystem. 12-14 - Ruby B. Lee:
Rethinking Computers for Cybersecurity. 16-25 - David Gillman, Yin Lin, Bruce M. Maggs, Ramesh K. Sitaraman:
Protecting Websites from Attack with Secure Delivery Networks. 26-34 - Kristin E. Heckman, Frank J. Stech, Ben S. Schmoker, Roshan K. Thomas:
Denial and Deception in Cyber Defense. 36-44 - Tomas Vagoun, George O. Strawn:
Implementing the Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategy. 45-55 - Sek Chai:
Enabling Smart Camera Networks with Smartphone Processors. 56-63 - Jon D. Hagar, Thomas L. Wissink, D. Richard Kuhn, Raghu Kacker:
Introducing Combinatorial Testing in a Large Organization. 64-72 - Greg Byrd:
A Little Ingenuity Solves an Elephant-Sized Problem. 74-77 - Emily Shen, Mayank Varia, Robert K. Cunningham, W. Konrad Vesey:
Cryptographically Secure Computation. 78-81 - Hal Berghel:
Borderline Executive Disorder. 82-86 - David Alan Grier:
Accidents Will Happen. 104
Volume 48, Number 5, May 2015
- Ling Liu:
Enhancing Cloud Services through Multitier Workload Analysis. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
John Resig: Building JQuery. 7-8 - Brian M. Gaff:
Important IP Cases in 2015, Part Two. 9-11 - Ron Vetter, San Murugesan:
The Web: The Next 25 Years. 14-17 - Vishnu S. Pendyala, Simon S. Y. Shim, Christoph Bussler:
The Web That Extends beyond the World. 18-25 - Dave Raggett:
The Web of Things: Challenges and Opportunities. 26-32 - Jörg Heuer, Johannes Hund, Oliver Pfaff:
Toward the Web of Things: Applying Web Technologies to the Physical World. 34-42 - Ron Vetter, San Murugesan:
Roundtable Discussion: The Web We Look Forward To. 44-50 - Dirk Riehle:
How Open Source Is Changing the Software Developer's Career. 51-57 - Jason Schlessman, Marilyn Wolf:
Tailoring Design for Embedded Computer Vision Applications. 58-62 - Alexander De Luca, Janne Lindqvist:
Is Secure and Usable Smartphone Authentication Asking Too Much? 64-68 - Alida Draudt, Jonjozuf Hadley, Ryan Hogan, Leticia Murray, Gregory Stock, Julia Rose West:
Six Insights about Science Fiction Prototyping. 69-71 - Wenqi Zhou, Yuhong Liu:
Online Product Rating Manipulation and Market Performance. 72-75 - Susanne E. Hambrusch, Ran Libeskind-Hadas:
The PhD Pipeline. 76-79 - Marat Zhanikeev:
A Cloud Visitation Platform to Facilitate Cloud Federation and Fog Computing. 80-83 - Hal Berghel:
What Makes a Good Column. 84-87 - George F. Hurlburt:
Cyberhuman Security. 88-91 - Karen Gundy-Burlet:
The Use of Standards on the LADEE Mission. 92-95 - Manfred Broy:
Rethinking Nonfunctional Software Requirements. 96-99 - David Alan Grier:
The GitHub Effect. 116
Volume 48, Number 6, June 2015
- Prasant Mohapatra:
Distributed Optimal Channel Access in Cognitive Radio Networks. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Roy T. Fielding: Understanding the REST Style. 7-9 - Thad Starner, Tom L. Martin:
Wearable Computing: The New Dress Code [Guest editors' introduction]. 12-15 - Anhong Guo, Xiaolong Wu, Zhengyang Shen, Thad Starner, Hannes Baumann, Scott M. Gilliland:
Order Picking with Head-Up Displays. 16-24 - Reuben Kirkham:
Can Disability Discrimination Law Expand the Availability of Wearable Computers? 25-33 - Jon C. Hammer, Tingxin Yan:
Inferring Mobile User Status with Usage Cues. 34-40 - Andrea Rosales, Sergio Sayago, Josep Blat:
Beeping Socks and Chirping Arm Bands: Wearables That Foster Free Play. 41-48 - Najeeb Ullah, Maurizio Morisio, Antonio Vetrò:
Selecting the Best Reliability Model to Predict Residual Defects in Open Source Software. 50-58 - Greg Byrd:
Tracking Cows Wirelessly. 60-63 - Hal Berghel:
A Farewell to Air Gaps, Part 1. 64-68 - Jeffrey M. Voas:
Vetting Mobile App Vendors. 69-71 - Reiner Hähnle, Einar Broch Johnsen:
Designing Resource-Aware Cloud Applications. 72-75 - David Alan Grier:
Disruptive Computing. 100
Volume 48, Number 7, July 2015
- Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
The Times They Are A-Changin'. 4-6 - Stephen W. Keckler:
Increasing Interconnection Network Throughput with Virtual Channels. 10 - Brian M. Gaff:
"Curiouser and Curiouser!"-The Fallout from Alice. 12-14 - Jim Tørresen, Christian Plessl, Xin Yao:
Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Systems. 18-20 - Bernhard Rinner, Lukas Esterle, Jennifer Simonjan, Georg Nebehay, Roman P. Pflugfelder, Gustavo Fernández Domínguez, Peter R. Lewis:
Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Camera Networks. 21-28 - Michele Amoretti, Stefano Cagnoni:
Toward Collective Self-Awareness and Self-Expression in Distributed Systems. 29-36 - Jürgo-Sören Preden, Kalle Tammemäe, Axel Jantsch, Mairo Leier, Andri Riid, Emine Calis:
The Benefits of Self-Awareness and Attention in Fog and Mist Computing. 37-45 - Vincent van Beek, Jesse Donkervliet, Tim Hegeman, Stefan Hugtenburg, Alexandru Iosup:
Self-Expressive Management of Business-Critical Workloads in Virtualized Datacenters. 46-54 - Behrooz Parhami:
Amdahl's Reliability Law: A Simple Quantification of the Weakest-Link Phenomenon. 55-58 - Hal Berghel:
A Farewell to Air Gaps, Part 2. 59-63 - Nir Kshetri:
Recent US Cybersecurity Policy Initiatives: Challenges and Implications. 64-69 - Brian David Johnson:
Steve the Steampunk Robot. 70-72 - Soto Montalvo, Raquel Martínez-Unanue, Víctor Fresno, Rafael Capilla:
Multilingual Information Access on the Web. 73-75 - Dhananjai Madhava Rao:
Computing Efficiency in Education. 76-79 - Xiaofei Xu, Quan Z. Sheng, Liang-Jie Zhang, Yushun Fan, Schahram Dustdar:
From Big Data to Big Service. 80-83 - Per Ola Kristensson:
Next-Generation Text Entry. 84-87 - David Alan Grier:
Do We Need a Software Czar? 104
Volume 48, Number 8, August 2015
- Shixia Liu, Leila De Floriani:
Multivariate Network Exploration and Presentations. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition. 8-10 - Antonino Tumeo, John Feo:
Irregular Applications: From Architectures to Algorithms [Guest editors' introduction]. 14-16 - G. Scott Lloyd, Maya B. Gokhale:
In-Memory Data Rearrangement for Irregular, Data-Intensive Computing. 18-25 - Daniele Buono, John A. Gunnels, Xinyu Que, Fabio Checconi, Fabrizio Petrini, Tai-Ching Tuan, Chris Long:
Optimizing Sparse Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Graph Analytics. 26-34 - Andrew Lenharth, Keshav Pingali:
Scaling Runtimes for Irregular Algorithms to Large-Scale NUMA Systems. 35-44 - Hitesh Rajput, Tanmoy Som, Soumitra Kar:
An Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System. 56-61 - Peter R. Lewis, Arjun Chandra, Funmilade Faniyi, Kyrre Glette, Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon, Jim Tørresen, Xin Yao:
Architectural Aspects of Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Computing Systems: From Psychology to Engineering. 62-70 - Greg Byrd:
Cycling through Cyberspace. 72-75 - Hugo Bruneliere, Jordi Cabot, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Leire Orue-Echevarria Arrieta, Oliver Strauß, Manuel Wimmer:
Software Modernization Revisited: Challenges and Prospects. 76-80 - Zhi-Kai Zhang, Michael Cheng Yi Cho, Zong-Yu Wu, Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh:
Identifying and Authenticating IoT Objects in a Natural Context. 81-83 - Darold Davis:
Taming the Engineering of Information Services Websites with Standards. 84-89 - Hal Berghel:
TSA: Mission Creep Meets Waste. 90-94 - David Alan Grier:
In Search of the Diabolical Disconnect. 128
Volume 48, Number 9, September 2015
- Sumi Helal:
However You Like It: Computer's Enhanced Digital Format or Affordable Print Option. 6 - Afonso S. Bandeira:
An Efficient Algorithm for Exact Recovery of Vertex Variables from Edge Measurements. 8-9 - Brian M. Gaff:
Legal Issues with Wearable Technology. 10-12 - Roy Want, Schahram Dustdar:
Activating the Internet of Things [Guest editors' introduction]. 16-20 - Jacob Beal, Danilo Pianini, Mirko Viroli:
Aggregate Programming for the Internet of Things. 22-30 - Laura Belli, Simone Cirani, Luca Davoli, Andrea Gorrieri, Mirko Mancin, Marco Picone, Gianluigi Ferrari:
Design and Deployment of an IoT Application-Oriented Testbed. 32-40 - Mateusz Mikusz, Sarah Clinch, Rachel Jones, Mike Harding, Christopher Winstanley, Nigel Davies:
Repurposing Web Analytics to Support the IoT. 42-49 - Keun Sup Shim, Mieszko Lis, Omer Khan, Srinivas Devadas:
The Execution Migration Machine: Directoryless Shared-Memory Architecture. 50-59 - Damian D. G. Gessler, Evren Sirin:
SSWAP: Enabling Transaction-Time Reasoning for Semantic Workflows. 60-68 - Amir Parssian, William Yeoh, Mong-Shan Ee:
Quality-Based SQL: Specifying Information Quality in Relational Database Queries. 69-74 - Hal Berghel:
STEM Crazy. 75-80 - Steve Brown:
The Power of Story. 82-83 - Constantinos Kolias, Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Securely Making "Things" Right. 84-88 - Ralf Klamma:
Near-Real-Time Social Computing. 90-92 - Tao Chen, Rami Bahsoon:
Toward a Smarter Cloud: Self-Aware Autoscaling of Cloud Configurations and Resources. 93-96 - Kevin Gary:
Project-Based Learning. 98-100 - Eric Durant:
CE2016: Guidelines for Forward-Looking Computer Engineering Curricula. 102-104 - David Alan Grier:
Industrial Leadership. 120
Volume 48, Number 10, October 2015
- Paolo Montuschi:
Spiking Neural Network Architecture. 6 - Charles R. Severance:
Anant Agarwal: Inside edX. 8-9 - Giulio Jacucci, Stephen Fairclough, Erin Treacy Solovey:
Physiological Computing. 12-16 - David Rozado Fernandez, Andreas Dünser:
Combining EEG with Pupillometry to Improve Cognitive Workload Detection. 18-25 - Riccardo Sioni, Luca Chittaro:
Stress Detection Using Physiological Sensors. 26-33 - Evan M. Peck, Emily Carlin, Robert J. K. Jacob:
Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems. 34-42 - Venkat N. Gudivada, Dhana Rao, Jordan Paris:
Understanding Search-Engine Optimization. 43-52 - Abdelkareem Bedri, Himanshu Sahni, Pavleen Thukral, Thad Starner, David Byrd, Peter Presti, Gabriel Reyes, Maysam Ghovanloo, Zehua Guo:
Toward Silent-Speech Control of Consumer Wearables. 54-62 - Madison Blake, Rabih Younes, Jacob Dennis, Thomas L. Martin, Mark T. Jones:
A User-Independent and Sensor-Tolerant Wearable Activity Classifier. 64-71 - Hal Berghel:
Legislating Technology (Badly). 72-78 - Greg Byrd:
21st Century Pong. 80-84 - Tom Mens, Philippe Grosjean:
The Ecology of Software Ecosystems. 85-87 - Chia-Wei Wang, Michael Cheng Yi Cho, Chi-Wei Wang, Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh:
Combating Software Piracy in Public Clouds. 88-91 - David Alan Grier:
The Voracious Discipline. 120
Volume 48, Number 11, November 2015
- Mike Sharples:
Seamless Learning: Using Location-Aware Technology to Support Art Education. 6 - Brian M. Gaff:
Patent Infringement Damages. 7-9 - Vladimir Getov:
Scientific Grand Challenges: Toward Exascale Supercomputing and Beyond. 12-14 - Takemasa Miyoshi, Keiichi Kondo, Koji Terasaki:
Big Ensemble Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction. 15-21 - Dylan Keon, Cherri M. Pancake, Harry Yeh:
Protecting Our Shorelines: Modeling the Effects of Tsunamis and Storm Waves. 23-32 - Nichols A. Romero, Aiichiro Nakano, Katherine Riley, Fuyuki Shimojo, Rajiv K. Kalia, Priya Vashishta, Paul C. Messina:
Quantum Molecular Dynamics in the Post-Petaflops Era. 33-41 - Erich Strohmaier, Hans Werner Meuer, Jack J. Dongarra, Horst D. Simon:
The TOP500 List and Progress in High-Performance Computing. 42-49 - Simon Portegies Zwart, Jeroen Bédorf:
Using GPUs to Enable Simulation with Computational Gravitational Dynamics in Astrophysics. 50-58 - Andrea Valdi, Eros Lever, Simone Benefico, Davide Quarta, Stefano Zanero, Federico Maggi:
Scalable Testing of Mobile Antivirus Applications. 60-68 - Jia Liu, Yong Xue, Dominic Palmer-Brown, Ziqiang Chen, Xingwei He:
High-Throughput Geocomputational Workflows in a Grid Environment. 70-80 - Hal Berghel:
The Dystory of Ahmed's Clock. 82-85 - Marco A. S. Netto, Renato Luiz de Freitas Cunha, Nicole Sultanum:
Deciding When and How to Move HPC Jobs to the Cloud. 86-89 - Ed Finn:
We Can Build the Future. 90-91 - Kim Schaffer:
Expanding Continuous Authentication with Mobile Devices. 92-95 - Steve Tockey:
Insanity, Hiring, and the Software Industry. 96-101 - Mukesh Kumar Saini, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik:
Absence Privacy Loss. 102-105 - Mark A. Ardis, David Budgen, Gregory W. Hislop, Jeff Offutt, Mark J. Sebern, Willem Visser:
SE 2014: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering. 106-109 - Adam Eck, Leen-Kiat Soh, Kristen Olson, Allan L. McCutcheon, Jolene Smyth, Robert F. Belli:
Understanding the Human Condition through Survey Informatics. 110-114 - David Alan Grier:
Hidden Persuaders. 136
Volume 48, Number 12, December 2015
- Tim Menzies:
Cross-Project Data for Software Engineering. 6 - Thomas M. Conte:
The Computer Society Must Change. 9 - Thomas M. Conte, Elie K. Track, Erik DeBenedictis:
Rebooting Computing: New Strategies for Technology Scaling. 10-13 - John M. Shalf, Robert Leland:
Computing beyond Moore's Law. 14-23 - Mohamed M. Sabry, Mingyu Gao, Gage Hills, Chi-Shuen Lee, Greg Pitner, Max M. Shulaker, Tony F. Wu, Mehdi Asheghi, Jeffrey Bokor, Franz Franchetti, Kenneth E. Goodson, Christos Kozyrakis, Igor L. Markov, Kunle Olukotun, Larry T. Pileggi, Eric Pop, Jan M. Rabaey, Christopher Ré, H.-S. Philip Wong, Subhasish Mitra:
Energy-Efficient Abundant-Data Computing: The N3XT 1, 000x. 24-33 - D. Scott Holmes, Alan M. Kadin, Mark W. Johnson:
Superconducting Computing in Large-Scale Hybrid Systems. 34-42 - Kirk Bresniker, Sharad Singhal, R. Stanley Williams:
Adapting to Thrive in a New Economy of Memory Abundance. 44-53 - Santosh Khasanvis, Mingyu Li, Mostafizur Rahman, Ayan Kumar Biswas, Mohammad Salehi Fashami, Jayasimha Atulasimha, Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Csaba Andras Moritz:
Architecting for Causal Intelligence at Nanoscale. 54-64 - David J. Mountain, Mark R. McLean, Doug Palmer, Joshua D. Prucnal, Christopher D. Krieger:
Ohmic Weave: Memristor-Based Threshold Gate Networks. 65-71 - Michael K. Papamichael, James C. Hoe:
The CONNECT Network-on-Chip Generator. 72-79 - Jeffrey M. Voas, George F. Hurlburt:
Third-Party Software's Trust Quagmire. 80-87 - Hal Berghel:
What Price Gonzo Ethics? 88-93 - Davide Brugali, Rafael Capilla, Mike Hinchey:
Dynamic Variability Meets Robotics. 94-97 - Alexander Kott, David S. Alberts, Cliff Wang:
Will Cybersecurity Dictate the Outcome of Future Wars? 98-101 - David Alan Grier:
Quantum Imagination. 128
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