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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 2001
- Mark E. Johnson, Michael S. Jolly, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis:
The Oseberg Transition: Visualization of Global bifurcations for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 1-18 - Ray Brown, Robert Berezdivin, Leon O. Chua:
Chaos and Complexity. 19-26 - Isabel Mercader
, Joana Prat
, Edgar Knobloch:
The 1: 2 Mode Interaction in Rayleigh-BéNard convection with Weakly Broken midplane Symmetry. 27-42 - Jiazhong Zhang:
Calculation and bifurcation of fluid film with Cavitation Based on variational inequality. 43-56 - David J. Wagg
, Steven R. Bishop:
Chatter, Sticking and Chaotic Impacting Motion in a Two-Degree of Freedom Impact oscillator. 57-72 - Michael A. Saum, Todd R. Young:
Observed Rotation numbers in Families of Circle Maps. 73-90 - Keisuke Uchimura:
The Sets of Points with Bounded orbits for generalized Chebyshev mappings. 91-108 - Valeri A. Makarov
, Vladimir I. Nekorkin
, Manuel G. Velarde
Phase resetting, Clusters, and Waves in a Lattice of Coupled oscillatory Units. 109-122 - David Wood:
A Cautionary Tale of Coupling Cells with Internal Symmetries. 123-132 - Kaitai Li, Lizhou Wang
Global bifurcation and Long Time Behavior of the Volterra-Lotka Ecological Model. 133-142 - Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu, Bixiang Wang
Attractors for Lattice Dynamical Systems. 143-154 - Eduardo Mizraji, Juan Lin:
Fuzzy Decisions in Modular Neural Networks. 155-168 - Chih-Wen Shih:
Complete stability for a Class of Cellular Neural Networks. 169-178 - Jean-Christophe Comte, Patrick Marquié, Jean-Marie Bilbault:
Contour Detection Based on nonlinear discrete Diffusion in a Cellular nonlinear Network. 179-184 - Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Hector Puebla
, Gilberto Espinosa-Paredes
Linear Control in a Lattice of Coupled Second-Order oscillators. 185-196 - H. S. Y. Chan, Kwok Wai Chung
, Dongwen Qi:
Some bifurcation Diagrams for Limit cycles of quadratic differential Systems. 197-206 - Desmond L. Hill:
On the Control of Chaotic Dynamical Systems using nonlinear Approximations. 207-214 - Tetsushi Ueta
, Guanrong Chen
, Tohru Kawabe
A Simple Approach to Calculation and Control of unstable periodic orbits in Chaotic piecewise-Linear Systems. 215-224 - Zhong Liu:
Strange Nonchaotic attractors from periodically excited Chua's Circuit. 225-230 - Luciano Cantelli
, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca
, Alessandro Rizzo
Frequency switched Chua's Circuit: Experimental Dynamics Characterization. 231-240 - Tao Yang, Kenneth R. Crounse, Leon O. Chua:
Spherical Cellular nonlinear Networks. 241-258
Volume 11, Number 2, February 2001
- Huw Jones:
Iterated Function Systems for Object Generation and Rendering. 259-290 - Awadhesh Prasad
, Surendra Negi, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
Strange Nonchaotic attractors. 291-310 - Valery I. Sbitnev
, Tao Yang, Leon O. Chua:
The Local Activity Criteria for "difference-equation" CNN. 311-420 - Shozo Sato, Kazutoshi Gohara
Fractal Transition in continuous Recurrent Neural Networks. 421-434 - Valentin S. Afraimovich, Sze-Bi Hsu, Huey-Er Lin:
Chaotic Behavior of Three Competing species of May-Leonard Model under Small periodic perturbations. 435-448 - M. A. Johnson, Francis Charles Moon:
Nonlinear Techniques to Characterize Prechatter and Chatter vibrations in the machining of metals. 449-468 - P. K. C. Wang:
Bifurcation of Equilibria in micromachined Elastic Structures with electrostatic actuation. 469-482 - William L. B. Constantine, Per G. Reinhall:
Wavelet-Based in-Band Denoising Technique for Chaotic Sequences. 483-496 - Emilia Petrisor:
Nontwist Area Preserving Maps with Reversing Symmetry Group. 497-512 - Antonio Algaba
, Manuel Merino
, Alejandro J. Rodríguez-Luis
Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations of periodic orbits and Arnold's Tongues in a Three-Dimensional Electronic Model. 513-532 - Carmen Rocsoreanu
, Nicolaie Giurgiteanu, Adelina Georgescu:
Connections between saddles for the FitzHugh-Nagumo System. 533-540 - Ke Wang, Yun Tang:
Homoclinic bifurcation of multiharmonic perturbed Systems. 541-550 - Makoto Itoh, Tao Yang, Leon O. Chua:
Conditions for impulsive Synchronization of Chaotic and hyperchaotic Systems. 551-560 - Xiangao Huang, Jianxue Xu, Wei Huang, ZeJun Lü:
Unmasking Chaotic mask by a Wavelet Multiscale Decomposition Algorithm. 561-570 - Recai Kiliç, Mustafa Alçi
Mixed-Mode Chaotic Circuit and its Application to Chaotic Communication for Transmission of Analog signals. 571-582 - Asok K. Sen:
An Experimental Study of nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in a nonautonomous Electronic Circuit. 583-590
Volume 11, Number 3, March 2001
- Marcel G. Clerc
, Pierre Coullet, Enrique Tirapegui:
The stationary Instability in quasi-Reversible Systems and the Lorenz Pendulum. 591-604 - Makoto Itoh:
Synthesis of Electronic Circuits for Simulating nonlinear Dynamics. 605-654 - Mauro Forti
, Alberto Tesi
A New Method to Analyze Complete stability of PWL Cellular Neural Networks. 655-676 - Griselda R. Itovich, Jorge L. Moiola
Characterization of Static bifurcations in the Frequency Domain. 677-688 - Wei Zhang, Pei Yu:
Degenerate bifurcation Analysis on a Parametrically and Externally excited mechanical System. 689-710 - Javier Chavarriga, Isaac A. García
, Jaume Giné
On Integrability of differential equations Defined by the Sum of Homogeneous Vector Fields with degenerate infinity. 711-722 - Ling Hong, Jianxue Xu:
Discontinuous bifurcations of Chaotic attractors in forced oscillators by generalized Cell Mapping digraph (GCMD) Method. 723-736 - Tatyana Luzyanina
, Koen Engelborghs, Dirk Roose
Numerical bifurcation Analysis of differential equations with State-Dependent Delay. 737-754 - Ryoichi Wada, Kazutoshi Gohara
Fractals and Closures of Linear Dynamical Systems excited stochastically by Temporal inputs. 755-780 - Zhengrong Liu, Tifei Qian:
Peakons and their bifurcation in a generalized Camassa-Holm equation. 781-792 - Francisco Balibrea, Ricardo Chacón
, Miguel Ángel López
Bifurcations on Elliptic Functions. 793-800 - John M. Neuberger, James W. Swift:
Newton's Method and Morse Index for semilinear Elliptic PDEs. 801-820 - J. C. Cathala:
On Critical Curves in Two-Dimensional Endomorphisms. 821-840 - Lluís Alsedà, Miguel Antonio del Río, José Ángel Rodríguez:
A Note on the Totally Transitive Graph Maps stability of PWL Cellular. 841-844 - Tomasz Lipniacki
Statics of Rigid Units Chain. 845-856 - Edgar N. Sánchez, José P. Pérez
, Guanrong Chen
Using Dynamic Neural Networks to Generate Chaos: an Inverse Optimal Control Approach. 857-864 - Guo-Qun Zhong, Kim-Fung Man
, Guanrong Chen
Generating Chaos via a Dynamical Controller. 865-870 - Hendrik Richter
On Optimality of Local Control of Chaos. 871-880
Volume 11, Number 4, April 2001
- Anastasios A. Tsonis:
The Impact of nonlinear Dynamics in the Atmospheric Sciences. 881-902 - Mason A. Porter, Richard L. Liboff:
Bifurcations in One Degree-of-Vibration Quantum Billiards. 903-912 - Fritz von Haeseler, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Guentcho Skordev:
Self-Similar Structure of rescaled Evolution Sets of Cellular Automata I. 913-926 - Fritz von Haeseler, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Guentcho Skordev:
Self-Similar Structure of rescaled Evolution Sets of Cellular Automata II. 927-942 - Ramón Alonso-Sanz, M. Carmen Martín, Margarita Martín:
The Historic Strategist. 943-966 - María Eugenia Torres
, Maria Magalena Añino, Lucas Gamero, Maria Alicia Gemignani:
Automatic Detection of Slight Changes in nonlinear Dynamical Systems using Multiresolution Entropy Tools. 967-982 - P. E. Rapp, Christopher J. Cellucci, T. A. A. Watanabe, A. M. Albano, Tanya Schmah:
Surrogate Data Pathologies and the False-positive rejection of the Null Hypothesis. 983-998 - Takashi Hikihara
, Kentaro Torii, Yoshisuke Ueda:
Wave and Basin Structure in Spatially Coupled magneto-Elastic Beam System - Transitions between Coexisting wave solutions. 999-1018 - Ralf-Peter Kapsch, Holger Kantz
, Rainer Hegger
, Martin Diestelhorst:
Determination of the Dynamical Properties of Ferroelectrics using nonlinear Time Series Analysis. 1019-1034 - Vadim N. Biktashev, Arun V. Holden, S. F. Mironov, Arkady M. Pertsov, A. V. Zaitsev:
On Two Mechanisms of the Domain Structure of Ventricular Fibrillation. 1035-1052 - Kunichika Tsumoto
, Tetsuya Yoshinaga
, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Bifurcations in Synaptically Coupled BVP Neurons. 1053-1064 - Alexander P. Kuznetsov
, Ludmila V. Turukina
, Erik Mosekilde
Dynamical Systems of Different Classes as Models of the Kicked nonlinear oscillator. 1065-1078 - Shu-Mei Guo, Leang-San Shieh, Ching-Fang Lin, Jagdish Chandra:
State-Space Self-Tuning Control for nonlinear Stochastic and Chaotic Hybrid Systems. 1079-1114 - Chen Wang, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Adaptive backstepping Control of uncertain Lorenz System. 1115-1120 - Mario di Bernardo
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Francesco Vasca:
Self-oscillations and sliding in Relay Feedback Systems: Symmetry and bifurcations. 1121-1140 - Immo Wedekind, Ulrich Parlitz:
Experimental Observation of Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization of Chaotic Low-Frequency-fluctuations in External cavity semiconductor Lasers. 1141-1148 - Yiguang Hong, Huashu Qin, Guanrong Chen
Adaptive Synchronization of Chaotic Systems via State or output Feedback Control. 1149-1158 - Viktor Müller
, Boris Kotchoubey, Juri Perelmouter, Werner Lutzenberger, Niels Birbaumer, A. Schick, C. Reckhardt:
Effects of Disturbing auditory noise on the Complexity of electrocortical Activity. 1159-1168 - Santiago Laín
, M. F. Göz:
Numerical Instabilities in Bubble Tracking in Two-phase Flow Simulations. 1169-1182 - Fotios Giannakopoulos, Tassilo Küpper, Yongkui Zou:
Homoclinic bifurcations in a Planar Dynamical System. 1183-1192
Volume 11, Number 5, May 2001
- Zhanybai T. Zhusubaliyev
, Evgeniy Soukhoterin, Vadim N. Rudakov, Yury V. Kolokolov, Erik Mosekilde
Bifurcations and Chaotic oscillations in an Automatic Control Relay System with Hysteresis. 1193-1232 - Jinlu Kuang, Soon Hie Tan, Kandian Arichandran, Andrew Y. T. Leung:
Chaotic attitude Motion of Gyrostat Satellite via Melnikov Method. 1233-1260 - Vladimir O. Afenchenko, Alexander B. Ezersky, A. V. Nazarovsky, Manuel G. Velarde
Experimental Evidence on the Structure and Evolution of the penta-Hepta Defect in Hexagonal Lattices due to BéNard-Marangoni convection. 1261-1274 - Antonis Karantonis
, Yuka Shiomi, Seiichiro Nakabayashi:
Laser Experiments and Theoretical Modeling for the Diagnosis of bifurcation Sequences of an oscillating Electrode reaction. 1275-1294 - Changpin Li, Guanrong Chen
Bifurcations of One-Dimensional reaction-Diffusion equations. 1295-1306 - Yuan Yuan, Pei Yu:
Computation of Simplest Normal Forms of differential equations associated with a Double-Zero Eigenvalue. 1307-1330 - M. Piacquadio Losada, Eda Cesaratto:
Multifractal Spectrum and Thermodynamical Formalism of the Farey Tree. 1331-1358 - Luz V. Vela-Arevalo
, Stephen Wiggins
Time-Frequency Analysis of Classical Trajectories of polyatomic molecules. 1359-1380 - Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, César Cruz-Hernández
Synchronization of Chaotic Systems: a generalized Hamiltonian Systems Approach. 1381-1396 - Kuang-Yow Lian
, Tung-Sheng Chiang, Peter Liu, Chian-Song Chiu:
Synchronization and Secure Communication for Chaotic Systems: the modulated Fuzzy System Design. 1397-1410 - José Álvarez-Ramírez, Hector Puebla
, Julio Solís-Daun:
An Inverse System Approach for Chaotic Communications. 1411-1422 - Elbert E. N. Macau
, Celso Grebogi:
Driving Trajectories in Chaotic Systems. 1423-1442 - Michal Misiurewicz, Piotr Zgliczynski:
Topological Entropy for Multidimensional perturbations of One-Dimensional Maps. 1443-1446 - Jousuke Kuroiwa, Shigetoshi Nara, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Response Properties of a Single Chaotic Neuron to Stochastic inputs. 1447-1460 - Bambi Hu, Zonghua Liu:
Resonance of nonlinear oscillators in External Electric Field. 1461-1470 - Paul E. Phillipson, Peter Schuster:
Dynamics of Relaxation oscillations. 1471-1482 - Hiroya Nakao
, Tsuyoshi Mishiro, Michio Yamada:
Visualization of Correlation Cascade in Spatiotemporal Chaos using Wavelets. 1483-1494
Volume 11, Number 6, June 2001
- Tao Yang, Leon O. Chua:
Testing for Local Activity and Edge of Chaos. 1495-1592 - Ranjan Vepa:
Active-Passive Decomposition with Application to Arrays of Chaotic Systems. 1593-1606 - Robert Kozma
, Walter J. Freeman:
Chaotic Resonance - Methods and Applications for Robust Classification of noisy and Variable Patterns. 1607-1630 - Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsuya Yoshinaga
, Kazuyuki Aihara, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Chaotic Bursts and bifurcation in Chaotic Neural Networks with Ring Structure. 1631-1644 - Jung-Chao Ban, Song-Sun Lin, Chih-Wen Shih:
Exact Number of Mosaic Patterns in Cellular Neural Networks. 1645-1654 - Octavio Miramontes, Ricard V. Solé, Brian C. Goodwin:
Neural Networks as Sources of Chaotic Motor Activity in Ants and How Complexity Develops at the Social Scale. 1655-1664 - Ramón Alonso-Sanz, M. Carmen Martín, Margarita Martín:
Historic Life. 1665-1682 - Kostas Karamanos:
From Symbolic Dynamics to a Digital Approach. 1683-1694 - Irene M. Moroz:
On the Behavior of a Self-exciting Faraday Disk homopolar dynamo with Battery in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field. 1695-1706 - Müstak E. Yalçin
, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle:
Master-Slave Synchronization of Lur'e Systems with Time-Delay. 1707-1722 - Guo-Qun Zhong, Kim-Fung Man
, King-Tim Ko
Uncertainty in Chaos Synchronization. 1723-1736 - Xinghuo Yu
, Yanxing Song:
Chaos Synchronization via Controlling Partial State of Chaotic Systems. 1737-1742 - Chen Wang, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Synchronization of Two uncertain Chaotic Systems via Adaptive backstepping. 1743-1752 - Desmond L. Hill
On the Control of High Dimensional Chaotic Dynamical Systems using nonlinear Approximations. 1753-1760 - Dejian Lai:
Testing Chaos of Time Series: portmanteau Statistics under an Order Transformation. 1761-1770 - F. Encinas-Sanz, Inmaculada Leyva
, J. M. Guerra
Time Averaging of Irregular Spatiotemporal Patterns of a Large Aperture Laser in Transitory Regime. 1771-1780
Volume 11, Number 7, July 2001
- Goong Chen, Wei-Ming Ni, Alain Perronnet, Jianxin Zhou:
Algorithms and Visualization for solutions of nonlinear Elliptic equations, Part II: Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and Problems in 3D. 1781-1800 - Christophe Vergez, Xavier Rodet:
Trumpet and Trumpet Player: a Highly nonlinear Interaction studied in the Framework of nonlinear Dynamics. 1801-1814 - Gee-Hyuk Lee, Nabil H. Farhat:
Parametrically Coupled sine Map Networks. 1815-1834 - Jinliang Wang, Zhujun Jing:
Topological Structure of Chaos in discrete-Time Neural Networks with generalized Input-output Function. 1835-1852 - Xiaofeng Liao, Kwok-Wo Wong, Juebang Yu:
Novel stability conditions for Cellular Neural Networks with Time Delay. 1853-1864 - Julien Clinton Sprott, George Rowlands:
Improved Correlation Dimension Calculation. 1865-1880 - Dimitris Kugiumtzis
On the Reliability of the surrogate Data Test for nonlinearity in the Analysis of noisy Time Series. 1881-1896 - Ricardo Chacón
, Faustino Palmero
, Francisco Balibrea:
Taming Chaos in a Driven Josephson Junction. 1897-1910 - Federico Bizzarri
, Marco Storace, Laura Gardini, Renzo Lupini:
Bifurcation Analysis of a PWL Chaotic Circuit Based on Hysteresis through a One-Dimensional Map. 1911-1928 - Valentin S. Afraimovich, Angelica L. Gelover-Santiago, Ricardo Lima:
Cluster periodic solutions in Globally Coupled Maps. 1929-1936 - Shu-Ming Chang, Wen-Wei Lin, Tai-Chia Lin
Chaotic and quasiperiodic Motions of Three Planar charged Particles. 1937-1952 - Linxiang Wang, Yurun Fan, Ying Chen:
Animation of Chaotic Mixing by a Backward Poincare Cell-Map Method. 1953-1960 - Stephen A. Billings, Otilia M. Boaghe:
The Response Spectrum Map, a Frequency Domain Equivalent to the bifurcation Diagram. 1961-1976 - Diego M. Alonso
, Eduardo E. Paolini
, Jorge L. Moiola
An Experimental Application of the Anticontrol of Hopf bifurcations. 1977-1988 - Jin Man Joo, Jin Bae Park:
Control of the differentially Flat Lorenz System. 1989-1996 - H. J. C. Huijberts, Torsten Lilge
, Hendrik Nijmeijer:
Nonlinear discrete-Time Synchronization via Extended observers. 1997-2006 - Pawel Góra, Abraham Boyarsky:
Optimal Control of Chaotic Systems. 2007-2018 - Bento Rodrigues Pontes, Vilma A. Oliveira
, José Manoel Balthazar:
On stick-slip homoclinic Chaos and bifurcations in a mechanical System with dry friction. 2019-2030 - P. Palaniyandi, M. Lakshmanan
Secure Digital Signal Transmission by multistep parameter Modulation and Alternative Driving of Transmitter Variables. 2031-2036 - Ramón Alonso-Sanz, M. Carmen Martín, Margarita Martín:
The Historic-Stochastic Strategist. 2037-2050 - Nick T. Koussoulas:
Spectral moments and the Analysis of Chaotic Systems. 2051-2060
Volume 11, Number 8, August 2001
- Ramón Alonso-Sanz, M. Carmen Martín, Margarita Martín:
The Effect of Memory in the Spatial continuous-Valued Prisoner's Dilemma. 2061-2084 - Jung-Chao Ban, Kai-Ping Chien, Song-Sun Lin, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu:
Spatial disorder of CNN - with Asymmetric output Function. 2085-2096 - Emmanuel Risler:
A Direct Computation of the phase stability criterion for Spatially Homogeneous Time periodic solutions Close to a Hopf bifurcation. 2097-2104 - Xiaofeng Liao, Guanrong Chen
Local stability, Hopf and resonant codimension-Two bifurcation in a harmonic oscillator with Two Time delays. 2105-2122 - Dongmei Xiao, Shigui Ruan:
Codimension Two bifurcations in a predator-prey System with Group Defense. 2123-2132 - Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle, Bart De Moor:
Intelligence and Cooperative Search by Coupled Local Minimizers. 2133-2144 - Erik M. Bollt:
Combinatorial Control of Global Dynamics in a Chaotic differential equation. 2145-2162 - Ming-Jyi Jang, Cha'o-Kuang Chen:
Bifurcation Analysis in Flexible Rotor Supported by Active Magnetic bearing. 2163-2178 - Wei Zhang, Jing Li:
Global Analysis for a nonlinear Vibration Absorber with Fast and Slow Modes. 2179-2194 - Y. Horen, Ben-Zion Kaplan:
Magnetic-bearing Related Chaotic Electromechanical oscillator. 2195-2204 - Ryoichi Wada, Kazutoshi Gohara
Closures of Fractal Sets in nonlinear Dynamical Systems with switched inputs. 2205-2216 - Martin Wiesenfeldt, Ulrich Parlitz, Werner Lauterborn:
Mixed State Analysis of multivariate Time Series. 2217-2226 - Shui-Nee Chow, Bo Deng, Jack K. Hale:
On a nonlinear Communication Scheme. 2227-2232 - Yu Zhang, Gonghuan Du, Jack J. Jiang
Synchronizing Chaos by impulsive Feedback Method. 2233-2244 - Wen-Xin Qin:
Generalized Synchronization, Frequency-Locking and phase-Locking of Coupled sine Circle Maps. 2245-2254 - Bambi Hu, Zonghua Liu:
Synchronization of Two Coupled Arrays. 2255-2262 - Wenhua Hai, Xili Zhang, Weili Huang, Guishu Chong:
Chaotic Solution of the RF-Driven Josephson System with quadratic damping. 2263-2270 - Keiji Konishi, Hidekazu Oyama, Hideki Kokame, Kentaro Hirata:
An Experimental Study on delayed-Feedback Control of One-Way Three-Coupled Chaotic Maps. 2271-2276 - Mark J. Friedman:
Improved Detection of bifurcations in Large nonlinear Systems via the Continuation of Invariant Subspaces Algorithm. 2277-2286 - H. S. Y. Chan, Kwok Wai Chung
, Jibin Li:
Bifurcations of Limit cycles in a Z3-Equivariant Vector Field of Degree 5. 2287-2298 - Jaume Giné
Analytic Integrability of Nilpotent cubic Systems with degenerate infinity. 2299-2304
Volume 11, Number 9, September 2001
- Mason A. Porter, Richard L. Liboff:
Vibrating Quantum Billiards on Riemannian Manifolds. 2305-2316 - Mason A. Porter, Richard L. Liboff:
Quantum Chaos for the vibrating Rectangular Billiard. 2317-2338 - Vasily N. Govorukhin
, Vyacheslav Tsybulin
, Bülent Karasözen
Dynamics of numerical Methods for cosymmetric Ordinary differential equations. 2339-2358 - Ricardo A. Oliva, Steven H. Strogatz
Dynamics of a Large Array of Globally Coupled Lasers with Distributed frequencies. 2359-2374 - H. W. Joseph Lee
, Kok Lay Teo, Wei Rong Lee, Song Wang:
Construction of Suboptimal Feedback Control for Chaotic Systems using B-splines with Optimally Chosen knot Points. 2375-2388 - Kurt Lust:
Improved numerical Floquet Multipliers. 2389-2410 - Petri T. Piiroinen
, Harry Dankowicz
, Arne B. Nordmark:
On a Normal-Form Analysis for a Class of Passive bipedal Walkers. 2411-2426 - Zbigniew Galias
Interval Methods for Rigorous Investigations of periodic orbits. 2427-2450 - Tifei Qian:
Heteroclinic orbits for Monotone Twist Maps through a variational Principle. 2451-2462 - Franz Peherstorfer, Christoph Stroh:
Julia and Mandelbrot Sets of Chebyshev Families. 2463-2482 - Rodica Curtu:
The Static bifurcation Diagram for the Gray-Scott Model. 2483-2492 - Changpin Li, Guanrong Chen
Bifurcation Analysis of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in One Spatial Dimension. 2493-2500 - Gauri Pradhan, Neelima Gupte:
New Characterisers of bifurcations from kink solutions in a Coupled sine Circle Map Lattice. 2501-2508 - Rajesh G. Kavasseri
, K. R. Padiyar:
Analysis of bifurcations in a Power System Model with excitation Limits. 2509-2516 - Maide Bucolo, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca
, Maria Gabriella Xibilia
A generalized Chua Cell for Realizing any continuous n-Segment piecewise-Linear Function. 2517-2530
Volume 11, Number 10, October 2001
- Michael Small
, Dejin Yu, Robert G. Harrison, Richard H. Clayton
, Trygve Eftestøl, Kjetil Sunde, Petter Andreas Steen:
Temporal Evolution of nonlinear Dynamics in Ventricular Arrhythmia. 2531-2548 - Angelo Di Garbo, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi:
Dynamical Behavior of the linearized Version of the FitzHugh-Nagumo Neural Model. 2549-2558 - Jesús F. Palacián
, Patricia Yanguas
Periodic orbits of the Lorenz System through perturbation Theory. 2559-2566 - M. Carmen Romano
, Marco Thiel, Udo Schwarz, Jürgen Kurths, Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs
Conceptual Model of runoff from a forested catchment. 2567-2578 - Joaquim José Barroso
, Maisa O. Terra
, Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau
Bifurcation and Chaos in the Second oscillatory Window of the Classical Pierce diode. 2579-2586 - Catalina Mayol, Mario A. Natiello, Martín G. Zimmermann:
Resonance Structure in a Weakly detuned Laser with Injected Signal. 2587-2606 - Victor Andrade, Ying-Cheng Lai:
Super Persistent Chaotic Transients in Physical Systems: Effect of noise on phase Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic oscillators. 2607-2620 - Diego L. Valladares, Stefano Boccaletti, Héctor Mancini, Celso Grebogi:
Signal dropout Reconstruction in Communicating with Chaos. 2621-2630 - Inés P. Mariño
, Celso Grebogi, Epaminondas Rosa Jr.:
Reconstruction of Information-bearing Chaotic signals in additive white Gaussian noise: Performance Analysis and Evaluation. 2631-2636 - Monika E. Pietrzyk, Miltcho B. Danailov
Elimination of Chaos in Multimode, intracavity-doubled Lasers in the Presence of Spatial Hole-Burning. 2637-2646 - Pedro G. Lind
, João A. M. Corte-Real
, Jason Alfredo Carlson Gallas
The Distribution of periodic and Aperiodic Pattern Evolutions in Rings of Diffusively Coupled Maps. 2647-2662 - M. N. Lorenzo, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri
, R. Deza, Jean Luis Cabrera:
Resonance-like Phenomena in Arrays of RöSsler oscillators under correlated parametric fluctuations. 2663-2668 - Ricardo López-Ruiz
Complexity in some Physical Systems. 2669-2674 - Elena S. Dimitrova, Oleg I. Yordanov:
Statistics of some Low-Dimensional Chaotic Flows. 2675-2682 - Diego Pazó
, Esteban Sánchez, Manuel A. Matias:
Transition to High-Dimensional Chaos through quasiperiodic Motion. 2683-2688 - Ricardo Luiz Viana
, Celso Grebogi:
Riddled basins and unstable Dimension Variability in Chaotic Systems with and without Symmetry. 2689-2698 - Diego L. Valladares, Stefano Boccaletti, M. F. Carusela
Intermittent Lag Synchronization in a Pair of Coupled Chaotic oscillators. 2699-2704 - Jennifer Chubb, Ernest Barreto
, Paul So, Bruce J. Gluckman:
The breakdown of Synchronization in Systems of Nonidentical Chaotic oscillators: Theory and Experiment. 2705-2714
Volume 11, Number 11, November 2001
- Jean Bragard
, Stefano Boccaletti, Fortunato Tito Arecchi:
Control and Synchronization of Space Extended Dynamical Systems. 2715-2730 - Simon Mandelj, Igor Grabec
, Edvard Govekar:
Statistical Approach to Modeling of Spatiotemporal Dynamics. 2731-2738 - Adolfo Sanz-Anchelergues, Alberto P. Muñuzuri
Experimental and Quantitative Modeling Studies of Turing Pattern Formation under Stochastic Spatial fluctuations. 2739-2750 - Italo Bove, Jesús Salán, J. Fernández:
Convective Instabilities in Homeotropic Nematics: Patterns and Dynamical Effects in nonlinear Regimes. 2751-2758 - Maria Luisa Ramón, Stefano Boccaletti, Riccardo Meucci, Enrico Allaria
Pattern Formation and Dynamics in an annular CO2 Laser. 2759-2770 - B. Peña, C. Pérez-García:
Phase Instabilities of Distorted Hexagonal Patterns. 2771-2778 - Maria Luisa Ramón, Diego Maza
, Héctor Mancini, Ana M. Mancho
, Henar Herrero
Hexagonal Structure in Intermediate Aspect Ratio BéNard-Marangoni convection. 2779-2788 - A. Aumann, Thorsten Ackemann
, Edgar Große Westhoff, Wulfhard Lange:
Transition to spatiotemporally Irregular States in a Single-Mirror Feedback System. 2789-2808 - Luc Pastur, Roland Ribotta:
Subcritical Transition towards Space-Time Chaos. 2809-2816 - Alvaro Perales, Luis L. Bonilla, Miguel Moscoso
, Jorge Galán
Spatiotemporal Structures in undoped photoexcited semiconductor superlattices. 2817-2822 - Oliver Sandfuchs, Friedemann Kaiser, Milivoj R. Belic
Wave Mixing in a Bulk Photorefractive Medium: Spatiotemporal Structures and amplitude equations. 2823-2836 - Irene Sendiña-Nadal
, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri
Noise-Enhanced wave Train Propagation in Unexcitable Media. 2837-2844 - Kestutis Staliunas
Spatial and Temporal noise spectra of Spatially Extended Systems with Order-disorder phase Transitions. 2845-2852 - Sandra Kahan, Raúl Montagne:
Controlling Spatiotemporal Chaos in Optical Systems. 2853-2862 - V. M. Somsikov:
Nonrecurrence Problem in Evolution of a Hard-Disk System. 2863-2866 - Ana M. Mancho
, Luis Vázquez Martínez, Henar Herrero
, Sergio Hoyas
Nonlinear Plane Waves in a Long-Wavelength convection Model. 2867-2874 - Santiago Madruga
, Stefano Boccaletti, Manuel A. Matias:
Effect of a Variable Delay in delayed Dynamical Systems. 2875-2880 - Miguel Angel Pelacho, Angel Garcimartín
, Javier Burguete
Travel Instabilities in lateral heating. 2881-2886 - W. González-Viñas
, S. Casado, Javier Burguete
, Héctor Mancini, Stefano Boccaletti:
Defect Dynamics during a Quench in a BéNard-Marangoni convection System. 2887-2894
Volume 11, Number 12, December 2001
- Tao Yang, Richard A. Kiehl, Leon O. Chua:
Tunneling phase Logic Cellular nonlinear Networks. 2895-2912 - Makoto Itoh, Pedro Julián
, Leon O. Chua:
Rtd-Based Cellular Neural Networks with Multiple steady States. 2913-2960 - Irene M. Moroz:
Self-exciting Faraday Disk homopolar Dynamos. 2961-2976 - Zhanybai T. Zhusubaliyev
, Evgeniy Soukhoterin, Erik Mosekilde
Border-Collision bifurcations and Chaotic oscillations in a piecewise-Smooth Dynamical System. 2977-3002 - Yoshitaka Hasegawa, Ryuichiro Tanaka, Yoshisuke Ueda:
On Rational phase-Locking oscillations of a Simple Sawtooth oscillator with Ujt. 3003-3032 - Yoshitaka Hasegawa, Yoshisuke Ueda:
Tangled Separatrices on Two Degrees of Freedom swing equation System. 3033-3058 - Krista J. Taylor, Bo Deng:
Chaotic attractors in One-Dimension Generated by a singular Shilnikov Orbit. 3059-3084 - Hinke M. Osinga
, Jan Wiersig
, Paul Glendinning, Ulrike Feudel:
Multistability and nonsmooth bifurcations in the Quasiperiodically forced Circle Map. 3085-3106 - Stergios Papadimitriou, Tassos Bountis, Seferina Mavroudi
, Anastasios Bezerianos
A Probabilistic Symmetric Encryption Scheme for Very Fast Secure Communication Based on Chaotic Systems of difference equations. 3107-3116 - Yong Ren, Yongxiang Xia, Xiuming Shan, Jian Yuan:
Driving Synchronization of Spatiotemporal Chaos and its Applications in CDMA Communications. 3117-3124 - Kazuyuki Yagasaki
, Yoshiyuki Tochio:
Experimental Control of Chaos by Modifications of delayed Feedback. 3125-3132 - D. R. Kulkarni, R. E. Amritkar:
Decoding of Signal from phase modulated unstable periodic Orbit. 3133-3136 - Zonghua Liu, Bambi Hu:
Phase Clusters in 2D Arrays of Nonidentical oscillators. 3137-3144 - Alicia Serfaty de Markus:
Scaling Laws in numerical Instabilities induced by Fixed-Step Integration of Dynamical Systems. 3145-3152 - Cuncai Hua, Qishao Lu:
Time-Dependent bifurcation: a New Method and Applications. 3153-3162 - Mathieu Baillif, André de Carvalho
Piecewise Linear Model for Tree Maps. 3163-3170 - John F. Lindner, Kurt Wiesenfeld:
The Pendulum Automaton. 3171-
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