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Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: T
- Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu
Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer US 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35544-3
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Hans Hinterberger:
Table. 2907 - Table Design. 2907
- Table Normalization. 2908
- Josep Domingo-Ferrer:
Tabular Data. 2908 - Tamper-Proof Hardware. 2908
- Tape Libraries. 2908
- Tapes. 2908
- Task. 2908
- Taxonomies. 2908
- Vipul Kashyap:
Taxonomy: Biomedical Health Informatics. 2908-2911 - Vijay Khatri, Richard T. Snodgrass, Paolo Terenziani:
Telic Distinction in Temporal Databases. 2911-2914 - Manolis Koubarakis:
Telos. 2914-2920 - Yue Zhang, James B. D. Joshi:
Temporal Access Control. 2920-2924 - Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen, Christian S. Jensen:
Temporal Aggregation. 2924-2929 - Abdullah Uz Tansel:
Temporal Algebras. 2929-2932 - Temporal Assignment. 2932
- Temporal Association Mining. 2932
- Michael H. Böhlen:
Temporal Coalescing. 2932-2936 - Michael H. Böhlen, Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Compatibility. 2936-2939 - Vijay Khatri:
Temporal Conceptual Models. 2940-2945 - Peter Z. Revesz
Temporal Constraints. 2945-2948 - Nikos Mamoulis:
Temporal Data Mining. 2948-2952 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Data Models. 2952-2957 - Temporal Data Warehousing. 2957
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Database. 2957-2960 - Jef Wijsen:
Temporal Dependencies. 2960-2966 - Temporal Domain. 2966
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Element. 2966 - Temporal Evolution. 2966
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Expression. 2967 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Generalization. 2967-2968 - Claudio Bettini, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia:
Temporal Granularity. 2968-2973 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Homogeneity. 2973 - Curtis E. Dyreson:
Temporal Indeterminacy. 2973-2976 - Temporal Information Retrieval. 2976
- Jef Wijsen:
Temporal Integrity Constraints. 2976-2982 - Dengfeng Gao:
Temporal Joins. 2982-2987 - Temporal Layer. 2987
- Temporal Logic. 2987
- Jan Chomicki, David Toman:
Temporal Logic in Database Query Languages. 2987-2991 - Arie Shoshani:
Temporal Logical Models. 2992-2998 - Temporal Middleware. 2998
- Carlo Combi:
Temporal Object-Oriented Databases. 2998-3004 - Paolo Terenziani:
Temporal Periodicity. 3004-3008 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Projection. 3008 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Query Languages. 3009-3012 - Michael H. Böhlen:
Temporal Query Processing. 3012-3015 - Temporal Relation. 3015
- Jan Chomicki, David Toman:
Temporal Relational Calculus. 3015-3016 - Temporal Restriction. 3017
- Temporal Semi-Structured Data. 3017
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Specialization. 3017-3018 - Kristian Torp:
Temporal Strata. 3018-3023 - Temporal Structure. 3023
- Temporal Type. 3023
- Temporal Upward Compatibility. 3023
- John F. Roddick
, David Toman:
Temporal Vacuuming. 3023-3027 - Temporal Value. 3027
- Temporal Visual Interfaces. 3027
- Ulrich Schiel, Sônia Fernandes Silva:
Temporal Visual Languages. 3027-3032 - Temporal Visual Queries. 3032
- Curtis E. Dyreson, Fabio Grandi:
Temporal XML. 3032-3035 - Temporally Indeterminate Databases. 3035
- Temporally Uncertain Databases. 3035
- Temporally Weak. 3035
- Term Expansion. 3035
- Term Expansion Models. 3035
- Term Frequency Normalization. 3035
- Term Frequency by Inverse Document Frequency. 3035
- Term Processing. 3035
- Vassilis Plachouras:
Term Proximity. 3036 - Mounia Lalmas:
Term Statistics for Structured Text Retrieval. 3036-3037 - Ibrahim Abu El-Khair
Term Weighting. 3037-3040 - Term-Document Matching Function. 3040
- Terminologic Languages. 3040
- Terminological Database. 3040
- Ben Carterette:
Test Collection. 3040-3041 - Text Analytics. 3041
- Dou Shen:
Text Categorization. 3041-3044 - Text Classification. 3044
- Hua Li:
Text Clustering. 3044-3046 - Paolo Ferragina, Igor Nitto:
Text Compression. 3046-3048 - Text Data Mining. 3048
- Text Databases. 3048
- Text Extraction. 3048
- Li Zhang, Jian-Tao Sun:
Text Generation. 3048-3051 - Haoda Huang, Benyu Zhang:
Text Indexing and Retrieval. 3055-3058 - Edleno Silva de Moura:
Text Indexing Techniques. 3058-3061 - Yanli Cai, Jian-Tao Sun:
Text Mining. 3061-3065 - Padmini Srinivasan:
Text Mining of Biological Resources. 3065-3068 - Jun Yan:
Text Representation. 3069-3072 - Text Retrieval. 3072
- Haoda Huang, Benyu Zhang:
Text Segmentation. 3072-3075 - Jun Yan, Jian Hu:
Text Semantic Representation. 3075-3078 - Ning Liu:
Text Streaming Model. 3078-3079 - Dou Shen:
Text Summarization. 3079-3083 - Haoda Huang, Benyu Zhang:
Text Visualization. 3083-3085 - Text-based Image Retrieval. 3085
- Text/Document Summarization. 3085
- Ibrahim Abu El-Khair
TF*IDF. 3085-3086 - tgd. 3086
- Hans Hinterberger:
Thematic Map. 3086-3087 - Theme Algebra. 3087
- Thesauri Business Catalogues. 3087
- Thiessen Polygons. 3087
- Marcelo Arenas:
Third Normal Form. 3087-3088 - Thread Lifecycle. 3088
- Martin Breunig:
Three-Dimensional GIS and Geological Applications. 3088-3091 - Three-Dimensional Similarity Search. 3091
- Yousef J. Al-Houmaily, George Samaras:
Three-Phase Commit. 3091-3097 - Thresholding. 3097
- Serguei Mankovskii:
Tight Coupling. 3097 - Betsy George, Shashi Shekhar:
Time Aggregated Graphs. 3097-3098 - Omar Alonso, Michael Gertz:
Time and Information Retrieval. 3098-3103 - Time Dependent Geometry. 3103
- Time Distance. 3103
- Angelo Montanari, Jan Chomicki:
Time Domain. 3103-3107 - Time Granularity. 3107
- Peter Øhrstrøm, Per F. V. Hasle:
Time in Philosophical Logic. 3107-3111 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Time Instant. 3112 - Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Time Interval. 3112-3113 - Nikos A. Lorentzos:
Time Period. 3113 - Time Period Set. 3113
- Time Point. 3113
- Time Quantum. 3113
- Time Sequence. 3113
- Time Sequence Query. 3113
- Time Sequence Search. 3114
- Time Series. 3114
- Time Series Data Mining. 3114
- Time Series Database Querying. 3114
- Like Gao, Xiaoyang Sean Wang:
Time Series Query. 3114-3119 - Time Series Search. 3119
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Time Span. 3119 - Time Unit. 3119
- Time-Constrained Transaction Management. 3119
- Time-Dependent Graphs. 3119
- Time-Dependent Networks. 3119
- Time-based Access Control. 3119
- Time-based Window. 3119
- Curtis E. Dyreson:
Time-Line Clock. 3120 - Time-Oriented Database. 3120
- Time-Segment Clock. 3120
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Timeslice Operator. 3120-3121 - TIN. 3121
- Tiny Aggregation (TAG). 3121
- TinyDB. 3121
- TinySQL. 3121
- t-Norm. 3121
- Ning Liu:
Topic Detection and Tracking. 3121-3124 - Topic Hierarchies. 3124
- James Caverlee:
Topic Maps. 3124-3126 - Topical-Hierarchical Relevance. 3126
- Hans-Arno Jacobsen:
Topic-based Publish/Subscribe. 3127-3129 - Top-k Queries in P2P Systems. 3129
- Topic-Directed Web Crawling. 3129
- Amélie Marian:
Top-K Selection Queries on Multimedia Datasets. 3129-3132 - Top-k XML Query Processing. 3132
- Erik G. Hoel:
Topological Data Models. 3132-3140 - Topological Data Structure. 3140
- Topological Fabric. 3140
- Paolino Di Felice, Eliseo Clementini:
Topological Relationships. 3140-3143 - TP. 3143
- Topology. 3143
- Toponyms. 3143
- Tour. 3143
- TP Monitor. 3144
- TPQ. 3144
- Bettina Kemme:
Traditional Concurrency Control for Replicated Databases. 3144-3149 - Traditional Data Replication. 3149
- Traditional Replica and Concurrency Control Strategies. 3149
- Ralf Hartmut Güting:
Trajectory. 3150 - Trajectory Databases. 3150
- Trajectory Indexing. 3150
- Gottfried Vossen:
Transaction. 3150-3151 - Dennis E. Shasha:
Transaction Chopping. 3151-3152 - Transaction Commit Time. 3152
- Transaction Execution. 3152
- Gottfried Vossen:
Transaction Management. 3153-3157 - Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems. 3157
- Andreas Reuter:
Transaction Manager. 3157 - Transaction Model. 3157
- Gottfried Vossen:
Transaction Models - the Read/Write Approach. 3158-3162 - Transaction Processing. 3162
- Transaction Scheduling. 3162
- Transaction Service. 3162
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Transaction Time. 3162-3163 - Transactional Business Processes. 3163
- Transactional Consistency in a Replicated Database. 3163
- Gustavo Alonso:
Transactional Middleware. 3163-3166 - Heiko Schuldt
Transactional Processes. 3166 - Transactional Workflows. 3166
- Transaction-Time Access Methods. 3167
- Transaction-Time Algebras. 3167
- Transaction-Time Data Model. 3167
- Mirella M. Moro, Vassilis J. Tsotras:
Transaction-Time Indexing. 3167-3171 - Transcriptional Networks. 3172
- Transformation. 3172
- Transformation Engines. 3172
- Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). 3172
- Translingual Information Retrieval. 3172
- Tree Drawing. 3172
- Tree Pattern Queries. 3172
- Yannis Manolopoulos, Yannis Theodoridis, Vassilis J. Tsotras:
Tree-based Indexing. 3172-3173 - Jean-Daniel Fekete:
Treemaps. 3173-3177 - Tree-Structured Classifier. 3177
- Vilém Novák:
Triangular Norms. 3177-3178 - Leila De Floriani, Paola Magillo:
Triangulated Irregular Network. 3178-3179 - Triangulated Terrains. 3179
- Maxime Crochemore, Thierry Lecroq:
Trie. 3179-3182 - Triggers. 3182
- True Answer (Maybe Answer). 3182
- Zoran Despotovic:
Trust and Reputation in Peer-to-Peer Systems. 3183-3187 - Nitin Agarwal, Huan Liu:
Trust in Blogosphere. 3187-3191 - Trusted Database Systems. 3191
- Radu Sion:
Trusted Hardware. 3191-3192 - Richard T. Snodgrass:
TSQL2. 3192-3197 - Tug-of-War Sketch. 3197
- Philippe Bonnet, Dennis E. Shasha:
Tuning Concurrency Control. 3198-3201 - Tuning the Application Interface. 3201
- Tuple Relational Calculus. 3201
- Ronald Fagin:
Tuple-Generating Dependencies. 3201-3202 - Twigs. 3202
- Lei Chen:
Two-Dimensional Shape Retrieval. 3202-3203 - Yousef J. Al-Houmaily, George Samaras:
Two-Phase Commit. 3204-3209 - Jens Lechtenbörger:
Two-Phase Commit Protocol. 3209-3213 - Georg Lausen:
Two-Phase Locking. 3214-3218 - Giambattista Amati:
Two-Poisson model. 3218-3219 - Two-Sorted First-Order Logic. 3220
- Type Theory. 3220
- Hans-Arno Jacobsen:
Type-based Publish/Subscribe. 3220
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