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Griffin M. Weber
2020 – today
- 2024
- [j31]Nicholas J. Dobbins
, Michele Morris, Eugene Sadhu, Douglas MacFadden, Marc-Danie Nazaire, William Simons, Griffin M. Weber, Shawn N. Murphy, Shyam Visweswaran
Towards cross-application model-agnostic federated cohort discovery. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 31(10): 2202-2209 (2024) - [j30]Turanay Caner
, Beverly B. Tyler
, Melissa M. Appleyard
, Griffin M. Weber
Interdisciplinary Problem Solving in Hybrid Organizations: The Implications of Scientific Reputation and Disciplinary Knowledge Diversity. IEEE Trans. Engineering Management 71: 8826-8838 (2024) - 2023
- [j29]Jeffrey G. Klann
, Darren W. Henderson
, Michele Morris, Hossein Estiri
, Griffin M. Weber
, Shyam Visweswaran
, Shawn N. Murphy:
A broadly applicable approach to enrich electronic-health-record cohorts by identifying patients with complete data: a multisite evaluation. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 30(12): 1985-1994 (2023) - [j28]Amelia L. M. Tan, Emily J. Getzen, Meghan R. Hutch, Zachary H. Strasser
, Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristán
, Trang T. Le, Arianna Dagliati, Michele Morris, David A. Hanauer, Bertrand Moal, Clara-Lea Bonzel, William Yuan, Lorenzo Chiudinelli
, Priyam Das
, Harrison G. Zhang, Bruce J. Aronow, Paul Avillach, Gabriel A. Brat, Tianxi Cai, Chuan Hong, William G. La Cava
, He Hooi Will Loh, Yuan Luo, Shawn N. Murphy, Kee Yuan Hgiam, Gilbert S. Omenn, Lav P. Patel, Malarkodi J. Samayamuthu, Emily R. Shriver, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Byorn W. L. Tan, Shyam Visweswaran, Xuan Wang, Griffin M. Weber, Zongqi Xia, Bertrand Verdy, Qi Long, Danielle L. Mowery
, John H. Holmes:
Informative missingness: What can we learn from patterns in missing laboratory data in the electronic health record? J. Biomed. Informatics 139: 104306 (2023) - [c19]Yun William Yu, Griffin M. Weber:
HyperMinHash: MinHash in LogLog Space (Extended Abstract). ICDE 2023: 3881-3882 - [c18]Huimin Xu, Redoan Rahman, Ajay Jaiswal, Julia Fensel, Abhinav Peri, Kamesh Peri, Griffin M. Weber, Ying Ding:
Disparity in the Evolving COVID-19 Collaboration Network. iConference (1) 2023: 331-339 - [i3]Huimin Xu, Redoan Rahman, Ajay Jaiswal, Julia Fensel, Abhinav Peri, Kamesh Peri, Griffin M. Weber, Ying Ding:
Disparity in the Evolving COVID-19 Collaboration Network. CoRR abs/2303.02473 (2023) - 2022
- [j27]Doudou Zhou, Ziming Gan, Xu Shi
, Alina Patwari, Everett Neil Rush
, Clara-Lea Bonzel
, Vidul Ayakulangara Panickan
, Chuan Hong, Yuk-Lam Ho, Tianrun Cai, Lauren Costa
, Xiaoou Li, Victor M. Castro, Shawn N. Murphy, Gabriel A. Brat, Griffin M. Weber, Paul Avillach, J. Michael Gaziano, Kelly Cho, Katherine P. Liao
, Junwei Lu
, Tianxi Cai
Multiview Incomplete Knowledge Graph Integration with application to cross-institutional EHR data harmonization. J. Biomed. Informatics 133: 104147 (2022) - [j26]Dianbo Liu, Kathe P. Fox, Griffin M. Weber, Timothy A. Miller:
Confederated learning in healthcare: Training machine learning models using disconnected data separated by individual, data type and identity for Large-Scale health system Intelligence. J. Biomed. Informatics 134: 104151 (2022) - [j25]Xuan Wang
, Harrison G. Zhang
, Xin Xiong
, Chuan Hong, Griffin M. Weber
, Gabriel A. Brat
, Clara-Lea Bonzel
, Yuan Luo, Rui Duan, Nathan P. Palmer
, Meghan R. Hutch, Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristán
, Riccardo Bellazzi
, Luca Chiovato
, Kelly Cho
, Arianna Dagliati
, Hossein Estiri
, Noelia García-Barrio
, Romain Griffier, David A. Hanauer
, Yuk-Lam Ho
, John H. Holmes
, Mark S. Keller, Jeffrey G. Klann, Sehi L'Yi, Sara Lozano-Zahonero
, Sarah E. Maidlow
, Adeline Makoudjou, Alberto Malovini
, Bertrand Moal, Jason H. Moore, Michele Morris
, Danielle L. Mowery
, Shawn N. Murphy, Antoine Neuraz
, Kee Yuan Ngiam, Gilbert S. Omenn
, Lav P. Patel
, Miguel Pedrera-Jiménez
, Andrea Prunotto, Malarkodi J. Samayamuthu, Fernando J. Sanz Vidorreta, Emily Schriver
, Petra Schubert
, Pablo Serrano-Balazote
, Andrew M. South
, Amelia L. M. Tan, Byorn W. L. Tan, Valentina Tibollo
, Patric Tippmann
, Shyam Visweswaran, Zongqi Xia
, William Yuan, Daniela Zöller
, Isaac S. Kohane, Paul Avillach
, Zijian Guo, Tianxi Cai
SurvMaximin: Robust federated approach to transporting survival risk prediction models. J. Biomed. Informatics 134: 104176 (2022) - [j24]Griffin M. Weber, Chuan Hong
, Zongqi Xia
, Nicolas Paris, Miguel Pedrera-Jiménez
, Ashley C. Pfaff, Emily R. Pfaff, Danielle Pillion, Sara Pizzimenti, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Robson A. Prudente, Andrea Prunotto, Víctor Quirós-González
, Maryna Raskin, Siegbert Rieg, Gustavo Roig-Domínguez, Pablo Rojo, Paula Rubio-Mayo, Paolo Sacchi, Carlos Sáez, Elisa Salamanca, Malarkodi Jebathilagam Samayamuthu, L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto
, Arnaud Sandrin, Nandhini Santhanam, Janaina C. C. Santos, Fernando J. Sanz Vidorreta, Maria Savino, Jürgen Schüttler, Luigia Scudeller
, Neil J. Sebire
, Pablo Serrano-Balazote
, Patricia Serre, Arnaud Serret-Larmande
, Mohsin Shah, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Domenick Silvio, Piotr Sliz, Jiyeon Son, Charles Sonday, Andrew M. South
, Francesca Sperotto
, Zachary H. Strasser, Bryce W. Q. Tan, Suzana E. Tanni, Deanne M. Taylor, Ana I. Terriza-Torres, Patric Tippmann
, Emma M. S. Toh, Yi-Ju Tseng
, Andrew K. Vallejos, Gaël Varoquaux, Margaret E. Vella, Guillaume Verdy, Jill-Jênn Vie
, Michele Vitacca
, Kavishwar B. Wagholikar, Lemuel R. Waitman, Demian Wassermann, Martin Wolkewitz, Scott Wong, Xin Xiong, Ye Ye, Nadir Yehya, William Yuan, Alberto Zambelli
, Harrison G. Zhang
, Daniela Zöller
, Valentina Zuccaro, Chiara Zucco:
International comparisons of laboratory values from the 4CE collaborative to predict COVID-19 mortality. npj Digit. Medicine 5 (2022) - [j23]Harrison G. Zhang
, Arianna Dagliati
, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Xin Xiong
, Clara-Lea Bonzel, Zongqi Xia
, Bryce W. Q. Tan, Paul Avillach
, Gabriel A. Brat, Chuan Hong
, Michele Morris, Shyam Visweswaran
, Lav P. Patel
, Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristán
, David A. Hanauer
, John H. Holmes, Malarkodi Jebathilagam Samayamuthu, Florence T. Bourgeois, Sehi L'Yi
, Sarah E. Maidlow
, Bertrand Moal, Shawn N. Murphy
, Zachary H. Strasser
, Antoine Neuraz
, Kee Yuan Ngiam
, Ne-Hooi Will Loh
, Gilbert S. Omenn
, Andrea Prunotto, Lauren A. Dalvin
, Jeffrey G. Klann
, Petra Schubert
, Fernando J. Sanz Vidorreta, Vincent Benoit
, Guillaume Verdy, Ramakanth Kavuluru, Hossein Estiri
, Yuan Luo
, Alberto Malovini
, Valentina Tibollo
, Riccardo Bellazzi
, Kelly Cho, Yuk-Lam Ho
, Amelia L. M. Tan
, Byorn W. L. Tan, Nils Gehlenborg, Sara Lozano-Zahonero, Vianney Jouhet
, Luca Chiovato
, Bruce J. Aronow
, Emma M. S. Toh, Wei Gen Scott Wong
, Sara Pizzimenti, Kavishwar B. Wagholikar
, Mauro Bucalo
, Tianxi Cai
, Andrew M. South
, Isaac S. Kohane
, Griffin M. Weber:
International electronic health record-derived post-acute sequelae profiles of COVID-19 patients. npj Digit. Medicine 5 (2022) - [j22]Yun William Yu
, Griffin M. Weber
HyperMinHash: MinHash in LogLog Space. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 34(1): 328-339 (2022) - [c17]Jeffrey G. Klann, Michael Mendis, Kevin Bui, Griffin M. Weber, Diane Keogh, Shawn N. Murphy:
Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) in 2022: Single Sign On and Synthetic Data. AMIA 2022 - [c16]Anupama Maram, Nick Benik, Griffin M. Weber, Jeffrey G. Klann:
i2b2 Modern UI to Achieve Unified i2b2/SHRINE User Experience. AMIA 2022 - 2021
- [j21]Ziye Tao, Griffin M. Weber
, Yun William Yu:
Expected 10-anonymity of HyperLogLog sketches for federated queries of clinical data repositories. Bioinform. 37(Supplement): 151-160 (2021) - [j20]Melissa A. Haendel, Christopher G. Chute, Tellen D. Bennett, David A. Eichmann
, Justin Guinney, Warren A. Kibbe
, Philip R. O. Payne, Emily R. Pfaff
, Peter N. Robinson
, Joel H. Saltz, Heidi Spratt, Christine Suver, John Wilbanks, Adam B. Wilcox, Andrew E. Williams, Chunlei Wu, Clair Blacketer, Robert L. Bradford, James J. Cimino, Marshall Clark, Evan W. Colmenares, Patricia A. Francis, Davera Gabriel, Alexis Graves, Raju Hemadri, Stephanie S. Hong, George Hripcsak, Dazhi Jiao, Jeffrey G. Klann, Kristin Kostka, Adam M. Lee, Harold P. Lehmann, Lora Lingrey, Robert T. Miller, Michele Morris, Shawn N. Murphy, Karthik Natarajan, Matvey B. Palchuk, Usman Sheikh, Harold Solbrig, Shyam Visweswaran, Anita Walden, Kellie M. Walters, Griffin M. Weber, Xiaohan Tanner Zhang, Richard L. Zhu, Benjamin R. C. Amor, Andrew T. Girvin, Amin Manna, Nabeel Qureshi, Michael G. Kurilla, Sam G. Michael, Lili M. Portilla, Joni L. Rutter, Christopher P. Austin, Ken R. Gersing:
The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Rationale, design, infrastructure, and deployment. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 28(3): 427-443 (2021) - [j19]Jeffrey G. Klann
, Hossein Estiri
, Griffin M. Weber
, Bertrand Moal
, Paul Avillach
, Chuan Hong
, Amelia L. M. Tan
, Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones
, Victor M. Castro, Thomas Maulhardt
, Alon Geva
, Alberto Malovini
, Andrew M. South
, Shyam Visweswaran
, Michele Morris
, Malarkodi J. Samayamuthu, Gilbert S. Omenn
, Kee Yuan Ngiam
, Kenneth D. Mandl
, Martin Boeker
, Karen L. Olson
, Danielle L. Mowery
, Robert W. Follett
, David A. Hanauer
, Riccardo Bellazzi
, Jason H. Moore
, Ne-Hooi Will Loh
, Douglas S. Bell
, Kavishwar B. Wagholikar
, Luca Chiovato
, Valentina Tibollo
, Siegbert Rieg
, Anthony L. L. J. Li, Vianney Jouhet
, Emily Schriver, Zongqi Xia
, Meghan Hutch, Yuan Luo
, Isaac S. Kohane, Gabriel A. Brat
, Shawn N. Murphy:
Validation of an internationally derived patient severity phenotype to support COVID-19 analytics from electronic health record data. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 28(7): 1411-1420 (2021) - [j18]Harrison G. Zhang
, Boris P. Hejblum
, Griffin M. Weber
, Nathan P. Palmer, Susanne E. Churchill, Peter Szolovits, Shawn N. Murphy, Katherine P. Liao, Isaac S. Kohane, Tianxi Cai
ATLAS: an automated association test using probabilistically linked health records with application to genetic studies. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 28(12): 2582-2592 (2021) - [j17]Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones
, William Yuan, Gabriel A. Brat
, Andrew L. Beam
, Griffin M. Weber
, Marshall Ruffin, Isaac S. Kohane
Machine learning for patient risk stratification: standing on, or looking over, the shoulders of clinicians? npj Digit. Medicine 4 (2021) - [c15]Jeffrey G. Klann, Michael Mendis, Peter Rice, Rudy Potenzone, Louisa May Klann, Griffin M. Weber, Diane Keogh, Shawn N. Murphy:
Integrating Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside with tranSMART: Flexible Data Warehousing with Complex Analytics. AMIA 2021 - [c14]Jeffrey G. Klann, Griffin M. Weber, Emma Perez, William Yuan, Gabriel A. Brat, Shawn N. Murphy:
Combining Chart Review and Hospital System Dynamics for Electronic Health Record Phenotyping in an International COVID-19 Research Network. AMIA 2021 - 2020
- [j16]Gabriel A. Brat
, Griffin M. Weber
, Nils Gehlenborg, Paul Avillach
, Nathan P. Palmer, Luca Chiovato
, James J. Cimino
, Lemuel R. Waitman, Gilbert S. Omenn
, Alberto Malovini
, Jason H. Moore, Brett K. Beaulieu-Jones
, Valentina Tibollo
, Shawn N. Murphy, Sehi L'Yi
, Mark S. Keller
, Riccardo Bellazzi
, David A. Hanauer
, Arnaud Serret-Larmande
, Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristán
, John J. Holmes, Douglas S. Bell
, Kenneth D. Mandl
, Robert W. Follett
, Jeffrey G. Klann
, Douglas A. Murad, Luigia Scudeller
, Mauro Bucalo
, Katie G. Kirchoff
, Jean B. Craig, Jihad S. Obeid
, Vianney Jouhet
, Romain Griffier
, Sébastien Cossin
, Bertrand Moal, Lav P. Patel
, Antonio Bellasi
, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Detlef Kraska, Piotr Sliz
, Amelia L. M. Tan
, Kee Yuan Ngiam
, Alberto Zambelli
, Danielle L. Mowery
, Emily Schriver
, Batsal Devkota, Robert L. Bradford
, Mohamad Daniar, Christel Daniel, Vincent Benoit, Romain Bey, Nicolas Paris, Patricia Serre, Nina Orlova, Julien Dubiel, Martin Hilka, Anne-Sophie Jannot
, Stéphane Bréant, Judith Leblanc
, Nicolas Griffon
, Anita Burgun, Mélodie Bernaux, Arnaud Sandrin, Elisa Salamanca, Sylvie Cormont, Thomas Ganslandt
, Tobias Gradinger
, Julien Champ
, Martin Boeker
, Patricia Martel, Loic Estève, Alexandre Gramfort, Olivier Grisel, Damien Leprovost
, Thomas Moreau, Gaël Varoquaux, Jill-Jênn Vie
, Demian Wassermann
, Arthur Mensch, Charlotte Caucheteux, Christian Haverkamp
, Guillaume Lemaitre, Silvano Bosari
, Ian D. Krantz
, Andrew M. South
, Tianxi Cai
, Isaac S. Kohane
International electronic health record-derived COVID-19 clinical course profiles: the 4CE consortium. npj Digit. Medicine 3 (2020) - [c13]Douglas MacFadden, Shawn N. Murphy, Griffin M. Weber, Anupama Maram:
National Informatics Infrastructure Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. AMIA 2020 - [c12]Anupama Maram, Griffin M. Weber:
Accrual to Clinical Trials (ACT) - a SHRINE User Interface Refresh to Search for 125+ Million Lives. AMIA 2020 - [c11]Andrew L. Beam, Benjamin Kompa, Allen Schmaltz, Inbar Fried, Griffin M. Weber, Nathan P. Palmer, Xu Shi, Tianxi Cai, Isaac S. Kohane:
Clinical Concept Embeddings Learned from Massive Sources of Multimodal Medical Data. PSB 2020: 295-306 - [i2]Katy Börner, Ellen M. Quardokus, Bruce William Herr II, Leonard E. Cross, Elizabeth G. Record, Yingnan Ju, Andreas D. Bueckle
, James P. Sluka, Jonathan C. Silverstein, Kristen M. Browne, Sanjay Jain, Clive H. Wasserfall, Marda L. Jorgensen, Jeffrey M. Spraggins, Nathan Heath Patterson, Mark A. Musen, Griffin M. Weber:
Construction and Usage of a Human Body Common Coordinate Framework Comprising Clinical, Semantic, and Spatial Ontologies. CoRR abs/2007.14474 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j15]Michael P. Snyder
, Shin Lin, Amanda Posgai, Mark Atkinson, Aviv Regev, Jennifer Rood, Orit Rozenblatt-Rosen, Leslie Gaffney, Anna Hupalowska, Rahul Satija, Nils Gehlenborg, Jay Shendure, Julia Laskin
, Pehr Harbury
, Nicholas A. Nystrom, Jonathan C. Silverstein
, Ziv Bar-Joseph, Kun Zhang, Katy Börner, Yiing Lin
, Richard Conroy, Dena Procaccini, Ananda L. Roy, Ajay Pillai
, Marishka Brown, Zorina S. Galis, Long Cai, Cole Trapnell, Dana Jackson, Garry P. Nolan, William James Greenleaf, Sylvia K. Plevritis, Sara Ahadi, Stephanie A. Nevins, Hayan Lee
, Christian Martijn Schuerch, Sarah Black, Vishal Gautham Venkataraaman, Ed Esplin
, Aaron Horning, Amir Bahmani, Xin Sun, Sanjay Jain, James S. Hagood, Gloria Pryhuber, Peter V. Kharchenko, Bernd Bodenmiller
, Todd Brusko
, Michael Clare-Salzler, Harry Nick, Kevin Otto
, Clive Wasserfall, Marda Jorgensen, Maigan Brusko, Sergio Maffioletti, Richard M. Caprioli, Jeffrey M. Spraggins
, Danielle Gutierrez, Nathan Heath Patterson, Elizabeth K. Neumann, Raymond Harris
, Mark P. de Caestecker, Agnes B. Fogo, Raf Van de Plas, Ken Lau, Guo-Cheng Yuan, Qian Zhu, Ruben Dries, Peng Yin, Sinem K. Saka, Jocelyn Y. Kishi, Yu Wang
, Isabel Goldaracena
, Dong Hye Ye, Kristin E. Burnum-Johnson, Paul D. Piehowski
, Charles Ansong, Ying Zhu, Tushar Desai, Jay Mulye, Peter Chou, Monica Nagendran, Sarah A. Teichmann, Benedict Paten, Robert F. Murphy, Jian Ma
, Vladimir Yu. Kiselev, Carl Kingsford, Allyson Ricarte, Maria Keays, Sushma Anand Akoju
, Matthew Ruffalo, Margaret Vella, Chuck McCallum, Leonard E. Cross, Samuel H. Friedman
, Randy W. Heiland, Bruce William Herr II, Paul Macklin
, Ellen M. Quardokus, Lisel Record, James P. Sluka, Griffin M. Weber, Philip D. Blood, Alexander Ropelewski, William Shirey, Robin M. Scibek, Paula M. Mabee, W. Christopher Lenhardt, Kimberly Robasky, Stavros Michailidis, John C. Marioni, Andrew Butler, Tim Stuart, Eyal Fisher
, Shila Ghazanfar
, Gökcen Eraslan, Tommaso Biancalani, Eeshit D. Vaishnav
, Pothur Srinivas, Aaron Pawlyk, Salvatore Sechi, Elizabeth L. Wilder, James Anderson:
The human body at cellular resolution: the NIH Human Biomolecular Atlas Program. Nat. 574(7777): 187-192 (2019) - [c10]Juliane Schneider, Kristi L. Holmes, Marc Ciriello, Griffin M. Weber, Diane Keogh:
Ten Years of CTSA Outputs and Moving Forward: How We Succeeded, What We Learned, and Moving Forward in the Open Science Environment. AMIA 2019 - 2017
- [j14]Griffin M. Weber
, William G. Adams, Elmer V. Bernstam
, Jonathan P. Bickel, Kathe P. Fox, Keith Marsolo, Vijay A. Raghavan, Alexander Turchin, Xiaobo Zhou, Shawn N. Murphy, Kenneth D. Mandl:
Biases introduced by filtering electronic health records for patients with "complete data". J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 24(6): 1134-1141 (2017) - [c9]Griffin M. Weber:
Real-Time Queries of Millions of Patients Using Probabilistic Sketches. AMIA 2017 - [c8]Nick Benik, Katy Börner, Nick Brown, Daniel Halsey, Daniel O'Donnell, Griffin M. Weber:
Visualizing healthcare system dynamics in biomedical Big Data. CRI 2017 - [c7]Nick Brown, Griffin M. Weber:
Profiles Research Networking Software: Recent Updates and Future Plans. CRI 2017 - [c6]Shawn N. Murphy, Christopher D. Herrick, Michael Mendis, Lori C. Phillips, Wayne Chan, Alyssa J. Porter, Griffin M. Weber, Susanne E. Churchill, Isaac S. Kohane:
Creating a Patient Information Commons from Multiple Research Informatics Platforms. CRI 2017 - [i1]Yun William Yu, Griffin M. Weber:
HyperMinHash: Jaccard index sketching in LogLog space. CoRR abs/1710.08436 (2017) - 2015
- [j13]Griffin M. Weber
Federated queries of clinical data repositories: Scaling to a national network. J. Biomed. Informatics 55: 231-236 (2015) - 2014
- [j12]Kenneth D. Mandl, Isaac S. Kohane, Douglas McFadden, Griffin M. Weber
, Marc D. Natter, Joshua C. Mandel, Sebastian Schneeweiss
, Sarah Weiler, Jeffrey G. Klann, Jonathan P. Bickel, William G. Adams, Yaorong Ge, Xiaobo Zhou, James Perkins, Keith Marsolo, Elmer V. Bernstam, John Showalter, Alexander Quarshie, Elizabeth O. Ofili, George Hripcsak, Shawn N. Murphy:
Brief communication: Scalable Collaborative Infrastructure for a Learning Healthcare System (SCILHS): Architecture. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 21(4): 615-620 (2014) - [j11]Jeffrey G. Klann, Michael D. Buck, Jeffrey S. Brown
, Marc Hadley, Richard Elmore, Griffin M. Weber
, Shawn N. Murphy:
Query Health: standards-based, cross-platform population health surveillance. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 21(4): 650-656 (2014) - [c5]Griffin M. Weber:
Profiles Research Networking Software: An Open Source Community. AMIA 2014 - 2013
- [j10]Marc D. Natter, Justin Quan, David M. Ortiz, Athos Bousvaros, Norman T. Ilowite
, Christi J. Inman, Keith Marsolo, Andrew J. McMurry, Christy Sandborg, Laura E. Schanberg, Carol A. Wallace, Robert W. Warren, Griffin M. Weber
, Kenneth D. Mandl:
An i2b2-based, generalizable, open source, self-scaling chronic disease registry. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 20(1): 172-179 (2013) - [c4]Griffin M. Weber:
Harvard Faculty Finder: Research Networking Across a University. AMIA 2013 - 2012
- [c3]Griffin M. Weber:
Harvard Catalyst Profiles: Finding collaborators outside biomedicine. AMIA 2012 - 2011
- [j9]Griffin M. Weber
, William K. Barnett
, Mike Conlon, David Eichmann
, Warren A. Kibbe
, Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski
, Michael Halaas, Layne Johnson, Eric Meeks, Donald Mitchell, Titus Schleyer
, Sarah C. Stallings, Michael Warden, Maninder Kahlon:
Direct2Experts: a pilot national network to demonstrate interoperability among research-networking platforms. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 18(Supplement): 157-160 (2011) - [j8]Kenneth C. Wang, Anthony Jeanmenne
, Griffin M. Weber
, Shrey K. Thawait, John A. Carrino:
An Online Evidence-Based Decision Support System for Distinguishing Benign from Malignant Vertebral Compression Fractures by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Feature Analysis. J. Digit. Imaging 24(3): 507-515 (2011) - [j7]Kenneth C. Wang, Anthony Jeanmenne, Griffin M. Weber
, Shrey K. Thawait, John A. Carrino:
Erratum to: An Online Evidence-Based Decision Support System for Distinguishing Benign from Malignant Vertebral Compression Fractures by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Feature Analysis. J. Digit. Imaging 24(4): 561 (2011) - 2010
- [j6]Shawn N. Murphy, Griffin M. Weber
, Michael Mendis, Vivian S. Gainer, Henry C. Chueh, Susanne E. Churchill, Isaac S. Kohane:
Serving the enterprise and beyond with informatics for integrating biology and the bedside (i2b2). J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 17(2): 124-130 (2010) - [j5]Ron Milo
, Paul Jorgensen, Uri Moran, Griffin M. Weber
, Michael Springer:
BioNumbers - the database of key numbers in molecular and cell biology. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database-Issue): 750-753 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j4]Griffin M. Weber
, Shawn N. Murphy, Andrew J. McMurry, Douglas MacFadden, Daniel J. Nigrin, Susanne E. Churchill, Isaac S. Kohane:
Application of Information Technology: The Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE): A Prototype Federated Query Tool for Clinical Data Repositories. J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc. 16(5): 624-630 (2009) - 2006
- [j3]Griffin M. Weber
, Lucila Ohno-Machado
, Stuart M. Shieber:
Representation in stochastic search for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. J. Biomed. Informatics 39(1): 43-50 (2006) - 2004
- [j2]Griffin M. Weber
, Staal Amund Vinterbo, Lucila Ohno-Machado
Multivariate selection of genetic markers in diagnostic classification. Artif. Intell. Medicine 31(2): 155-167 (2004) - 2002
- [j1]Lucila Ohno-Machado, Staal Amund Vinterbo, Griffin M. Weber:
Classification of gene expression data using fuzzy logic. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst. 12(1): 19-24 (2002) - [c2]Griffin M. Weber, Staal Amund Vinterbo, Lucila Ohno-Machado:
Building an asynchronous web-based tool for machine learning classification. AMIA 2002 - 2001
- [c1]Vishwanath Anantraman, Griffin M. Weber, Hamish Fraser, Heimar F. Marin, Eduardo P. Marques, Eduardo Massad, Lucila Ohno-Machado:
International Training in Medical Informatics: The Second Year of the Brazil/USA Project. AMIA 2001
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