BibTeX records: Andy Mingren Li

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  author       = {Julia Ive and
                  Andy Mingren Li and
                  Yishu Miao and
                  Ozan Caglayan and
                  Pranava Madhyastha and
                  Lucia Specia},
  title        = {Exploiting Multimodal Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine
  booktitle    = {{EACL}},
  pages        = {3222--3233},
  publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year         = {2021}
  author       = {Julia Ive and
                  Andy Mingren Li and
                  Yishu Miao and
                  Ozan Caglayan and
                  Pranava Madhyastha and
                  Lucia Specia},
  title        = {Exploiting Multimodal Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2102.11387},
  year         = {2021}